sound the horn and call the cry

Jun 17, 2009 01:39

So...I'm pretty sure the LA Times completely missed the target with their Girls' Guide to Comic Con 2009. Like, missed the target so badly they shot themselves in the foot.

There are a lot of things I could say about the article, but most of those things are built around a four-letter root word beginning with F. So instead I'll just copypasta the ( Read more... )

geekiness, feminism, rants

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Comments 16

parcae June 17 2009, 06:12:50 UTC
... wow. That article is. Um.

Let's go with "special".


tears_of_nienna June 17 2009, 06:18:17 UTC
Oh yes. Verrrry "special." These people clearly Did Not Do The Research.


elvenpiratelady June 17 2009, 06:19:30 UTC
Oh gods. *beats head against table* I got to pic #13 and gave up; it sounds just like the Dell website fiasco.


tears_of_nienna June 17 2009, 07:08:28 UTC
Icon love! Yes, choke a bitch, Yoda may have to. :D

The Dell website thing was ridiculous. Because I just love counting calories with my laptop!

...If by "counting calories" you mean "smacking zombies with a hammer in Warcraft."


neumeindil June 17 2009, 06:28:23 UTC
I fucking hated The Witches of Eastwick. Honestly to think magical abilities only wake up when some Satan-figure comes to town and instigates an orgy... For that matter, The Time Traveller's Wife didn't do much for me either. And I couldn't give a shit less about CW actors or Jake Gyllanhall (or however the hell you spell that).

So, since that kind of superficial BS is all that a real girl would care about, do I get to turn my uterus in? I'd be glad to, though I kind of want to keep my rack. It's a good book rest while I'm reading George R.R. Martin or Orson Scott Card in bed.


tears_of_nienna June 17 2009, 07:06:08 UTC
I know! I've got a soft spot for the boys of Supernatural, but the rest of the CW can take a hike. I mean, I do my share of flailing and squeeing at cons, but last time I participated in a possibly-pretentiously-intellectual discussion of the Dark Tower series. We are multi-faceted geeks (and, you know, HUMAN BEINGS), and the article does not get that at all.

LOL. George R. R. Martin books can get heavy. It's important to have a good book-rest for them!


neumeindil June 18 2009, 02:33:08 UTC
Exactly. And part of the reason I like Martin's stuff is that the female characters are in some ways even deeper than the guys. The oldest son, for example? Pretty face, too much ambition for his own good... your basic teenager. Youngest daughter, on the other hand? Holy Hannah, that little girl kicks some major ass ( ... )


tears_of_nienna June 18 2009, 03:11:50 UTC
Stick 'em with the pointy end! Arya is absolutely my favorite Stark. With any luck, she might even survive the next book...

Yay! Not only are you a geek, you are like a geek evangelist! Introducing others to tabletop RP and Firefly. Because the world can never have enough Browncoats.

Much as I love that "Huge Tracts of Land" shirt, I fear it would look completely ridiculous on my...rather small tracts of land. ;)


blood_sorbet June 17 2009, 13:11:57 UTC
So I refused to even read the article after reading about it on io9 and other blogs. I was really angry without even reading the whole thing. I'm glad you sent them that email (which was very good) and I hope they get others like it. Maybe I will send one myself.

I really really HATE the public's idea that girls can't be on the same level of guys when it comes to geeky things like cons and gaming and such. It makes me so mad. Even amongst my own friends, when guys I know find out that I'm a sci-fi and comics fan and a gamer (or I used to be a gamer, at any rate) they're pretty much speechless and I'm like "...what?" and they're just stunned to see a girl into that stuff. I don't get why its such a big deal, girls have been into it for quite some time now, and why should it be a surprise in the first place? It all just makes me mad :(


tears_of_nienna June 17 2009, 19:18:34 UTC
Yeah, I don't blame you for not wanting to read the article. The rage it inspires is pretty unpleasant.

I try to do my part to relieve the public of the girls-aren't-geeks stereotype. Mainly through geeky t-shirts. The "Talk nerdy to me" one gets the point across pretty well, I think. ;)

Also I like reading Star Wars books in public, and seeing the number of double-takes I get. My favorite was when a little boy grabbed at his mother's sleeve and said, in an awed whisper, "That girl's reading Star Wars!!" There's one kid who'll grow up knowing girls can be geeks...


darth_angelus June 17 2009, 13:29:26 UTC
As I mentioned elsewhere, geek girls are far from two dimensional. You for example and your friends who post replies here. You always have something interesting to say!

I guess it's an area they just don't get. If they're not willing to do a little digging to find out more, they shouldn't be writing about it.

I hope you'll post the reply you get to your email ;)


tears_of_nienna June 17 2009, 19:07:17 UTC
Oh, if I get one, I'll be sure to post it. But I'm not holding my breath.


darth_angelus June 18 2009, 16:09:36 UTC
Pity, chances are it would be something just as silly.


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