Jul 17, 2010 02:15

A/N: this is for you guys..^^ and for azraqey, sweetgirl2710, rei-chan, ann0510,



Although he himself doesn't really plan on revealing the truth about the twins and Sho. . .

Johnny watched the girl who's resting on the sand, she looked so calm..who would have thought that despite her young age , she had gone through all those troubles, and have yet to endure one. What a nostalgic feeling; just yesterday he found her unconscious, lying on the same sand.. she was so pale that he thought she's dead,. With the help of his assistant, they brought her to the hospital only to find out what caused her to faint. His heart couldn't take it upon hearing the doctor's word, "We don't know how, but she's a month pregnant..", that he actually thought of aborting that "thing" right away. If he's the one to choose, he'd rather she will get mad at him, than her enduring criticism and humiliation.. he thought of her as his daughter that's why it really pained him.. a mother at 16?..oh god, he didn't know what to do..

It was only two weeks since he'd known this child- two weeks full of happiness; he admired her for still being able to smile at people, laugh at funny things and cry at sad moments. Shi has a very sunny disposition in life, he realized that now.. She's brave and doesn't want to bother others, ~he could say she's a shallow person, easy to laugh, easy to cry. She's caring and sincere, yet there's one thing about her, either you will hate it or love it- she trusts others easily, and that's how Sho managed to tricked her. That bastard.

On their first meeting, he could say it was just spur of the moment when Shi disclosed to him what happened and who caused all her grief; that was when he realize that she's always willing to trust. He tried hard to persuade her, but Shi wouldn't tell him the personality of the guy who stole her innocence and left her just like that; that was when he realized that she's stubborn. But he isn't Johnny for nothing. With his connection, he managed to know about her being the daughter of Asia's business tycoon, Reiko Tetsuka; that she's actually Shi Tetsuka, the girl who's all over the news for being able to enter college at 14; and  lastly, the most important thing, about all the person that Shi had contact with for the past 6 months,  only to be surprised to actually see a familiar name,. SAKURAI SHO..and then it hit him.. the reason why Shi looked familiar was that Johnny did saw her across a report, his assistant had done, on Sho when he was in the Philippines,. Before, He never keep tabs about the everyday lives of idols, but he learned to since that scandal years ago which involved a JE idol…

They say finding the truth hurts, so it does. He chose to be silent about it, since it looked like Shi didn't really want others to know, but he had this feeling that she actually were trying to protect Sho… damn it..that guy doesn't deserve to be treated like this, to be loved by this girl who's suffering alone while he's there doing what he pleases. Johnny was torn between wanting to confront Sho, and wanting to protect his business. . .

"Johnny-san, you have been standing there for a while," Shi suddenly said.

"Ah gomen, I thought you didn't notice.. I was thinking about some things," Johnny answered.

"Nani?" Shi smiled.

"Business stuff," he answered. He wondered how she was still able to smile even at times like this.. "Shi, its okay to cry you know.. you don't have to hold your tears back..let it flow,." Johnny persuaded her., upon saying those words, Shi began to cry. Johnny just stayed there until there were no more tears for her to cry.

"Anou~ Johnny-san, I decided to let the baby live..", Shi told him, with tears still apparent in her eyes.

"Demo~ what about your studies? Your mom?" He asked her.

"daijobu. My mom knows me very well,.. I wont stop my studies just because I'm pregnant, instead I'll study hard BECAUSE im pregnant," Shi said calmly.

..oh right, subarashi,, this child's conviction is beyond my imagination.. he thought.

"how about Saku-~ ah, about the child's father?" He was to say Sakurai, but chose not to.. he doesn't want her to think that he actually dug into her private life.

"Oh, it doesn't concern him. The moment he left, meant that he doesn't want to have anything to do with me, more so if it’s a child," she said bravely.

"Are you sure? I can he-", but before he could offer his help, Shi cuts off, "I also don’t want to have anything to do with him, so its really fine," and smiled, the kind of smile that would make anyone melt.

In the end, Shi was the one who decided for him- whether to confront Sho or to save his business. He chose none. Because that time he decided on something else- that was to help her in any possible means, but what am I doing now? Johnny thought.

He had just dragged her to a pitstop. It was a good thing that Shi still didn't have any idea that he's actually related to Sho, or they'll be working together soon. What really worried him right now are Shi and the twins- his considered daughter and grandchildren. Looking at the way things are now, if God would allow it, he wanted the truth to be buried like this forever, so that no one, even Sho nor  the media,  could disturb the peace- peace that she tried so hard to established ALONE.

"Oi Johnny-san were you listening?"

** this was long, because I would be gone for two days for my seminar=(  about my thesis**

Links to other chapters:
CHAPTER 6[2/2]
CHAPTER 6[1/2]


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