application for dramadramaduck

Jun 14, 2010 20:08

Player nickname:  Arden
Player LJ:  dancinpenguins 
Way to contact you:
Email:   kiwi4ever13[at]hotmail[dot]com
AIM:   thegreatmuldini
Other:   PMs are great.
Are you at least 15?: Very much Y. 
Current Characters:  None.  I am ever-so-new.

Character:  Samuel real-Americans-don't-have-middle-names Winchester.  aka Sam.
Fandom:  Supernatural
Character Notes:

Sam's story actually starts long before his birth.  There's a lot of fate, destiny, divine and/or demonic intervention, and a little bit of Back to the Future style time travel wound up in the way his parents met and hooked up (thanks Cupid), and the decisions that led to his mother, who was from a family of hunters, making a deal with Azazel, the yellow eyed demon.  That same deal would alter the entire course of Sam's life, when Azazel came back to collect on his promise, while Sammy was just an infant in his crib.  The demon dropped his blood into the baby's mouth, and Mary tried to interrupt the process, while just resulted in her dying a horrible fiery ceiling-death.   The house burned down, and John charged Sam's older brother Dean with getting him out of their alive.

Unlike Dean, Sam can't remember the normal life that the Winchesters had back in Lawrence.  For him, it's always been life on the road in the '67 Impala, or in crappy motels, registered under false names.  There was no transitioning from a life of playing baseball and getting his crusts cut off to living a mobile life, and John told a young Sam that their mother died in a car accident.  Dean, under Dad's orders, was complicit in keeping this, as well as the truth about their father's occupation, a secret from him.  When he was 8 years old, Sam stumbled across his father's journal, in which he tracked all the information he'd compiled on supernatural beings, in his obsessive quest to find the demon who had killed his wife.  Sam confronted Dean about it, demanding answers, and his brother broke the truth: that their dad was a "superhero" and killed monsters.  And that one of those monsters killed their mom.

Being in on the family secret led to Sam being actively trained in how to hunt and kill these creatures, and so from a young age, he became well versed in weapons and supernatural lore.   By the time he was a teenager, he was helping his dad and brother fight a werewolf.  The boys switched schools constantly, as they shifted from town to town, following the next lead uncovered by their father.  Despite this, Sam clung to whatever scrap of 'normalcy' he could at each of their new locations.  He joined the soccer team.  He was a Mathlete.   He tried hard in his classes.  He was, in other words, in oh so much denial about the fact that this wasn't a lifestyle you could just... hop out of one day.  The truth was that he hated it, and as a result, resented his father for dragging him and his brother along on this revenge-fueled romp across the continental United States masquerading as his childhood.

What Sam didn't know until much, much later was that his future role as the intended vessel of Lucifer meant demons were close by through a lot of his life, tugging and influencing him in subtle ways to shape his personality, and probably drive a bigger wedge between him and his family.   Hell, even his prom date was a demon.

The later episode where Sam goes to heaven reveals all his best moments from childhood - and it's notable that all of them had to do with escaping the world he was raised in.  His 'first real Thanksgiving' with a girl's family from school, where a real family gathered together harmoniously, versus the crappy KFC chicken bucket 'holiday' he had with his dad and brother.  When he was young, Sam also ran away on Dean's watch while the Winchesters were in Flagstaff, and considered the time he spent out on his own with "his" dog, Bones, one of the best times of his childhood.

Also among his memories was the night he finally actually left his family.  He'd enrolled for Stanford in secret, and waited until the night he was ready to take off to break the news to his brother and father.  It led to an explosive fight between him and John, and they parted on pretty shitty terms.  Sam spent the next four years of his life at college, attempting to put everything behind him and focus on a ~bright new future~ - away from monsters, hunting, and his father's influence.

And for a short time, things were going pretty well for him.  (Except of course, that we later learn he was still... surrounded by demons.  But he was happily oblivious to this).    He was well-liked... by demons, successful in school, and when he was twenty, he even found love with Jessica Moore - who was introduced to him... by a demon.    Oh yeah, and he decided that he was going to go to law school and become a lawyer.

Somewhere, inside his cage, Lucifer had to have been grinning forever over that one.

Sam kept the secret of what he used to do from all of his new friends, determined to fit in, and put that all behind him.  This included lying to Jessica about his real identity for the year and a half they were together.  He showed absolutely no regret over keeping her in the dark about this, viewing it as a necessity.

Everything changed however, when Dean showed up in the apartment he shared with Jess in Palo Alto and revealed that their dad was missing.  Sam agreed to spend one weekend looking for him, as long as he could be back in town for his law school interview.

They didn't find Dad.   And when they got back?  Jessica was pinned to the ceiling, just like their mom had been, and Sam had to watch her get crispy fried, which, as you might imagine, left him all dark and broody and ready to go pump some shotgun shells full of salt into nasty monsters everywhere.

Commence Operation Ultimate Roadtrip.

The brothers set out ostensibly to find their missing father, but taking care of all manner of supernatural beasties on the way.  Since we're... drawing the boys from S1, I'm going to stop there, unless you request me to outline the rest of his canon, but... there's five seasons worth.  Just know that there's lots of tears and demon blood and psychic wonder powers and a giant suicidal teddy bear.

I think that about sums it up.


In conceptualizing the show, while Dean was envisioned as the Han Solo type character, Sam was meant to be the Luke Skywalker of the series, and as such, there's a degree of that.... whiny innocence to his character in the early days of the show, just like Luke back on the moisture farms of Tatooine, dreaming of going off to school and leaving behind his hard moisture farming life.  They also both shared rather unfortunate hairdos.

