Drop and give me fifty!! - OTA

May 31, 2011 17:25

The open space in the center of camp has been cordoned off for the last couple of days, Ethan has been over seeing as the ground is remarked with clear distinction of combatant training areas. Posters have been dotted around camp notifying the team that they are all expected to attend the team training days that are up coming. First of all is the ( Read more... )

elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, lorna 'polaris' dane, alice 'flick' caine, marie 'rogue' darkholme, elizabeth 'acier' acier, captain ethan sykes, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, adrian 'force' clark, jubilation 'jubilee' lee, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, angelica 'firestar' jones, dr hope chandler, sgt mackenzie richards

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Comments 144

Anyone up for some awkward? notouchpolicy May 31 2011, 21:40:00 UTC
Haylie'd seen the posted notices around the camp, and really, she may have been trying to avoid it since it was Ethan she'd have to deal with, and the last couple of weeks had been a slightly emotional rollercoaster for her. The last thing she wanted was a repeat of their first fight (even if that was due to pheromones).

Unfortunately for her, the area that had been cordoned off was her usual training grounds. Showing up in her usual shorts, tank top, and ponytail, she'd been expecting to resume training with Wade now that she was back in action from her mission in Nevada.

"Oh, son of a bitch." She mumbled under her breath when she saw Sykes standing there, resisting the urge to turn on her heel and bolt in the opposite direction.


He is! Cutting in, k thnx. makesppldead June 1 2011, 00:19:13 UTC
As fun as fucking around with Sykes was, Wade was tempted to just bail on him and face the consequences later on. And given how boring things were already? That sounded like much more fun than sitting and waiting to play 'P.E.' with the captain.

That was until he spotted Haylie. A devilish smirk pulled to his face when he saw her all but freeze, knowing full well that she was resisting the fight or flight. There was no way in hell he was going to let her flight. Oh no, not with him around.

Hopping to his feet Wade bounded over to his pupil and all but glomped her. Taking her face in his hands, he squeezed her cheeks playfully. "Where you been Hotstuff? I was wondering when you were gonna show up!" He wasn't trying to be quiet about it either. Turning around, he waved over to Sykes. "Captain! Oh, Captain! You can't move onto lessons yet, this lovely lady hasn't had her physical assessment!"


Oh, damn you Wade. XD notouchpolicy June 1 2011, 00:33:36 UTC
Mid-way through her potential freak-out, Haylie caught sight of a flash in the corner of her eye. Turning around, she nearly fell over when Wade all but tackled her, growling as he pinched her cheeks.

"I'm gonna kill you for this, Wade." She snapped, shifting to slap him upside the head while he was busy bouncing around trying to get Ethan's attention.


You love him. makesppldead June 1 2011, 00:40:36 UTC
"Stop being such a giant Pussy, or I won't let you hang out with Spencer anymore. He'll rub off on you....ew." He said, flashing her a grin even after she slapped the back of his head. There was no pain. Only joy and mischievousness.

Still he tried to flag the Captain over. Wade didn't really need to do all the jumping around, seeing as his giraffe-like statue wasn't all that hard to miss. "You need to get over this. Life is an asshole and will constantly surround you with everyone you hate. Better get over it now!"


marauding_miss June 1 2011, 12:37:58 UTC
Having already bench pressed twice her body weight, ran almost ten miles in under half an hour and broken three machines, Rogue is just a little hesitant about this hand to hand thing. They'd tried her out with one of the soldiers in the training camp, her appearance being that of a slight, waif, delicate girl and she's pretty sure she broke his arm with a block.

It was decided right there that the Captain was the best bet for the rest of Rogue's assessment and that was fine with the Southerner. She'd already had a spar with Sykes, she was aware enough that his power could hold it's own against hers, so that was a plus.

This time, she didn't have a feral influencing her abilities either.

Dressed in loose pants and a vest with sheer netting over the top to stop her skin from touching anyone else's, Rogue took the quickest route to the location she was given, exiting the training centre from the roof and flying to the courtyard area.


captaine_sykes June 1 2011, 22:05:34 UTC
The soldier does indeed have a broken arm as well as a fractured collar bone and bruising to his ribs , but really it is his own fault for underestimating his opponent. Still Ethan is smart enough to have signed off on the young soldiers leave pass for the upcoming dates he has requested as well as ensuring that he gets all the time that he needs off to recover.

