Player's Name:Player LJ:AIM or Email:Timezone:Other Characters Played (at Template): Character:Series/Fandom:Original or Template version: Age:Gender:Species:Sexuality: Link to picture/PB of character:Appearance: Personality: Abilities/Strengths: Weaknesses: History: Sample Journal Entry: Sample Roleplay: Did you read the rules, Yes/No: Guidelines
Simple as it sounds. Or… not so much. Maybe they have a nickname? Maybe there’s something they prefer to be called?
Some characters come from different places (i.e.; manga and anime versions of the same character). Please specify which version you’re playing from if there’s more than one.
Original or Template Version
Original characters are from their own worlds, meaning their backgrounds are the same as in the series/whatever they were pulled from. Template Version characters, however, have alternate histories of a life spent living in Template City. No, this is not a crack roleplay, but there aren’t that many restrictions on the variations (maybe the Template character was a girl instead, etc…).
How old is he/she? If, for example, they’re over a thousand, but have the appearance of a teenager, make sure to state it in this section.
I’d like to think this is simple enough. If there are any complications on this, here is the section to let us know.
Not everyone's a human, so details please. If they look human, but are actually something else, tell us here!
Just a reminder that everything is acceptable. We are friendly to all types of sexuality, whether it be heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, etc...
Link to picture/PB of character
This is to help the mods know what your character looks like. If you are planning on using a PB, please link to an example of the PB.
Be detailed here. Most people won't know who the character is, so they’ll need a good mental image. If you've changed anything between original/template version characters, state that it varies from the original when you write it, please. Minimum is 100 words.
Does your character have any interesting hobbies? Other players will be relying on this section in order to find out anything about your character's traits. Be descriptive, please! Are they determined? Do they have any quirks? This is the place to let us know! Minimum is 200 words!
This is where muns will be able to describe the physical abilities of their characters, as well as describe the strengths of their personality. How well they would stand in a fight, any special abilities that they might have, and so on. Minimum 3 sentences.
Anything that can take your character down in a fight should be listed here, as well as any psychological weaknesses. If your character is a compulsive liar, or relies on his friends too much, you should note it here. Minimum 3 sentences.
A detailed background of your character goes here. We ask that you give us at least 400 words.
Sample Journal Entry
An example of a journal entry done in first person (from your characters point of view, of course). It doesn't necessarily have to be about their arrival, but you are welcome to do so. At least 10 sentences of dialogue for this section, please. Actions will not be counted. Speak to a mod if there are outstanding circumstances as to why ten sentences of dialogue would be impossible, and we'll try to accommodate!
Sample Roleplay
Basically, we want to see your prose style. No first person, please. Again, it doesn't necessarily have to take place in the rp. 250 words minimum.
Did you read the Rules
Rules can be found
here. Make sure to read them, or your app won’t be approved. :(
When you've finished your application, you can e-mail it to!
Sample Application
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