Jul 09, 2010 14:06

AUTHOR'S NOTE: OMG. thanks for leaving a note. :)


"Its this bitch's" Jun said disgusted. Nino looked upon the lady who was on the floor. "Eh? I dont see what part of her is bitchy, besides, dude you're the one who's trampling  all over her things," Nino backfired. "Oi,Nino, why are you defending her? I told you it wasn't-- Jun phone suddenly rang. he had no choice so he left without a word. Aishhh! one day I would get back at that bitch. hmph. What's with Nino siding with her?. he asked aggravated.

..sheesh, what a pathetic guy. He just left without saying sorry. Shi felt her blood rising. Seeing her things being trampled like that made it even worse. She wondered what's with the people staring as if she had been convicted with a crime she didn't do. She thought that its funny, because the guys wear the same clothing style, also their hair was weird. It seemed that going there was not good at all. It was a complete F-A-I-L.

Shi recovered from her talking-to-myself- state and began collecting her things. To her surprise, Nino was doing the same thing. "Ano~its okay if you don't help, I can't trouble you that much," she told the guy. "Hmmm, I don't mind helping since it was my friend's fault."
"Uwaa? you're friends with that baka?" Shi asked flabbergasted. "Hmmm," Nino replied without looking, his mind is focus on trying to decipher the things at his hand. The documents were entirely damaged that he felt remorse towards the girl...she's quite pretty huh,, or so he thought. "Yosh,!" Nino said handing over the now-trash-looking papers to her.

"Sh**, I can't use that now. How am i supposed to present that if its so ruined. Cursed your friend." Shi sighed heavily. She rarely badmouth people no matter how bad they are. But  now, everything was messed up because of her decision to see that person before going to the site. A moment ago she's so delighted to know that he actually kept his promise 5years ago about the miniature model that she constructed out of habit. But they say, in every good thing, there's always the evil. And that moment was evil.

Nino glanced at the girl whose cheeks were flustered upon the weight of the incident that morning. He couldn't resist it, his curiosity about this girl is killing him and an idea entered his mind.

"Ojou-san, care to have some coffee?" Nino asked nervously. He marveled at the thought of being rejected by a girl, but he was dumbfounded when she agreed. And here they are sitting face to face inside a coffee shop near JE building. Nino had this impression that the girl was unaware of who he was, and its a good thing. There's also a slim chance that she knew the profession of all those people who stared at her inside the building so NIno had chosen the nearest coffee shop outside. It will be rowdy if the guys from JE found out that she is clueless. What was she doing there anyway? Nino pondered.

"Sorry for being nosy, but what are you doing inside JE building? Its a place of idols you know," Nino asked hesitantly. "Huh? Idols? I thought it is his office." Shi told him.

"Him? who's he?"

"Nani demo nai. I was planning to see someone I met years ago, but it seemed he's out." Shi replied smartly. The last thing she needed was to disclose herself to someone who's a complete stranger. She actually  accepted Nino's offer to give credit for siding with her. But that doesn't mean she can trust him. Nino give her a confused look, and she just smiled sheepishly... Ahhh what a smile., I can't believe she's able to dazzle me this much..his mind wandered.

"ano~sumimasen, you're buying me coffee, but I didn't know your name.." Shi told him. "Ah- gomen, Kazunari-desu," Nino replied, Shi introduced herself, "Ah right, Kazunari-san, watashi  wa Angel-desu, yorushiku.!" in a manner that made Nino melt, especially the way she says his name, he knew there's something special about this girl. But something troubled him, did she just say "Angel"? what about her family name?

"Don't you have any family name? Its weird to call you Angel since we've just known each other.." Nino asked in a confused tone. "It doesn't matter Kazunari-san, just call me Angel." Shi smiled giving him assurance, if she planned on being a complete nobody, she needs to start it now.


Back in JE building..

"Sir, I'm sorry, I was sure she's here just a while ago. I told her to wait at the lobby" the receptionist told him.

"Did she told you her name?" He asked the receptionist who was now troubled.

"Hai! She said she's Angel, and asked me to give you this," the reception handed him a keychain that had a very detailed design. When he examined it, it was engraved with the initials S.T.  His eyes traveled around the lobby and found what he is looking for:  a model of what's supposed to be JE stadium. The man smiled knowingly,  there's only one person able to create something very detailed like the one in his hand.

"So you opt to use the name Angel huh? You never ceased to amazed me Shi." the man told himself.

********sorry guys, I can't spill the details yet.. ^^*****


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