Watching Rogue approach, Ethan knows he has another topic to broach with her. He'd spotted Esteban trying to sneak into the mess hall just before the meal time had finished. The Mexican had been reluctant to talk, let alone disclose what had happened to his cheek and eye. When Ethan had tried to get a straight answer Ric had clammed up, muttering in his native tongue and Ethan had given up.

Jotting down various things onto the clipboard he knows that his one-on-one session with Rogue will be shorter than others seeing as they've already done this once before. "I promise to not keep you here too long Rogue, how are you anyway?"


marauding_miss June 1 2011, 22:24:04 UTC
She'd be pretty glad that he wasn't about to make her jump through hoops, she hated being treated like some kind of show dog. "Fine, Ah guess." She was tightly strung, even after the work outs.

For one thing, Rogue actually held a respect for the Captain, she didn't need to give the man attitude, she wasn't about to either. Maybe a week or two ago, with Julio loud and boisterous in her head, she would've but right then, he was quiet. Which was nice. "Gettin' back t' normal, after bein' sick."

Nibbling on her lip, she couldn't help the nervous energy, it was partly her own and partly Julio's and partly something else entirely. "What d'ya need me t' do?"


captaine_sykes June 1 2011, 23:17:55 UTC
"Good to see you are recovering, it was a rather unfortunate set of events but you handled the situation very well considering the potential fall-out in Spokane and yes, the sickness was rahter ill-timed. Anyway it's good to see you and the others out of the Med Bay and back in camp." Well alright, Ethan might not be thankful about everyone in the camp being back and on their feet but that's just his private, personal opinion.

"We're just going to go through a quick run through of some of the basics. Blocks, offensive, defensive and so on. Nothing too flash or complicated, just enough that I can be confident that you'll be able to defend yourself should you be powerless for any reason." Ethan stood facing Rogue in the training area. "Though I'll be honest and say that previously you'd displayed an certain level of ability, so I'm predicting that you'll pass without issue."


forceful_gift June 1 2011, 22:21:15 UTC
It was days like these that Adrian remembers that he is actually living on an army base rather than mutant summer camp. He'd never before in his life lifted a gun or even a knife other than the common kitchen kind. He'd certainly never hurt anyone in that kind of context unless it was with his powers.

So that would be why Adrian is sitting here by himself over to the side thinking strongly on how the hell he's going to bluff his way through a PT exercise that assumes everyone has some degree of knowledge in hand-to-hand combat backing them up.


captaine_sykes June 1 2011, 23:10:15 UTC
Ethan is more than aware that there are going to be certain members of the team who are lacking in any hand to hand combant or weapon training. Hence the whole reason the military had been involved in the process once Emma had provided the funding. Whilst she dealt with the mental and more mutant focused attributes, Ethen was working on ensuring that the team had some basic skills to fall back on.

"Come on Clark, I promise I don't bite." Ethan has been watching the young man out of the corner of his eye as he'd been working with the previous candidate on their hand-to-hand combat skills. He'll go easy on Adrian, just test out to see what more assistance he'll need and either pair him off with someone or offer to train the young man himself.


forceful_gift June 1 2011, 23:12:52 UTC
Adrian stood up and smiled tentatively. He was in good physical condition, though that derived entirely from vanity rather than some form of training. He walks over to Ethan, fully aware that this could get very interesting.

"Sorry sir, but I should probably let you know I have no previous experience in fighting hand-to-hand. I mean, it never seemed important what with the crushing force of gravity on my side?" He smiles again, a less weak smile this time.


captaine_sykes June 1 2011, 23:21:46 UTC
"I am more than well aware of your files Clark, so you needn't worry. I'm not about to expect you to be able to execute moves like Wilson or even the likes of Rogue. I just want to see if you know some of the basics and then we can work from there."

Ethan stretches out, waiting for Adrian to do the same before he he takes a stance, similar to that of a boxer, hands raised and fists loosely curled. "What I want you to try and do is copy as many of the moves that I show you as possible. I'll help you make any corrections alright?"

