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Comments 22

Reply Part 1 kirin_saga August 29 2008, 04:41:49 UTC
1. Brawn only pretends to scorn Perceptor’s scientific work, because:

A. Poor Brawn! *hugs Brawn*

B. Does Perceptor know though? He might suspect if he notices how Brawn isn't confused at his explanations. Or if he knows what's what.

Perceptor: "Brawn, could you please hand me [insert name of scientific device here]."
Brawn: *hands it to him without thinking*
Perceptor: "Thank you." *suddenly realizes something and gives Brawn a look*
Brawn: *ignores* *curses self for slip*

C. Awww! That's so sweet of him!

D. Brawn has a crush! That's so cute! And that's so sweet of him! I wonder if Perceptor will ever realize.

E. *loves* Someone needs to see them arguing playfully!

F. So... they hate each other?

G. That... is so mean! Brawn, how could you? And what if Perceptor learned this, but didn't know what to do about it?

2. That'd be interesting! Or... Red Alert is Sideswipe's twin and... Grapple is Sunstreaker's?

4. Sunstreaker and Tracks are in constant pain? Or... they hurt themselves deliberately to appear more beautiful? Like ( ... )


Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 alabaster_demon August 29 2008, 05:12:45 UTC
B. Does Perceptor know though?

Maybe he knows, but he doesn't want to expose Brawn because he thinks Brawn's just being modest. Or maybe Perceptor thinks that Brawn is secretly a super-awesome-amazing-genius scientist, and he's being really careful not to drive him away...

D. I wonder if Perceptor will ever realize.

If he gets captured, or overhears Decepticons continuously referring to him as stupid (despite the fact that he cleared up that little cosmic rust problem), he might get a little confused and suspicious. He probably wouldn't suspect Brawn though.

And what if Perceptor learned this, but didn't know what to do about it?

Legally, I don't know what he could do... Maybe Swindle would have some suggestions?

Grapple is Sunstreaker's?

Hmmm... they both have different concepts of 'beauty', and they're both dedicated to those concepts in their own separate ways. Could work!

Soundwave: *glares at Rumble* "Removal of bell: Required."
Rumble: *pouts*
Ravage: *frantically chasing his tail**cackles* What if he welded it on? Not ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 kirin_saga August 31 2008, 04:12:15 UTC
Maybe he knows, but he doesn't want to expose Brawn because he thinks Brawn's just being modest. Or maybe Perceptor thinks that Brawn is secretly a super-awesome-amazing-genius scientist, and he's being really careful not to drive him away...

So Perceptor is either being really sweet, or really sneaky. Or maybe... both!

If he gets captured, or overhears Decepticons continuously referring to him as stupid (despite the fact that he cleared up that little cosmic rust problem), he might get a little confused and suspicious. He probably wouldn't suspect Brawn though.

He's probably think it was something he himself did. He's not one to place blame on others, even if that's where it should be.

Legally, I don't know what he could do... Maybe Swindle would have some suggestions?

Swindle/Perceptor! *LOVES* Swindle would be so helpful... for a price.

Hmmm... they both have different concepts of 'beauty', and they're both dedicated to those concepts in their own separate ways. Could work!Wow. My suggestion was better than I thought! I just ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 alabaster_demon September 1 2008, 22:58:47 UTC
So Perceptor is either being really sweet, or really sneaky. Or maybe... both!

Multiple-Personalities Perceptor?

He's probably think it was something he himself did. He's not one to place blame on others, even if that's where it should be.

So if he's not one to blame people, then how is he an Autobot? Because Autobots blame Decepticons for everything. *ponders*

I just wanted him related to a construction worker.

*pictures Sunstreaker in a big yellow hard hat* At least it matches his paintjob.

Ravage: *remembers what happened the last time Perceptor got a hold of him* *cowers*

*wants art of Puppy!Perceptor chasing Kitten!Ravage*

Ratchet: "Well, he was stupid enough to try to spy on us while wearing a bell... I say we let Perceptor keep him for a few days."

Someone once suggested Judge Optimus... What about Judge Ratchet? Because that's pretty fitting justice there, Ratch'.

Megatron: *smirks* "Once he sees the lab I'm giving him, he wouldn't even dream of refusing."

Smart mech.

Starscream: *looking through datapads* "Mating ( ... )


Reply Part 2 kirin_saga August 29 2008, 04:42:38 UTC

26. “DIBS!”

