CLASSMATES Chapter 20[1/2]

Aug 23, 2010 02:31

 i had to cut the chap in two parts because lj won't allow me to copy and paste from word.



"im talking about his art, freestyle, Its wonderful you know. My heart had been moved the first time I'd seen it. Never felt that way after so many years" Angel was teary-eyed when she broke off from laughing.

Ohno felt lightheaded. Despite having so many fans complementing his work, hers, felt different. It was warm and sincere that he couldn't help but thought: This was it, the reason why the brat loves this woman. Her heart is pure. Now, he too was having bitter feelings toward the guy who made her suffer.

"Are~ I thought you were with the twins?" Nino interrupted. Somehow he felt jealous that Angel is laughing like that and its not because of him…Wish I can make her laugh like that too.

"Hmm, they're at the cafeteria eating, since we had no time to eat breakfast at home. I just came here to meet you and didn't expect that Ridaa would turn out to be Satoshi-san, I thought it was some kind of a pet, erm," Angel explained smilingly. Ohno furrowed his eyebrows upon hearing her last statement.

"What made you think that Ridaa is a pet?" Nino controlled his laughter; the last thing he'd do is to let their leader know that he's enjoying that moment. He looked at Ohno whose arms are folded and eyebrows still furrowed.

"Erm, gomen.. because you see, I have this friend who named her pet as "leader" so when you said over the phone that you'd be with ridaa, I thought you'd be bringing some pet with you," Angel whispered contritely, but Ohno turned out really pissed. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind. She search her bag hastily, felt relieved when she'd found the thing she was looking for and turned her attention to Ohno.

"Anou~ Satoshi-san, Im really sorry for being silly, here-" She grabbed Ohno's hand and dropped something onto it. Ohno lifted the thing in his hand and observed it with curiosity. Nino was examining it as well. The thing turned out to be a glass keychain for phones, not just any keychain though- it was a miniature model of him: Ohno Satoshi.

"Um, sorry, its not as good as your unique miniatures in freestyle, but I hope it help lessen your annoyance of me. Actually, I made that chain hoping for a day when I get to meet you, but I didn't imagine it to be like this, Im really sorry." Angel bowed her head and tried to smile but it turned out to be more like a frown.

Ohno felt guilty. He really didn't plan to stay mad, he just wanna know how the girl will cope with such situation, but in the end he was lost in his own game. He just can't explain how he was feeling at the moment. The keychain was too splendid or more than that. No word can describe it. So he just stayed silent.

"It wasn't enough of compensation, I guess?" Angel looked closely at him, beads of tears started to form in her eyes. She covered her face to hide the tears from them. But Nino was quick to notice.

"Hey, Oh-chan, say something! You're making a girl cry!" snapped Nino. He was annoyed by the fact that Angel really looked forward to meet Ohno, and that their leader was now acting stupid.

"Angel-san?" Ohno started but got no response from her. Her face was still covered with her hands.

"Im sorry.. didn't mean to offend you there.. I.. erm,how to put it.. I actually like the keychain,,, so much that it made me speechless.." Ohno felt stupid. It was the first time she'd met such a talented artist, add the fact that she was really pretty now that she was in front of him. He was about to pat her shoulder when Angel looked up, eyes the color of a faint rose and smiled.

"Hontou?" she asked in a child-like manner. Ohno smiled and nodded.

"You're not mad anymore?" Angel asked him further.

"Nope… there's no reason to get mad really..hora~" he assured her by showing off the chain which was already attached to his phone, and  felt relieved when Angel broke into a smile.

"Uwaa~ arigatou Satoshi-san" Angel said and hugged him only to withdraw instantly when she realized what she'd done. "Ah-gomen.. I lost control.. was too happy that's why" and smiled sweetly.

Ohno was mesmerized. He didn't know that someone can smile as beautifully as that. Suddenly, He felt his heart skipped a beat- not the usual feeling of love at first sight but a premonition. What could it be, he wondered. Beside him, the brat was boiling with jealousy.

"Anou~ can we go back to the cafeteria? Im worried about your kids," Nino asked her, stressing out the word "kids". This didn't escape Ohno. He knew him well. Ohno didn't spent 10 years with Nino for nothing- enough to tell that the brat was jealous.