From there Ethan demonstrates several punches, kicks and blocks. Going slowly and repeating any that are particularly complicted or are combination moves.


Here's me trying to get Jubilee out more... saywhatiplease June 2 2011, 01:32:53 UTC
The last thing Jubilee wanted to do was break a sweat. Let alone one that required fighting the man that's supposed to be unbreakable. However, she was bored and almost itching for some entertainment, hence her showing up at the cordoned off area. Arms folded across her chest and her yellow trenchcoat billowing in the wind to reveal her street clothes, Jubilee sat her sunglasses atop her head and cleared her throat impatiently.

"Uh, hello?"


captaine_sykes June 2 2011, 11:14:26 UTC
Immediately he's forming an opinion of this young woman. Everyone is to wear the issued uniform, irrespective of the fact that they are off timetable. Personal attire is not permitted, especially not when you are about to be subjected to a physical assessment with the boss man.

Setting the clipboard down Ethan strides across the training area and comes to stand almost toe to toe with the young woman. He might not be as tall as the likes of Creed or some of the other loftier mutants, but what he lacks in height he certainly makes up for in presence. Ethan exudes the aura of a man in charge and ready to kick ass.

"Let me make something perfectly clear to you Lee, you are a member of this team and therefore subject to obeying the same rules as everyone else. If you do not return to your room and report back here in the correct military attire you were issued with in the next ten minutes I will ensure that you spend the rest of the week running laps and lamenting the fact that all of your personal privileges have been revoked. Do I ( ... )


I intend to spam you over the next few hours; fyi greenhaired June 3 2011, 12:28:57 UTC
Polaris was not overly skilled in hand to hand combat.

She did the rest of her PT fairly well, average they would say. Lorna hated being classed as average, there was nothing average about her, thank you very much. But that was where they classed her -speed, agility, stamina, all of it. Average.

She knew how to fight. She'd been given a few classes, done the whole 'empower yourself' back in Beverly Hills when they had a peeping Tom on the loose and all the females in the school were given self-defence classes. But this was probably a little more than kick them in the balls, poke them in the eye, bite them in the hand sort of fighting.

This, honestly, was not her bag.


spam spam spam marvellous spam spam spam captaine_sykes June 3 2011, 13:41:27 UTC
Ethan isn't expecting everyone on camp to have the level of combat skills he possesses, let alone that of the likes of Wilson or Daken. What he is hoping to see though, is that the team are able to mostly demonstrate an ability to learn. Or at least a willingess to try.

He smiles at Lorna, glancing up from his paperwork and noting down everything that she's done with her p/t so far.

"Okay let's see what you can do. If you're comfortable with it I want you to spar with me, see if you can land a hit and we'll look t osee if there are any areas of weakness that we can work on." By this point in the day Ethan is just about ready to play nice because he's got Wilson out of the way. Thank goodness.


although I hate spam in a can. don't you. greenhaired June 3 2011, 14:15:53 UTC
Areas of weakness? Right. Minimal upper body strength would be the first thing to note, Lorna assumed. "Okay," she could try though, at the very least she could throw a few punches, and avoid a few more probably.

When push came to shove though, and if Lorna ever had to deal without her powers, she'd be fighting dirty all the way. "So, I bruise easy, and purple sort of clashes with green." She flicked a strand of her bangs out of her face, back to where her ponytail was rather poorly held together.

But surely the Captain would be more than skilled enough to not bruise up Lorna. "One of us has to be good at this, right?" Nerves made her talk a little.


No, it's not my favourite. captaine_sykes June 3 2011, 23:09:39 UTC
Ethan chuckles and holds up a finger to indicate that Lorna should wait a minute, he retrieves the boxing gloves that Adrian had earlier used and hands them to Lorna, whilst she puts those on takes the punch pads and easily slips them on. "To save you from a potential fashion disaster let's just see what you can do like this."

Yes, Ethan did just crack a joke and the world didn't end.

"I've no intention of bruising you anyway, wouldn't look to good if everyone showed up to see Emma sporting an injury of some sort." Though some members of the team could do with a good ass kicking from time to time.


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