Drop and give me fifty!! - OTA

May 31, 2011 17:25

The open space in the center of camp has been cordoned off for the last couple of days, Ethan has been over seeing as the ground is remarked with clear distinction of combatant training areas. Posters have been dotted around camp notifying the team that they are all expected to attend the team training days that are up coming. First of all is the ( Read more... )

elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, lorna 'polaris' dane, alice 'flick' caine, marie 'rogue' darkholme, elizabeth 'acier' acier, captain ethan sykes, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, adrian 'force' clark, jubilation 'jubilee' lee, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, angelica 'firestar' jones, dr hope chandler, sgt mackenzie richards

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captaine_sykes June 1 2011, 20:58:21 UTC
Ethan keeps out of the conversation between the pair for the most of it, only catching snippets of conversation and most of that he's not even focusing on, too busy reading through the paperwork and ticking off what needs to be done.

Everyone will have been through an extensive p/t session involving drills, an assault course and observations on physical capabilities like beep tests, weight tests and so on. It's a full scale medical but with added extras that the mutants mostly should be able to handle.

Clearing his throat Ethan notes the way that Haylie and Wade are stood, she seems comfortable around him and there's the element of training. Rather than waste a perfectly good opportunity to see what Wade has been up to Ethan clears his throat and interrupts the pair.

"Haylie, I'm more than willing to just observe a short sparring session between yourself and Wilson. No doubt you've been developing some further skills and I'd be interested to see how your training has go on." That way he can watch from the side and also it gives Wilson a) a chance to preen his own ego and b) it allows Ethan to see whether he can just leave Haylie to continue her one-on-one training with Wilson without intervention.


notouchpolicy June 2 2011, 00:57:30 UTC
"I'm alright with that." She replied almost too quickly, fully anticipating a smartass reply from Wade because she was relieved that she wouldn't have to deal with Sykes personally right now.

Glancing up at Wade once again, she arched a brow and gave him a slight nudge. "Shall we?"


makesppldead June 2 2011, 15:45:19 UTC
Wrong again, Captain.

The mercenary narrowed his eyes down at Sykes, then shifted his glance over to Haylie. Ms 'I don't hate him' sure as shit was eager to spar with someone else. And good ole' Sykes was nurturing that silly little fear.

"Captain, surely you know that the fruit of Haylie's training would most likely be seen if she spars someone other than her sensei. After all, that's what the training is for." Giving a small shrug and letting his hands fall to his sides, he motioned with his head back to Sykes. "Why not spar her yourself? To be honest, I'm just as interested as you are to see how much her training has helped her."

None of that, surprisingly, was a lie. But Wade knew what Sykes wanted, he knew what Haylie wanted, and he knew what he wanted. Truthfully he did enjoy making the girl squirm as he did everyone else. He enjoyed giving Sykes a hard time. But he was also investing a lot of his own time into her, and if he were to truly see if it was paying off, she would have to fight someone else. She already knew how to fight him--at least she thought she did. That of course was just 'play' fighting for him.

This way? Haylie would have to confront her annoyances, Sykes probably wouldn't like it, but he and Wade would also get to see what she could really do.


captaine_sykes June 2 2011, 16:02:03 UTC
At least Wade, for once, seems capable of phrasing a situation so that it doesn't end up offending everyone and anyone involved. He'll admit that he was rather interested to see how Haylie's training has come along but he's in no mood to go demanding that everyone plays ball. Anyway, he's reasonably confident that Haylie could handle herself should her powers be neutralized, especially since she's been mentoring under Wade.

"I am more than comfortable to spar with Haylie, in all honesty I'd prefer it because, like you said Wilson, it'll allow me to see if there are drastic differences in our training styles." As far as Ethan is concerned he just wants to get through this day as quickly as possible because he's been up since 4am and systematically working his way through observing and assessing the mutants. He just wants it all to go off without any further hiccups, like his incident with Ophelia earlier in the day.

And actually, beyond all that, Ethan has never fostered these unrequited feelings that Haylie has seemed to developed for him. He never gave her any indication that he was or would ever be interested, and the situation which has arisen between him and Angel was not at all planned for or anticipated. Which is why Ethan is genuinely oblivious to the real reasons of Haylie's discomfort at being made to spar with him. The Captain has, of course, gathered that Haylie has developed an inclination for him but beyond that he doesn't believe it to be anything more than simply mis-directed feelings.

If anything Ethan is assuming Haylie's discomfort is as a result of being around Wade and not him.


notouchpolicy June 3 2011, 02:01:05 UTC
If looks could kill, Wade would've been shit out of luck a long time ago, and six feet under about ten minutes ago when this whole mess first started. Muttering quietly through gritted teeth so Sykes couldn't hear it, she elbowed Wade in the ribs - not very gently at all. "I hate you so much right now."

Stepping around and in front of Wade, she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Placing herself between her mentor and her commanding officer, she rolled her shoulders, cracked her knuckles, and shifted herself into a ready stance -- just the way Wade taught her.