"Ah, sure sure, you're right~ sorry I was too occupied that I forgot about my kids.. " Angel apologized to him, but to Nino's dismay, she turned again her attention to Ohno. "Satoshi-san, this way please." Ohno glanced back and smirked at Nino who was too struck to move.

"Hey brat, let's go"

"Oi choto," Nino ran after them, heading to the cafeteria where the twins are waiting.

"HMMM, someone's jealous," Ohno teased. Angel was walking ahead of them so she didn't have the slightest idea what the two were talking.

"Of course I would be!" snapped Nino before he continued. "I mean, I never expected she'll turn out to be your fan, not just that, she gave you a keychain which you happily accepted!!". He said in a high-pitched tone. How dare Ohno to make fun of him.

"Whoah~ easy! Who's the one who can't stand seeing even a single tear in her eyes? And besides, If the keychain took a general form, I will happily give it to you knowing about your feelings, but as you can see, this, got my form." Ohno emphasized the word "my" to him while showing off the keychain on his phone. Nino's face crumpled and it amused Ohno.


"Uwaa~ Oh-niichan!" Shuri exclaimed. The little girl was excited to see Ohno despite knowing that their mom was filming with him. "Oi shuri, where are your manners? Um gomen nii-chan, My name is Shuji and this is my twin-" Shuji introduce but Shuri finished the introduction before he could. "Shuri desu, nice to meet you" Shuri bowed her head beckoning her brother to bow as well.

"Ah, its been nice to meet you too, since I heard a lot about you from this guy [pointing Nino] and a from Aiba too." Ohno smiled. He can't help it; something about them seemed colorful, if described in terms of art.

"Uwaa~Aiba-niichan remembered us?" Shuri's eyes were glittering.

"Of course he did, seeing that happy faces of yours, I doubt if someone can forget that," Ohno fluttered the kids.

"Hontou?" it was Shuji this time.

"Hai." Ohno assured them.

"uwaa~ureshii!!" the twins approached Ohno and gave him a hugged. There was a sound of coughing heard from Nino that made the twins to notice him.

"Nii-chan, daijobu?" Shuri unraveled herself from Ohno and turned to Nino.

"Hai, just caught cold last night" Nino replied, which was true, although his intentions were different. He didn't want the feeling of getting jealous all the time. Angel might see his not so cool side if it continues. Ohno chuckled. He didn't expect Nino to do things up to that extent. He must really love Angel, so he decided to stick with the friendship between himself and Angel; afterall, it was what he always tells over interviews concerning their love affairs- best to exercise it now and see how far it would go.

"Are you done with your breakfast?" Nino inquired.

"Um, not yet." One of the twins replied.

"Eh? Didn't I tell you to eat?" Angel was confused.

"Er, mama, because we thought it would be nice if we could eat together, the five of us." Shuji who was older explained to Angel.

"Wow, that's very sweet of you," Ohno told them.

"Yeah, that was sweet Satoshi-san, starving themselves, , and I thought you were more of a sensitive type, I guess not,," She was being sarcastic. "As much as I appreciate my kids' sentiment, I don't want them starving themselves just for a little pleasure-" but before she could finished, Shuji talks, breaking her off from talking to Ohno.

"Hey mama, you're exaggerating! That's bad. You're talking as if we died from not eating. And it's only 30 minutes when you left us to meet with these onii-chans." Shuji lectured her mom in a very-adult manner. He didn't know why, but Ohno suddenly remembered Sho seeing  Shuji's attitude. The premonition felt before flowed through his veins, yet he still couldn't figure it out.

"Oh, sorry for that Angel, of course you would react like mom was like that too," Ohno apologized sweetly and turned to the twins."Hmm, don't get pissed with your mom, she's just concerned that something might happen with you two.." Ohno patted both Shuji and Shuri's head..


links to other chapters:
l Sho's drabble l CHAPTER 19 l l CHAPTER 18 l l CHAPTER 17 l CHAPTER 16 l l CHAPTER 15 lside chapter l chapter 14 I CHAPTER 13 l CHAPTER 12 [2/2] l CHAPTER 12[1/2]l CHAPTER 11l CHAPTER 10l CHAPTER 9l CHAPTER 8lCHAPTER 7l CHAPTER 6[2/2]l CHAPTER 6[1/2]l CHAPTER5l CHAPTER 4l CHAPTER 3l CHAPTER 2l CHAPTER 1l PROLOGUE

yatta!! finally did it..guys,, sorry for late updates =(
miss you^^

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