Laying Down The Law *OTA*

May 17, 2010 00:36

There was a new notice posted in the mess hall where the whole team could read it.

I'd just like reiterate that while the power of command may have shifted, you should all still behaving. Any misconduct-

Aw, fuck it with being formal. Enough bullshit. Anyone steps out of line, and I ain't going to be slapping your wrists and tossing you in the brig ( Read more... )

elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, jack hendley, ✝ nicky creed, ✝ alyssa ryan, victor creed, ✝ cassidy 'c4' jamison, roy 'raven' levoch, wade wilson, ✝ katie thompson, dr hope chandler

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Comments 138

createdevidence May 17 2010, 08:36:11 UTC
Nicky knew Jack probably didn't want visitors especially if everyone was already acting up but he really did feel like he should talk to the older man. He knocked firmly,"Jack are you busy?"

He hoped that letting Jack know it was him would make him more likely to answer or at least to just tell him to go away. He shifted on his feet wiggling his toes in his boots. He was going to need new ones soon.


hunteroffreaks May 17 2010, 08:41:08 UTC
Had it been anyone else other than Nicky, they would have gotten a chest full of buckshot as he fired through the door. But the feral child had gotten under Jack's skin something terrible, and while their relationship had been strained as of late, he wouldn't turn the boy away.

He set down the gun and cloth he had been rubbing it down it. "C'mon in, kid."


createdevidence May 17 2010, 08:45:04 UTC
Nicky slipped inside the door closing it quietly behind himself. He offered Jack a small half smile his hands slipping into his pockets. He wasn't really sure how to start what he had to say. "I'm sorry Jack."


hunteroffreaks May 17 2010, 16:33:02 UTC
"Sit on down. Stay awhile." Jack gestuered to the chair in front of the desk. Listening to Nicky apologizing, the old hunter felt something very close to guilt turning over in his mind. "What for?"


proper_twinkie May 17 2010, 08:40:19 UTC
"Assassination attempts? You know me so well." Betsy said from the doorway. Seeing him sitting at Stryker's desk made her stomach tighten. There was something incredibly erotic about him sitting in a place of power. Damn him.


hunteroffreaks May 17 2010, 16:23:31 UTC
Jack looked up, his face schooled into a carefully neutral expression upon seeing Betsy. He wondered if she was going to reduce all his furniture to rubble again. "I knew the team might try to bump me off. I didn't know they'd send their best killer."


proper_twinkie May 17 2010, 16:40:04 UTC
"It's a little late for flattery, don't you think?" She asked sauntering further into the room. Killing him would have been easy. He could be dead before he could draw his next breath and he wouldn't even see it coming. Sure, it would piss off Stryker but he would get over it eventually.

The only thing that stopped her was this nagging thought in the back of her head that maybe she wouldn't be so quick to recover from it.


hunteroffreaks May 17 2010, 20:12:55 UTC
"What are you doing in here?" Jack watched her sashay into the room with a feminine grace that was all her own.

He'd decided the best policy would be to simply avoid Betsy, and while it had been working since he had been put in charge, he hadn't counted on her seeking him out specifically. In fact, Jack had thought she was still mad at him, though for what reson he couldn't quite remember. Women.


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hunteroffreaks May 17 2010, 16:17:30 UTC
It was a good thing the gun wasn't loaded, for the sake of Roy's health. If looks could have killed, the mutant humming one of the world's most annoying songs would have been reduced to a corpse lying on the floor. The hunter also made a mental note not to oil the door. It paid to know when people were coming in and out.

Still, even if it wasn't loaded, the gun made a nice prop. Jack used it to point towards the door. "Out. Now."


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hunteroffreaks May 18 2010, 07:03:51 UTC
The calm worked, even though Jack had no intention of shooting Roy in the first place. Well, maybe a small intention, but not at the moment. He set the gun down on the table, one hand resting under his chin.

