Drop and give me fifty!! - OTA

May 31, 2011 17:25

The open space in the center of camp has been cordoned off for the last couple of days, Ethan has been over seeing as the ground is remarked with clear distinction of combatant training areas. Posters have been dotted around camp notifying the team that they are all expected to attend the team training days that are up coming. First of all is the ( Read more... )

elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, lorna 'polaris' dane, alice 'flick' caine, marie 'rogue' darkholme, elizabeth 'acier' acier, captain ethan sykes, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, adrian 'force' clark, jubilation 'jubilee' lee, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, angelica 'firestar' jones, dr hope chandler, sgt mackenzie richards

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Anyone up for some awkward? notouchpolicy May 31 2011, 21:40:00 UTC
Haylie'd seen the posted notices around the camp, and really, she may have been trying to avoid it since it was Ethan she'd have to deal with, and the last couple of weeks had been a slightly emotional rollercoaster for her. The last thing she wanted was a repeat of their first fight (even if that was due to pheromones).

Unfortunately for her, the area that had been cordoned off was her usual training grounds. Showing up in her usual shorts, tank top, and ponytail, she'd been expecting to resume training with Wade now that she was back in action from her mission in Nevada.

"Oh, son of a bitch." She mumbled under her breath when she saw Sykes standing there, resisting the urge to turn on her heel and bolt in the opposite direction.


He is! Cutting in, k thnx. makesppldead June 1 2011, 00:19:13 UTC
As fun as fucking around with Sykes was, Wade was tempted to just bail on him and face the consequences later on. And given how boring things were already? That sounded like much more fun than sitting and waiting to play 'P.E.' with the captain.

That was until he spotted Haylie. A devilish smirk pulled to his face when he saw her all but freeze, knowing full well that she was resisting the fight or flight. There was no way in hell he was going to let her flight. Oh no, not with him around.

Hopping to his feet Wade bounded over to his pupil and all but glomped her. Taking her face in his hands, he squeezed her cheeks playfully. "Where you been Hotstuff? I was wondering when you were gonna show up!" He wasn't trying to be quiet about it either. Turning around, he waved over to Sykes. "Captain! Oh, Captain! You can't move onto lessons yet, this lovely lady hasn't had her physical assessment!"


Oh, damn you Wade. XD notouchpolicy June 1 2011, 00:33:36 UTC
Mid-way through her potential freak-out, Haylie caught sight of a flash in the corner of her eye. Turning around, she nearly fell over when Wade all but tackled her, growling as he pinched her cheeks.

"I'm gonna kill you for this, Wade." She snapped, shifting to slap him upside the head while he was busy bouncing around trying to get Ethan's attention.


You love him. makesppldead June 1 2011, 00:40:36 UTC
"Stop being such a giant Pussy, or I won't let you hang out with Spencer anymore. He'll rub off on you....ew." He said, flashing her a grin even after she slapped the back of his head. There was no pain. Only joy and mischievousness.

Still he tried to flag the Captain over. Wade didn't really need to do all the jumping around, seeing as his giraffe-like statue wasn't all that hard to miss. "You need to get over this. Life is an asshole and will constantly surround you with everyone you hate. Better get over it now!"


Not all of us do! captaine_sykes June 1 2011, 00:45:25 UTC
Ethan is far from surprised at the level of noise being created by Wade, though the way he is hanging off of Haylie does confuse the Captain for a moment before he remembers that the pair have been training together. Something that Ethan whole-heartedly approves of, especially since Wade is enabling Haylie to improve her skills and it's shown initiative.

Despite the reasons behind it.

Taking Haylie's file from the pile Ethan crosses over to where Wade is clamouring for attention and tries not to loo too peeved at his behaviour. "Thank you Wilson, I'm sure Haylie is more than capable of notifying me of her arrival but you enthusiasm to be my PA isn't going ignored."


I do. She doesn't. XD notouchpolicy June 1 2011, 00:55:38 UTC
The comment about rubbing off on her brings forth memories of the night Spencer came into her room, and after a moment she coughs - trying to push those awkward memories from her mind.

"I don't hate him, Wade." She said pointedly, folding her arms across her chest and glaring holes in the back of his head.


His reasons are PURE Sykes, fuck your couch! makesppldead June 1 2011, 01:01:32 UTC
It was a good thing Wade didn't give two shits what anyone thought of him--obviously--so he could care less why Sykes, or anyone else wondered why he'd taken to Haylie. There would be no more dwelling on that.

Giving Sykes a mock salute, he turned back to Haylie. "You're dying to run away. Clearly, you hate everything about this situation. Don't worry. I'm sure he's gentle and sanitary. If he does anything inappropriate just scream and I'll be there faster than a stripper rips her pants off."


