Drabble: Tipping Point (Heroes; Kaito, Adam)

Sep 04, 2008 17:32

#2 in a trio of drabbles about Adam, Angela and Kaito. The first was Methuselah, I. Followed by Dreamtime.

Spoilers for seasons 1-2, and for the deleted scenes which reveal Kaito and Angela's abilities. Contains speculation about the Company. I considered writing this in meta form at first, but then decided this was probably more concise.

Kaito Nakamura and Adam Monroe. PG. It all comes down to a single person.

If only we would let ourselves be dominated
as things do by some immense storm,
we would become strong too, and not need names.
- Rainer Maria Rilke, 'The Man Watching'

Tipping Point

The ancients said: Give me a lever and a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth.

You brought us together and made us your instruments. Taught me to decipher my gift, the sprawling threads of probability and chance. One man, you said, could be the different between miracle and disaster, the wedge between ice and fire.

We were all levers, guided by your vision. You knew all there was to know about us.

But you were the unknown, the unquantifiable. An engineer outside of his plan; the spinning fulcrum. Butterfly that concealed its wings and the hurricane gathering force behind them.

One man. Four hundred years, the difference between vision and desolation, order and chaos.

No matter what I say now, I know that you will not forgive me, I know you will never forget. There is no engine that can move you. The hubris would be to try.

4 September 2008

A/N: Kaito's ability is revealed in this deleted scene from an early episode of season 2. The "ancient" Kaito quotes is of course Archimedes.

my fic, fic-heroes, adam monroe

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