Arrival In Okinawa, Japan (For Everyone! Welcome to your New Home.)

Apr 13, 2010 21:47

At long last, the flight from Russia was finally over, and not a minute too soon. The team's plane touched down at Kadena Air Base at 1600 hours local time, and from there a small convey of jeeps were waiting to transport the squad to their new location, an installation attached to the US Military Base of Camp Courtney. The weather here was a far ( Read more... )

✝ william stryker, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes, mark 'martini' martinez, ✝ julian 'scion' keller, ✝ cassidy 'c4' jamison, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, wade wilson, angelica 'firestar' jones

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Comments 28

un_move_able April 13 2010, 21:08:42 UTC
Fred must have really gotten used to Russia's icy climate, because he could sense a shift in temperature even as they flew into the airspace over Japan. Sure enough, when the plane landed and the doors opened to let the team outside, he felt sweat break out in a mist over him.

"Perfect," he grumbled, and he began to help lugging the cargo out.


proper_twinkie April 14 2010, 05:04:19 UTC
"What's wrong, handsome? Not your cuppa?" Betsy prodded almost cheerfully as she grabbed her own bag. Oh yes, she was in a good mood.


un_move_able April 14 2010, 22:00:45 UTC
Dukes frowned at the weather and glanced at the young woman.

"Liked it better when it was snowin'."


proper_twinkie April 14 2010, 22:21:52 UTC
"You'll get used to it. In the meantime, you can enjoy the view." Struts past him toward the buildings.


angelica_jinx April 14 2010, 05:02:03 UTC
How Angel kept getting paired with the surly Asian woman was a mystery but forced silence for so long when the redhead was already nervous made the trip feel even longer. Ironically, she didn't fly so well. Something about being trapped in a tin can that could potentially plummet to the earth in a flaming ball of death bothered her ( ... )


vainwithabang April 14 2010, 10:10:38 UTC
*Cassidy was thankful for the warmer temperature. And he couldn't tell you how frigging thrilled he was to to be rid of the damn snow. Maybe his boots and hair wouldn't be as destroyed.

Plus... He and Betsy were pissing off to Tokyo sometime in the very near future and Cassidy couldn't wait. Some retail therapy would do him some good. And he definitely wanted a new pair of boots and a new coat. And hair dye. Definitely more hair dye. His re-growth was becoming more and more obvious and his natural red was showing.

He stretched, undoing the top two buttons of his jacket.*

Shit yeah. Much better.


movetheearth April 14 2010, 12:42:54 UTC
"Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on." The mantra had started up the minute the vehicle came to a stop and Ric was out of it like a mad man; scrabbling over the others to bust the door open and sprint across the tarmac over to the nearest patch of exposed earth. With little thought he quickly untied his boots, kicking them off with gusto and hopping around tugging off his socks.

He really didn't care if everyone thought he was a nutter for it because the groan that came from his mouth as his feet hit the dirt was incredibly loud and somewhat lewd sounding.

"Oh te extranaba!" Ric hadn't been able to do this since Africa, six whole months ago, and it was one of the things that he'd really disliked about Russia ( ... )


watch_the_nails April 14 2010, 18:51:25 UTC
"Puppy, what the hell are y'doin'?"

Victor just stared at the Mexican as he stared on the bare earth and grinned, although there was a smile quickly forming on the large feral's face, too. He'd never admit it, but he'd been getting sick of the cold himself, even though he thought of himself as being too macho to say it. He could completely understand Ric's desire to just enjoy th feeling of having the sun on his face again.

"You're fuckin' crazy, you know that?"


movetheearth April 14 2010, 19:18:32 UTC
"I'm reconnecting with myself Victor, getting back to basics, being one with mother earth!" Ric had his arms outstretched, face tilted up towards the sun as he basked in the warmth and felt the ground moving beneath his feet. It wasn't a tremor the others would be able to feel, but instead the feeling of the plates creeping along all heightened for him by his mutation.

It took him a few minutes of soaking up the sun and the atmosphere for him to finally let out a loud laugh and scoop up his boots. The minute his bare feet touched the tarmac though he yelped hopping over to the jeep trying to slip his socks on. "Hot! Hot! Hot!"

He bounded over to where Victor was stood, grabbing at the ferals arm and righting himself before he crashed into the side of the jeep. Ric looked up at Victor, smile still firmly in place. "Hi, you come here often?"


watch_the_nails April 14 2010, 20:30:18 UTC
"Only if I know you ain't gonna be around," he grumbled, although Ric would have recognised that Victor's sullen attitude was mostly feigned. He'd been working alongside the feral for long enough now to know his moods, and Victor's current state of mind was rather pleasant although he was masking it with an aura of irritation. In truth, he found Ric's display of happiness pretty entertaining. "Y'always gotta make a complete ass of yourself every time y'go someplace new?"


hellion_king April 14 2010, 13:29:21 UTC
Scion didn't fall asleep on the plane. Seeing how he could fly on his own using aircraft were a bore to him. He would rather be out there in the sky, zipping through the air like no tomorrow but instead he was in side a metal death trap with a bunch of people that don't care for him too much. Also air planes just brought upon bad memories. The only times he had to fly was when he had to complete a mission over seas. And those usually ended in blood shed ( ... )


time_schizo April 15 2010, 08:04:13 UTC
Martini practically bounced out of the vehicle he had been in. Trips were no fun for him. No room to run around, and people always fell asleep. Far too boring. As soon as the doors opened up, he was out and about, briefly catching a glimpse of Ric making a beeline for the nearest patch of dirt ( ... )


hellion_king April 15 2010, 09:36:47 UTC
He had been caught in a moment of vulnerability. The man was so lost in thought that Martini's arrival didn't register until the other mutant spoke out loud. Scions eyes widened for merely a moment before he set his gaze back to normal and the hunter pulled away from the fence letting his hand fall from the spot.

"....The ocean." Scion replied, his arms falling down to his sides as he kept them stiff and rigid. He could see a bird skirting over the water searching for fish before flying high up in to the air. Blue eyes followed the bird watching it do a loop de loop before it flew up in to the clouds loosing Scions eye line.

Mouth being pressed in to a thin line X allowed his gaze to fall back on to the cool blue water, the sun light glistening over the glassy surface. The breeze tousled his hair a bit when he finally pulled his gaze away from the water and set it on his 'friend' Martini instead. "I was looking at the ocean."


time_schizo April 15 2010, 20:07:02 UTC
Martini nodded, a small nostalgic smile on his face. He had been born by the ocean, and had often fallen asleep to the sound of it as a child, before his powers had kicked in. Even now, it was a sound that brought him a sense of calmness and peace.

He watched as the waves rolled in, one after the other, to finally crash onto the rocks far below. The glare coming off the water made Martini vow to steal the first pair of sunglasses he found, regardless of who they belonged to. He spoke without directly looking at Scion, an unconscious action. "The sea, it's good. I can look at it longer than most anything." It was one of the few things, along with the stars and mountains, that didn't change, not like the rest of his small, mixed-up world.


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