While Dean accepts and embraces the role they've been thrust into in their early days, Sam is originally defined by the opposite: his desire to be a Jedi normal.  He fits the reluctant hero type, only being driven away from the life he'd tried to claim for himself when the darkness invades that world and his strongest link to that world is killed.   ("Uncle Owennnnnnnn!  Aunt Beruuuuu!   ;______;")  Lucifer would later claim that Sam's inability to feel like he belonged anywhere and tendency to try to escape things was the direct result of being his intended vessel - that he was never truly complete without Lucifer being a part of him.  Now whether this was just devilish propaganda or not, the truth is that that feeling of being displaced is a strong part of Sam's character, and drives a lot of his decisions and reactions.

It's important to note that while Sam was resentful of his family, he also did care about them.  There can't be any doubt over the course of the series that Sam displays incredibly loyalty to his brother and that the space his decision to leave put between them is something he has a hard time dealing with.   The problem is that, perhaps as a result of the demon blood in his system, perhaps because of his connection to Lucifer, perhaps just as a result of his upbringing and place in the world - Sam has inherently selfish instincts, and most of the heroism of his character comes from the battle he wages within himself against always following them.  The largest problem he faces in this is that he's packed with a lot of pride that makes it difficult for him to analyze his actions and instincts.  He tends to just act on them, and be instantly on the defensive, and it doesn't help that Dean tends to act like he's more Sam's father than his brother when they have serious arguments and John's not around.

Of the two boys, Sam is definitely the one who possesses more book smarts, even if Dean's more adept at the street smarts necessary for their way of life.  He loves technology, and can be ... incredibly geeky.  (Look, his preferred alias is Wedge Antilles.  Yeah.)  He's good at the whole research angle which is good because Jared doesn't know how to hold a shotgun which... reflects badly on Sam.

Oh yeah, and Sam's also basically overflowing with ~feelings~ all the time.  Unlike Dean, he doesn't can them up like so much homemade jam, so they just... leak out all over, which is another way he can rebel against the soldier mentality of his dad and brother.  He's a lot more comfortable with his emotions, unlike Dean who... has no idea of how to deal with them.   Later on in the show, it becomes apparent that Sam has some serious anger issues, which stem from the demon blood in him.   However, back before he was a drug addict, his feelings manifested less as anger and more as muted outrage, and confusion, and angst over his dead girlfriend, and displaced anger at his father for his hard life.

Sam usually plays the 'good cop' role in the boys' investigations, and he can be pretty good at dealing with people, especially on the surface level the boys generally.. default to since they're in a constant state of moving on.  However, because his life has been so weird and he's only ever been able to forge real friendships in college, a lot of things people take for granted in social relationships can still be kind of awkward for him.  Dean's better at being smooth when it comes to socializing, but Sam's a lot more genuine about things.


Sam's police record:
Samuel Winchester: Born: May 2, 1983 Place of Birth: Lawrence, Kansas Physical description: 6'4" height 220 lbs, brown hair, green eyes No distinctive markings or tattoos Also, Sam's driver's license lists "SEX: F".  Just sayin'.  According to the official site of SPN.

Oh and Sam's psychic.  He just... doesn't know it yet.

Additional Links!

It's important to note that I base about 65% of Sam's characterization on this video
No, really.

Sam's Supernatural wiki-page
Also, this moment in Sam's life is a metaphor for basically his entire existence.

First Person (entry type):

Uh, so this is just a general warning to anyone who might receive an e-mail from "Wedge Antilles".   You're going to want to move that directly to your recycle bin.

Apparently, my brother's been spending some quality time with the laptop and when I signed on it this morning, after clearing away about six thousand pop up ads, I finally got it to stop being sluggish enough to run a virus scan, and surprise...  it's probably been hacked about forty times over, and I think someone sent spam out from one of my er... accounts.

[Private to his bro]

Oh, and Dean, I checked the history and I know exactly what you were doing.  Look, if you ... need to watch that stuff, just rent it on the motel TV or something, dude.  Something that won't download spyware all over our computer.  Do you really want anyone tracking the kind of stuff we look up online?

And I don't mean the porn.

Third Person:

It felt like the flames were everywhere.  The heat licking at his own body, even as he watched her in horror, knowing there was no way to save her at this point.

Powerless, and lost in this searing blaze that he couldn't escape, couldn't look away from, couldn't move away from.  Trapped.  Desperation seemed to surge up inside, choking him, though it could have been the smoke (was there smoke?  or was it just this hellish pit that burned and left no ash or residue or trace of her behind), and he felt a hideous mournful anger roiling in his gut as he watched


as she burned.

The fire seemed to melt through his skin, char his bones, and incinerate something lodged in the very center of his chest.  He gasped for air enough to call her name

and jerked away in his seat, blinking furiously to hold off threatening tears because Dean was glancing over, and even though it was dark and his brother probably wouldn't have seen them, he wasn't in the mood to even risk questions.

"Good, you're awake," Dean said with a smirk, and cranked up the volume - an occasion he'd obviously been waiting for.

"Yeah," Sam mumbled under his breath, turning his head towards the windowpane, and trying to take measured breaths.  "Good."

Rain slapped against the glass beside him and he finally spoke, eyes locked on the white lines edging the road, blurring past.

"So where to next?"

application, extended star wars metaphors, [comm] dramadramaduck

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