"-on the Microscope!"
"... Damn it!"

27. *giggles* I wonder what they're watching.

28. Primus: "There, there." *pats Unicron on the head* "Would you like a lollipop?"
Unicron: *sniffles* *accepts lollipop*

29. Scrap metal? Burnt energon?

30. I've seen a fic where Sideswipe shoves a photo in his mouth to keep Optimus from seeing it. It was called The Bet.

31. *loves* Poor Soundwave. Hopefully, he'll realize his kids need to live their own lives.

32. *confused* Oh, wait, I get it now! *is slow tonight*

You know...

to desex - (transitive) To remove another's sexual characteristics or functions, often physical sterilization.

I hope the Decepticons don't own an English Dictionary.

35. That be cute!

And speaking of bird-Seekers, have you seen this pic?

36. The nature of a microscope isn’t necessarily to see things, but to extend the vision of others. Perceptor himself can’t see everything, but he can help others to see what they otherwise would not.*LOVES* I might grab this myself. ( ... )


Re: Reply Part 2 alabaster_demon August 29 2008, 05:21:01 UTC
"-on the Microscope!"
"... Damn it!"

Ooh, who's talking? I suppose the second line could be a chorus of everyone except the one who said the first line.

27. *giggles* I wonder what they're watching.

*also wonders* Someone unexpected holding the camera?

Primus: "There, there." *pats Unicron on the head* "Would you like a lollipop?"
Unicron: *sniffles* *accepts lollipop*

O_O That must be a HUGE lollipop. Like those big round rainbow ones, times a billion.

I've seen a fic where Sideswipe shoves a photo in his mouth to keep Optimus from seeing it. It was called The Bet.

Hmm, got a link? *Perceptor-puppy eyes*

I hope the Decepticons don't own an English Dictionary.

Well, some of the Decepticons claim to own Perceptor. That's kind of like owning an awesomer English Dictionary/Encyclopedia, right?

And speaking of bird-Seekers, have you seen this pic?

Yep. *giggles* It's so inexplicably cute. Have you seen these?

*LOVES* I might grab this myself.

*cheers and holds out Perceptor in bunny costume in a big basket*

And I've decided ( ... )


Re: Reply Part 2 kirin_saga August 31 2008, 04:46:54 UTC
Ooh, who's talking? I suppose the second line could be a chorus of everyone except the one who said the first line.

First one... Sideswipe? He looks like someone who would call dibs. And the second speaker is everyone else except Sideswipe and Perceptor himself.

I wonder what Perceptor thinks.

*also wonders* Someone unexpected holding the camera?

Would they be able to see who's holding the camera?

Maybe they're watching Optimus and Megatron dancing a Waltz.

Hmm, got a link? *Perceptor-puppy eyes*

*fails to resit the Perceptor-puppy eyes*

Well, some of the Decepticons claim to own Perceptor. That's kind of like owning an awesomer English Dictionary/Encyclopedia, right?

Right. *thinks* Perceptor needs a collar with a tag that says Property of on it. The problem is, everyone wants their names on it and so get into one huge fight over it. Hey, maybe this is what started the war?

Yep. *giggles* It's so inexplicably cute. Have you seen these?

I haven't seen that first one before. Thanks for the link!

*cheers and holds out ( ... )


Re: Reply Part 2 alabaster_demon September 1 2008, 23:15:38 UTC
I wonder what Perceptor thinks.

The same thing he always thinks when one of these bunnies is involved... "Why me?"

Maybe they're watching Optimus and Megatron dancing a Waltz.

*sporfle* Who would be the better dancer? For slow dances like that, I mean. For fast, modern dancing, for some reason I imagine both of them would be absolutely terrible (but everyone around them would be too afraid to offer suggestions).

*fails to resit the Perceptor-puppy eyes*

*laughs hysterically* Thanks for the link! Although I'm absolutely astonished that no one thought to do it in the 'Con base. I was *sure* that the Twins and Blue were headed there when Blue mentioned 'probable death'.

Right. *thinks* Perceptor needs a collar with a tag that says Property of on it. The problem is, everyone wants their names on it and so get into one huge fight over it.

He could have a special collar made where the name changes every few seconds or so.

Sorry! I didn't mean to make you combine them. Maybe... E? Unless you really want to combine them. I'm not ( ... )


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