"You have exactly one minute to state your business. I don't care if you're still flapping your lips when that time is up, I am booting your ass back out that door. Your time starts now."


kinshou_kitsune May 17 2010, 15:33:03 UTC
Lys had been mulling the idea around in her head of going to talk to Jack since she and Wade had gotten back from Kyoto. Both were bruised, a little singed, but nothing a couple days rest wouldn't take care of. She gave herself another day or two in the cast about her left arm before removing it herself. It would have been healed enough to not warrant wearing it about any more.

With a light rap of knuckles on the doorframe, the mutant carefully crossed her arms as she spoke. "Hey, Boss. Got a minute?" Any other time Alyssa would have brushed the feeling off chalking it up for another run about but... something just felt off.


hunteroffreaks May 17 2010, 16:30:36 UTC
Unbeknowst to Alyssa, Jack had started to be lulled to sleep in the stillness and warmth of the quiet room. Head dropping to the desk, his bad eye was already closed, and the good one's eyelid was flickering shut when her knock came. He jumped back awake with a snort and a start, recovering quickly.

Shaking his head to dispense the fog of sleep, he called out, not bothering to hide his annoyance. "No, but if you're determined to interrupt me, might as well just get it done and over with."


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 02:47:43 UTC
"I'm not determined to interrupt you at all, Jack. I just..." Giving an exasperated sigh the younger woman walked in to the room, her usual little smile wiped from her face and replaced with a serious expression. It wasn't like her at all from what she had shown about the base not to mention the fact the drop of a nickname. "If you want I can come back."

Out of all the people there on the base Jack was probably one of the only non-mutants that she respected the most. Stryker was... well the fact she was there in the first place possibly because of him was unsettling enough that respect was something she wasn't entirely ready to give the man. The fact that Jack was her team leader mad her treat him on a different level than some of the others, but there was just something about him that she could understand. All her talk and ribbings were just fun. Now? Now they were being dropped.


hunteroffreaks May 18 2010, 02:54:59 UTC
"No, right now is fine." The serious attitude was immediately noted by Jack, bleary-eyed as he was from sleep. He leaned forward and stifled a yawn. "Is something wrong?"

He had a certain level of protectiveness towards the members of his own squad that was significantly different from the rest of the team. Despite his own prejudicial anger and hatred, he had been put in charge of them for a reason. Jack was determined to make sure they all stayed safe. Alyss wasn't too far off the mark when she had said he needed one of those 'Team Dad' shirts.


makesppldead May 17 2010, 19:29:44 UTC
Upon his way to the very office to tell the hunter about what had happened in Kyoto, Wade happened by the notice. All but rolling his eyes. Without bothering to knock or look in before entering he made his way inside Jack's office and plopped down in the visitor's chair.

"Yeah. About that taking leave? I wouldn't advise it. We're being watched."


hunteroffreaks May 17 2010, 19:48:21 UTC
Paperwork. Jack so very much despised it. This was definitely the one area where he was out of his league, and he finally understood why Stryker had rarely been seen outside of his office. But Jack had given up trying to make any sense of forms in front of him, and had tossed most in the trash.

His eye was running over one of the few pages he understood when Wade walked in, and Jack didn't bother to look up."Care to elaborate-" Jack finally spared a glance and blinked in surprise. "-why? And what the hell happened to your face? Looks like someone ran you over with a car."


makesppldead May 17 2010, 19:52:28 UTC
"Well you see I was in a building, and that building went ka-boom." He elaborates this by putting his hands together, and then making them expand as if in an explosion.

"And, the ka-boomers were the Asian mafia. Annnnnd I think they're watching our team base. And I thought you should know about it." If his burns looked painful at all he left no indication of it. He was still the merc with a mouth.


hunteroffreaks May 17 2010, 20:07:08 UTC
The eye socket of Jack's dead eye was starting to throb, his usual precursor to a headache. One hand went up to massage at the mostly dead nerves that surrounded his left eye. The fact Wade sounded like an eight year old telling the principle he was in trouble for getting into a fight on the school playground was not helping. "Great. Just great."

He reminded himself not to kill the man, and slowly counted to ten, letting his temper simmer back down. "And just how the fuck did you piss off the Yakuza?"


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