Her reasons... are up for debate. notouchpolicy June 1 2011, 01:14:12 UTC
"What part of, he's datin' Angel and I had a thing for him d'you not understand?" Rolling her eyes, she resisted the urge to hit Wade yet again, even if the comment about strippers made her crack a tiny smile.

"Besides, why the hell should I have t'square off against him when you've been trainin' me?"


Charlie you get no turn because you're sleeping. And Haylie thinks he's hot. makesppldead June 1 2011, 01:22:01 UTC
"What part of, you can't fucking fool me do you not understand?" And he caught that tiny crack of a smile, too.

To her question he folded his arms and moved to stand in line beside her. "That's what I've been trying to figure out all day. I don't think he'll make you square off, but the 'physical assessment' has yet to reveal itself. I'd like to think it was a fitness test, but who knows with good 'ole Cap'n."


Haylie thinks Sykes is hotter. :x notouchpolicy June 1 2011, 01:28:27 UTC
"The only person I hate is Daken. I don't hate Sykes. I just... it's awkward, alright?" She sighed heavily and ran a hand over her face.

When Wade took his place beside Haylie, she glanced up at him over her shoulder. "I really want to punch you right now."


captaine_sykes June 1 2011, 20:58:21 UTC
Ethan keeps out of the conversation between the pair for the most of it, only catching snippets of conversation and most of that he's not even focusing on, too busy reading through the paperwork and ticking off what needs to be done ( ... )


notouchpolicy June 2 2011, 00:57:30 UTC
"I'm alright with that." She replied almost too quickly, fully anticipating a smartass reply from Wade because she was relieved that she wouldn't have to deal with Sykes personally right now.

Glancing up at Wade once again, she arched a brow and gave him a slight nudge. "Shall we?"


makesppldead June 2 2011, 15:45:19 UTC
Wrong again, Captain.

The mercenary narrowed his eyes down at Sykes, then shifted his glance over to Haylie. Ms 'I don't hate him' sure as shit was eager to spar with someone else. And good ole' Sykes was nurturing that silly little fear.

"Captain, surely you know that the fruit of Haylie's training would most likely be seen if she spars someone other than her sensei. After all, that's what the training is for." Giving a small shrug and letting his hands fall to his sides, he motioned with his head back to Sykes. "Why not spar her yourself? To be honest, I'm just as interested as you are to see how much her training has helped her."

None of that, surprisingly, was a lie. But Wade knew what Sykes wanted, he knew what Haylie wanted, and he knew what he wanted. Truthfully he did enjoy making the girl squirm as he did everyone else. He enjoyed giving Sykes a hard time. But he was also investing a lot of his own time into her, and if he were to truly see if it was paying off, she would have to fight someone else. She already knew how ( ... )


captaine_sykes June 2 2011, 16:02:03 UTC
At least Wade, for once, seems capable of phrasing a situation so that it doesn't end up offending everyone and anyone involved. He'll admit that he was rather interested to see how Haylie's training has come along but he's in no mood to go demanding that everyone plays ball. Anyway, he's reasonably confident that Haylie could handle herself should her powers be neutralized, especially since she's been mentoring under Wade ( ... )


notouchpolicy June 3 2011, 02:01:05 UTC
If looks could kill, Wade would've been shit out of luck a long time ago, and six feet under about ten minutes ago when this whole mess first started. Muttering quietly through gritted teeth so Sykes couldn't hear it, she elbowed Wade in the ribs - not very gently at all. "I hate you so much right now."

Stepping around and in front of Wade, she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Placing herself between her mentor and her commanding officer, she rolled her shoulders, cracked her knuckles, and shifted herself into a ready stance -- just the way Wade taught her.

"We gonna sit around and chat like a bunch of girls or are we gonna get down to business?" Consider Haylie in the zone.


makesppldead June 3 2011, 11:39:24 UTC
Giving a pout, Wade only gave Haylie the best 'boofuckinghoo' face he could before she stepped out of line with him. "Be sweet to me."

She'd be thanking him later, as she usually did. Why didn't anyone trust him? It was either she was going to be thanking him or he was going to give her the beating of her life for not retaining anything he'd taught her. The one bit of hobby or work that he could take pride in other than killing something--and to fail at it--would not be an easy take for him. Not that Wade considered himself a master sensei, but he'd like to think that Haylie learned something.

And there was...that cocky bit of mouth that came from her time to time that he hated. Now of all times. Really, Haylie? You're going to amp up the testosterone during a test? Had she not moved already Wade would have jabbed her good in the shoulder. But for now he sufficed with a roll of his eyes, stepping back away from the two, and opening his palm to indicate they could go ahead and begin.

"Hajime," he said with a smirk.



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