Jul 09, 2010 04:40

AUTHOR'S NOTE: been wondering if this is really a good plot, dakara, atashi no, ganbatte ne. =) happy reading !


"Okaeri nasai, Shuji, Shuri," ..

"How was your day?" Shi asked the twins over the dining table. "It was fine mom, school was fine, but we can't get used to it.."Shuji complained. "All our classmates had been staring at us, giving us some sort of  four-year-olds-were-not-supposed-to-be-in-first-grade kind of  look. Honestly mom, its quite bothering you know." Shuri added.

"Ah, i thought you like being in first grade?," Shi said amused to see the twins reacted like that. Usually, they always keep their thoughts to themselves, especially when its about school, but now, she was happy  to know  how they're fairing. Being in first grade isn't something that any 4yr old kids can do, right? How come they're so like her?

"Choto, mama are you listening?" Shuji leaned across the table. "Hai, sorry, I was thinking about other things," she answered, still amused at the twin's reaction. "Ano~ne~mama, you know, at the playground, I 'd run into Ninomiya-oniichan, but i think he didn't know that we recognized him" Shuri seemed excited. "Huh?" She gave her daughter a confused look.

"He is an idol,mama, [laughs] i think you should at least have a bit of reading about entertainment biz, I dunno what's with it that you hated much.." Shuri laughed at her mother's confusion. It had been a puzzle why their mom hated the entertainment industry, so much that she can't even tell if a person is an idol or not.

"Hontou? and what had you got to do with this Ninomiya-san?"she asked changing the topic.

"It doesn't matter mama,it seems you're not really  interested at all," Shuri answered , a little offended at her mom's casualness.

Their mom wouldn't talk about it, but somehow, they had this feeling that their dad had something to do with showbiz.; after all, they weren't geniuses for nothing. Although they're 4yrs old, they managed to be in first grade. Despite Shi's hostility, they actually convinced her to allow them to take an acceleration exam. At three, they were able to play different instruments. As much as they appreciate their mom's sentiment, they wanted to work hard.  So that when there comes a time they have to meet their dad, they would face him and proudly say: "Mama had raised us well!"

"Gomen Shuri, " Shi said to her daughter awkwardly.

"Dai-jo-bu okaasan" Shuri smiled, calling her mother "okaasan" meant that she forgive her, and Shi understood this well. "Arigatou," and hugged Shuri across the table. "Oi mama, you're spilling some dishes at the table," Shuji who seemed delighted at her mom's smiling face  began throwing side dishes to his mother (note:This is not the proper way to treat moms ^^), shuri joined as well.

"Wakatta Ojii-chan," Shi laughed at her own joke and  played along with her kids.

"Ehh? Thats not funny mom" the twins said in chorus and started laughing as well.

"Yokatta ne, mama.. now you're back to your usual self. ureshii.." Shuri said happily  "Yosh, its time to clean up." Shuji said while picking up some of the mess.

"Yes sir!", Shi and Shuri answered.


Its past midnight, the house was quiet because the twins had already gone to bed, but Shi lies in her bed, unable to sleep for  fear of dreaming that same dream again..

"You're Shi right? Sho asked her. How come he knew my name? Shi asked herself.
"A lot of people were talking about you, you know. "Yamette".....

...-damn, how am i suppose to sleep now.., why is it have to be the day before my appointment? sh**. . oh god, help me..Shi talked to herself.  Ever since she had that dream, she was unable to work properly as if memories of the past kept haunting her. She often tried to daydream just to be able to snapped out of it.  And now, its tormenting her. Oh sheeshh~what a night.


"Ano~ Angel-san, kindly wait at the lobby for a moment," the receptionist told her. Shi nodded and smiled at the guy in the reception who couldn't help but admire her.  "This is one of those moments when Im thankful that I am my mother's daughter," Shi thought happily.

Two years ago, after accomplishing her bachelor's degree.,she came back to Japan, and used her mother's connection to register her English name. She thought it was necessary to do so because she doesn't want reporters to track her like what happened in the Philippines... .

2 years ago..

[camera flashing]
[camera flashes]

Reporter1: Ms. Tetsuka, how does it feel to be the first in the history of the Philippines to perfect a licensure exam?
Reporter2: Were you pressured that time?
Reporter3: I heard you are only 18..
Reporter4: there have been rumors that you're also first in Asia to perfect a licensure exam at such a young age..
Reporter5: This year, you'll be the cover for Time magazine's issue right?

and so on and so forth,,,,,,,.

Shi had to answer all the questions until  her body was exhausted..

"Gomen Shi,"  her mom told her, "I wasn't able to help you because of a business meeting"..

"That's it! I had enough, I'm going back to Japan, and I wont use my japanese name, except when I have to register in my MS.". Shi told her mom angrily...

"Sheesh, not again.!" Shi told herself. In able to regain her composure, she walked around the building and saw something that amazed her, "Sugoi!!"  Her eyes were so fixed on the model that she forgot  to look  where she was walking and stumbled on to something. "Itte!.."

Her things are all over the place- the plans which she had spend many nights drafting are all over the place. Upon seeing that, she felt rage and turn around to see what had caused her to fall, only to realize that it was "who"and not "what".

"Nani shite iru yo?" "Walking carelessly while daydreaming, bumping on to others and not apologizing, that's worst! And what's with all this paper?" Jun shouted, while he tried to free his left foot out of the bunch of papers scattered all over the floor.

..ahhh, her blueprints, her designs.. all are ruined, ruined by this guy, whom she had only met now. Sheesh,.. what an idiot. He doesn't even know that he's stepping on a  building plan.,Shi thought helplessly. She was about to say something , when a guy approach them.

"Oi jun, what's the matter?" the guy asked. "Its too early to bully someone especially if its a girl.." the guy said winking at her..

"Choto, Nino, it wasn't my fault."

***sorry if its too long..I'll update later.."**** ^^

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