Laying Down The Law *OTA*

May 17, 2010 00:36

There was a new notice posted in the mess hall where the whole team could read it.

I'd just like reiterate that while the power of command may have shifted, you should all still behaving. Any misconduct-

Aw, fuck it with being formal. Enough bullshit. Anyone steps out of line, and I ain't going to be slapping your wrists and tossing you in the brig ( Read more... )

elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, jack hendley, ✝ nicky creed, ✝ alyssa ryan, victor creed, ✝ cassidy 'c4' jamison, roy 'raven' levoch, wade wilson, ✝ katie thompson, dr hope chandler

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kinshou_kitsune May 17 2010, 15:33:03 UTC
Lys had been mulling the idea around in her head of going to talk to Jack since she and Wade had gotten back from Kyoto. Both were bruised, a little singed, but nothing a couple days rest wouldn't take care of. She gave herself another day or two in the cast about her left arm before removing it herself. It would have been healed enough to not warrant wearing it about any more.

With a light rap of knuckles on the doorframe, the mutant carefully crossed her arms as she spoke. "Hey, Boss. Got a minute?" Any other time Alyssa would have brushed the feeling off chalking it up for another run about but... something just felt off.


hunteroffreaks May 17 2010, 16:30:36 UTC
Unbeknowst to Alyssa, Jack had started to be lulled to sleep in the stillness and warmth of the quiet room. Head dropping to the desk, his bad eye was already closed, and the good one's eyelid was flickering shut when her knock came. He jumped back awake with a snort and a start, recovering quickly.

Shaking his head to dispense the fog of sleep, he called out, not bothering to hide his annoyance. "No, but if you're determined to interrupt me, might as well just get it done and over with."


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 02:47:43 UTC
"I'm not determined to interrupt you at all, Jack. I just..." Giving an exasperated sigh the younger woman walked in to the room, her usual little smile wiped from her face and replaced with a serious expression. It wasn't like her at all from what she had shown about the base not to mention the fact the drop of a nickname. "If you want I can come back."

Out of all the people there on the base Jack was probably one of the only non-mutants that she respected the most. Stryker was... well the fact she was there in the first place possibly because of him was unsettling enough that respect was something she wasn't entirely ready to give the man. The fact that Jack was her team leader mad her treat him on a different level than some of the others, but there was just something about him that she could understand. All her talk and ribbings were just fun. Now? Now they were being dropped.


hunteroffreaks May 18 2010, 02:54:59 UTC
"No, right now is fine." The serious attitude was immediately noted by Jack, bleary-eyed as he was from sleep. He leaned forward and stifled a yawn. "Is something wrong?"

He had a certain level of protectiveness towards the members of his own squad that was significantly different from the rest of the team. Despite his own prejudicial anger and hatred, he had been put in charge of them for a reason. Jack was determined to make sure they all stayed safe. Alyss wasn't too far off the mark when she had said he needed one of those 'Team Dad' shirts.


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 03:11:05 UTC
Moving slowly in to the room, Lys closed the door a little to hopefully prevent anyone from listening in if they wanted to. "Possibly. Maybe... i honestly don't know." With a huff of air the woman was plopping down in to a chair opposite of where the man was sitting at. It was all she could do to keep from grabbing a pen and scratching at her arm under the cast. "Wade and I took a trip to Kyoto a couple of days ago as you've probably noticed. We were... I don't know if attacked is the more proper than ambushed honestly ( ... )


hunteroffreaks May 18 2010, 04:13:05 UTC
Jack nodded, listening and not saying a word as Alyssa told him what had happened. He had known the two were gone, but had foolishly assumed the mercenaries would be able to take care of themselves. Internally, he blamed himself for this mess. He was seething with barely contained rage. There was no way in hell he would just let this matter lie.

"I'll see what I can find out. You and the merc aren't the only ones who have old ties here." Jack had done more than his fair share of hunts in Japan, and still knew a few contacts from the old days. Maybe one of them would know something about these mysterious attackers.

"That's a negative, Foxfire." Hopefully the address of Lyssa by her codename would grab her attention. "If they attacked you once, they're going to be hoping you come back. Your personal stake in this will cloud your judgement. I'll send someone else to check it out." For a moment his harsh features softened up. "Besides, you're injured. Just try to rest and heal up."


kinshou_kitsune May 18 2010, 18:49:10 UTC
"My injuries have nothing to do with this, sir. Give me another day or two and they will hardly be worth nothing." While Lyssa wasn't as fast a healer as Logan or even Creed, what she had was worth a little something though. She'd learned long ago to ignore the pain for the greater good of missions or assignments. This was just another one of those days. "Besides... the funeral will be in a couple of days once the local medical examiner releases the body. I feel that I should be there for that. I owe him that much at least."

Her instructor had been a mentor and the closest thing to a grandfather that she had. Not to mention a chance to go sift through the rubble and see if she could find any thing. The old man had no one else that she could ever recall aside from herself. At least none that he had ever mentioned before. "Please."


hunteroffreaks May 19 2010, 00:11:54 UTC
"You don't heal as fast a feral. They could incapacitate you easily, and I'm not ending up with a team member hostage." Jack wasn't risking Alyssa being captured. He'd never her see her again, minus the body parts they sent him back. At the end of the day, he was much more concerned about the safety of his squad then hurting Alyssa's feelings by not letting her go.

But still, if she was that determined, he'd rather it be done properly, so at least his mind could rest easier. "If you really want to go, find yourself two capable mutants who can escort you, then report back to me. Are we clear? Because if I find out you skipped out and on your own, I swear, the Yakuza will be the least of your worries." He shot her a warning glare.


kinshou_kitsune May 19 2010, 00:37:19 UTC
Alyssa couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was twenty-seven. Not two. Jack wanted her to have babysitters just to go back to a funeral? The expression that was soon crossing the woman's face was none to pleased as she watched her team leader. Did he honestly think that was gonna settle good with her at all? She'd managed to take care of herself for the majority of her life but this... this was unacceptable.

"Okay first off- it's kinda impossible for me to try sneaking out of here without going through the front gate. Second- what the hell? I don't need babysitters." What she did need, however, was a chance to get the tension and anger out of her. Going to the funeral and then whatever else after would be perfect for her to get the job done.


hunteroffreaks May 19 2010, 01:21:23 UTC
Jack had been expecting resistance, but Alyssa was sorely beginning to test his patience. She was acting rather like a whiny, spoiled child, and the hunter was not having it. It wasn't as if he was expecting her to wear a GPS collar and report in every hour. Although now that he thought of it, those weren't bad ideas.

"I don't give a shit. That's my final offer, and if you don't like it, I'll clock you over the head and dump your sorry ass in the brig." The words were harsh and biting, but he was also deadly serious.


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