This may be a restatement of what lunardreamed said above, but afaic, criticism of someone's work (or criticism of someone's criticism) should be expressed in a way that a. owns your own baggage and b. acknowledges that your baggage is not everyone else's baggage.
I feel compelled to talk some more about being a Bad Feminist and how some people get so overzealous about it that they end up being a fandom bully club. The same happens with racism, but I'm going with feminism because most of my fellow fandom dwellers are women, so I see this often
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Wow. Yeah. You and me can dislike some of the female characters together and like others. But, hey, you know what's even more radical? Is me liking Sarah in White Collar. *koff* Sorry.
I think the problem is that discourse in fandom, like I was saying to grav_ity, already trends toward the uncivil because we are FANS and therefore emotional. The only thing I've ever found that works are posts like mine where we discuss these things rationally because we're not already in the middle of some ridiculously heated debate.
you know what's even more radical? Is me liking Sarah in White Collar. I almost made a very sarcastic comment here (refering to fandom), but sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Or something. So I'll just say that if Hell rains upon you because you dared to say that out loud, I'll help defend your castle
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God, Christ yes. I mean I dogpiled some people back in the day in SPN fandom. You get riled when your friends get riled and you want to protect them and you're only getting their side of the story, and the next thing you know, you're verbally beating the crap out of some poor fandom n00b who didn't have the sense to come in out of the rain. I'm not proud of the times I did that, at all.
I've come around again, though, to the side where I absolutely will pull out my OFH-cane and smack it around if people are being jackasses. These days, I just tend to stick to my own judgement a bit more.
Comments 44
I think the problem is that discourse in fandom, like I was saying to grav_ity, already trends toward the uncivil because we are FANS and therefore emotional. The only thing I've ever found that works are posts like mine where we discuss these things rationally because we're not already in the middle of some ridiculously heated debate.
I've come around again, though, to the side where I absolutely will pull out my OFH-cane and smack it around if people are being jackasses. These days, I just tend to stick to my own judgement a bit more.
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