Who: Sam & Ruby (
leadhisarmy )
What: Continued from
here here because someone is a dumb bitch: Sam, afraid of Dean finding out about his ~deal with Ruby~, forces her to stay the night in some creepy ass abandoned house instead of at the hotel. When they go to check it out, however, they find out shit, it's haunted. And then get trapped in a creepy nursery together. It's like a sitcom! Only there's more swearing and insulting of people's dick size.
When: Between 3x02 and 3x03
Verse: Time Is On My Side
Social Security numbers aren't exactly what I had in mind. [Yeah, he's just going to ... take your comment at face value.] Wait, quiet. [He holds up a hand in a manly take-charge way or something and listens.] It stopped. [And indeed, there's no more ghastly mysterious pounding on the door. OBVIOUSLY IT IS ALL CLEAR NOW. YOU CAN GO HOME NOW KIDS. SHOW'S OVER.]