Jul 19, 2010 03:14

A/N: I'm a bit down because my seminar went off a little bad..but then writing this fic really helped me a lot, thanks as always to azraqey, sweetgirl2710, rei-chan, ann0510
            dakara, jikai wa atashi no ganbarimasu~



"JOHNNY-SAN-WERE -YOU- LISTENING- TO- ME?" Shi asked again, slightly irritated.

"Hai, gomen, I dozed off a little..what were you saying?" Johnny asked.

"As I was saying a while ago when your mind's in another world, I have some conditions before I signed a contract. Well, knowing you, it is likely that you'll have me signed a contract right?" Shi commented.

"Right. And what are your conditions?" Johnny asked with raised eyebrow.

"Here," she handed him a piece of paper. ..ahh, she should've wrote it while my mind's been daydreaming..Johnny said to himself.

"You sure are quick as ever.," Johnny told her while eyes were off to read the paper in his hand. It says:

1.       Call me Angel

2.       You are not to tell others my real name.

3.       You are not to tell others my real profession while we're on the acting contract.

4.       You are not to tell others my address

5.       Act as if you don't know me and I don’t know you.

After reading the list, Johnny thought about it.

"It's still a draft though, I will encode and print it so that we can notarize it with your lawyer," Shi said, but something's bugging Johnny, "Anou~ I see you didn't put anything that concerns your kids," Johnny noted.

"Do I have to? I don’t see the point though. In the first place they're the reason why I'm doing this. Another thing is that I don't really mind others knowing that I have kids, just not the thing regarding the biological if you tell others about who their dad is, then that's breaching our contract, if that happens, I'll terminate it automatically," Shi menaced.

"kowai~ what can I say? Anata wa hontōni tensaidesuga…dekinai~toki ga kuru aisuru koto," Johnny said delightedly. Saying something trivial- as complementing her for being a genius but also saying that when it comes to love she isn't- is enough to make her laugh and he knew that.

"Oh thanks for that not so good compliment. You're really bad at cracking jokes Johnny-san," Shi said trying to contain her mirth.

"Bad eh? But it seems that you can't hold your laughter just now," Johnny told her merrily, and the two burst into laughter.


"So when do I start?" Shi asked accordingly.

After their talk at the restaurant, they agreed to meet at a café after two hours. Johnny thought that was enough to prepare all the necessary documents for both parties.

"Filming starts tomorrow as I had asked to cancel it today. So that means, tomorrow, your profession is an actress. I was relieved when you told me a while ago that your project has ended so that you can put all your attention on this one," Johnny told her after the contract signing. This time they were joined together by Johnny's lawyer because like him, Shi also wanted everything legal.

Johnny looked at his watch and thought its best to introduce Angel to the staff and to her first ever leading man-Ninomiya. At the restaurant a while ago, she told him something about a man named Kazunari, who helped her during the encounter with the 'baka' as how she referred the guy who bullied her. Johnny wanted to confirm that.

"For starters, let's go meet the production staff, I think they're still at the location," Johnny told her while his hands on his phone typing a message for the producer to tell him that he'll gonna come over together with the new actress.

"Um~ okay," Shi just agreed. She also believed that it was a good idea. She doesn't want to have awkward feelings tomorrow. Best to experience it now…she thought.


Nino was about to leave the location when the producer called him.

"Choto matte Nino-san,"

"Nani?" he asked feeling upset. He's really looking forward to their filming, but now it was cancelled.. and to add with his frustration, he will have to act with a newbie tomorrow.

"Kitagawa-san sent a mail that he'll be arriving here together with the new actress," producer-san told him.

Although the producer was confident with it since it was Johnny who recommended the new girl, Nino had his own thoughts about it. He really wanted to leave, but his curiosity towards the new actress stopped him. Suddenly, they heard a car on the driveway. The car stopped a few meters away from them, and the passengers- a man and a lady came out of it.

"Oh, I think they're here- uwaa~~ kawaii~~," the producer said, appalled on what he'd seen. The look of surprised was so apparent on his face. Nino turned to see what had cause the producer to be stunned like that- only to be stunned himself., obviously, it was not WHAT, but WHO.


All heads turned when Johnny entered the hall, but all eyes were concentrated at his companion. She was wearing a pink dress, top with an ivory-colored suit. She was very lovely. All the staff seemed to admire her beauty. Upon seeing how the staffs reacted, Johnny couldn’t help but smile and give Shi an i-told-you-you're-really-pretty look, and Shi just blushed. Johnny cleared his throat.

"Mina, let's welcome our new actress, she'll be working with you starting tomorrow" he said while hands at Shi's back , pushing her forward. When Johnny noticed that she looked pale and stiff, he whispered, " Relax dear, they won't bite. Now be nice, smile and introduce yourself," he beckoned her.

Obeying Johnny's words, Shi moved a little bit forward, smiled and said, "Ha- hajime-mashite, wa-watashi wa Angel-desu, yoroshiku onegaishimasu," and bowed so low that her head was a foot away from the floor. She scolded herself for stuttering.

Everyone seemed dazzle by this, but on the corner, Nino was too startled to move- unable to control his breathing.

******as promised^^****

links to other chapters:

CHAPTER 6[2/2]
CHAPTER 6[1/2]

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