"We gonna sit around and chat like a bunch of girls or are we gonna get down to business?" Consider Haylie in the zone.


makesppldead June 3 2011, 11:39:24 UTC
Giving a pout, Wade only gave Haylie the best 'boofuckinghoo' face he could before she stepped out of line with him. "Be sweet to me."

She'd be thanking him later, as she usually did. Why didn't anyone trust him? It was either she was going to be thanking him or he was going to give her the beating of her life for not retaining anything he'd taught her. The one bit of hobby or work that he could take pride in other than killing something--and to fail at it--would not be an easy take for him. Not that Wade considered himself a master sensei, but he'd like to think that Haylie learned something.

And there was...that cocky bit of mouth that came from her time to time that he hated. Now of all times. Really, Haylie? You're going to amp up the testosterone during a test? Had she not moved already Wade would have jabbed her good in the shoulder. But for now he sufficed with a roll of his eyes, stepping back away from the two, and opening his palm to indicate they could go ahead and begin.

"Hajime," he said with a smirk.



captaine_sykes June 3 2011, 15:00:20 UTC
Ethan manages to refrain from smirking at Haylie's sudden change in demeanor, from seeming to not want to fight at all to all of a sudden being so forward and cocky. Ah well, pride before a fall. Though Ethan was confident that Haylie would at least prove herself to be a good person to spar with.

Taking a fighting stance, Ethan goes for a mostly neutral and normal stance, not indicating much more than that he's been given extensive boxing training as he ducks his chin and raises his shoulders. Facing Haylie Ethan keeps his feet about shoulder width apart. Left hand around chin level, while the right hand is nearer to the face to protect. Both of his hands are turned so that the side of the hand is being shown to the Haylie, before he opens his right hand to beckon her, allowing Haylie to take the first shot if she wants to.

His mutation is in place, skin no longer able to be bruised or damaged.


notouchpolicy June 4 2011, 03:21:55 UTC
The cocky attitude was mostly for show, since really, Haylie wasn't exactly the prideful and arrogant sort. Stubborn and determined not to fail? Yes. Proud and cocky? No.

Normally, Haylie would be wearing her leather gloves to protect Sykes from any accidental discharge of her powers, but since she knew about the durability, she felt it would be okay to go without the extra precautions. Haylie was never very fond of making the first move, but since the Captain insisted, she'd make an exception. Looking over his stance, she found a hole in his guard near his right side and launched into a swift jab while keeping herself protected just like Wade drilled into her.


captaine_sykes June 5 2011, 22:47:12 UTC
Ethan has already anticipated that Haylie will go for this 'weak spot' but what she won't know that it's a move used to give her a false sense of security. Something that Ethan had fallen for during his own training when taking on his own CO during his cadet days.

Bringing his left arm up Ethan turns his body, pressing his chest against Haylie's shoulder and sliding his right arm under her body, dropping his weight back as he gets a grip, the object of this move it to get the upper hand.


notouchpolicy June 6 2011, 00:14:52 UTC
Was it an easy trap to fall into? Yes. But the true test was if - and how - she was able to get out of it. Luckily for Haylie? She'd always been light on her feet and a quick thinker. Once Sykes had gotten her into a hold, she shifted, hooking her leg around his thigh while her elbow connected with his jaw. Using her two-hundred pounds to her advantage, she twisted them and used the momentum to throw him off of her and allow her the chance to put some distance between them.


captaine_sykes June 7 2011, 11:01:19 UTC
The blow to his jaw did nothing at all really, his mutation meant he barely even registered it, if anything it was the feel of pressure and the actual witnessing of the act that got him to respond. And really the move was more of a case of Ethan allowing Haylie to show her skills, at least she knew how to get out of a grapple hold which was a positive.

Ethan barely allows Haylie that chance to enjoy the distance she's put between them before he's attacking again. This time he is using speed, high and low jabs that will force Haylie back and to expose any weak spots. Though there is no denying that Haylie has probably been training hard with Wade, she's coming up against someone with years of experience and the fitness of pro-olympians.

This sparring match isn't about winning though, it's about providing Wade and Ethan in insight into what Haylie needs to work on and what skills she's confident enough in should she be forced to fight.


notouchpolicy June 8 2011, 22:18:54 UTC
Haylie's method toward giving her some quick distance boiled down to a series of swift backflips which were the most effective way to showcase the enhanced strength her mutation had given her. Within seconds of her landing, though, Ethan's there and attacking her again.

Ethan's fast, but Haylie spent a good amount of her time with Wade perfecting her blocks. When it comes to blocking, she's able to avoid his punches easily. Until she backed into a tree and had no room between them to move freely.

Instead of panicking (like she would've done prior to her time on base) when she took a punch to the ribs, Haylie simply dropped to her knees and body-checked Sykes. Her head connected with his stomach as she threw her weight into knocking him back in a move that she actually hadn't learned from Wade. This one was all hers, baby.


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