Beyond the Rift: It was a preface to motion, rolling down the Oklahoma highway...

Dec 18, 2008 22:26

A bus from the Conrad hotel is currently rolling south down I-55, toward Oklahoma. Which is the most logical place for a bus from a hotel in Chicago, right? Loaded onto the bus are a couple ancient and forever boys, a Time Lady, a couple doctors, and a couple guardian angels who really didn't have any choice in the matter (one of those people was counted twice - guess which one!).

There's still plenty room on the bus for any... passengers they might pick up in Oklahoma, but at the moment it mostly means that they all have room to stretch out, and read or nap or pester one another, depending.

The Doctor, for his part, has taken up a seat in the far back, sprawled out across a couple seats with his feet hanging out into the aisle, watching the country pass by out the opposite window. He offered to drive, but for some reason Martha was having none of that, so he'll settle for just sitting and thinking and watching the state of Illinois fly by. It's not often he travels the slow way. ...He's not sure he likes it. Really, he'd rather just be there now.

((OOC: Run this like a party thread or whatever you like, guys. It's a 12 hour drive to Oklahoma - there are plenty of opportunities for chatter. Or annoying Grace. Or playing the license plate game or bickering like children (boys, I'm looking at you) or... whatever.))

verse: beyond the rift, character: charlie walker, character: martha jones, what: rp thread, character: grace cassidy, [btr] roleplay, character: desmond descant

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