Arrival In Okinawa, Japan (For Everyone! Welcome to your New Home.)

Apr 13, 2010 21:47

At long last, the flight from Russia was finally over, and not a minute too soon. The team's plane touched down at Kadena Air Base at 1600 hours local time, and from there a small convey of jeeps were waiting to transport the squad to their new location, an installation attached to the US Military Base of Camp Courtney. The weather here was a far ( Read more... )

✝ william stryker, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes, mark 'martini' martinez, ✝ julian 'scion' keller, ✝ cassidy 'c4' jamison, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, wade wilson, angelica 'firestar' jones

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movetheearth April 14 2010, 12:42:54 UTC
"Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on." The mantra had started up the minute the vehicle came to a stop and Ric was out of it like a mad man; scrabbling over the others to bust the door open and sprint across the tarmac over to the nearest patch of exposed earth. With little thought he quickly untied his boots, kicking them off with gusto and hopping around tugging off his socks.

He really didn't care if everyone thought he was a nutter for it because the groan that came from his mouth as his feet hit the dirt was incredibly loud and somewhat lewd sounding.

"Oh te extranaba!" Ric hadn't been able to do this since Africa, six whole months ago, and it was one of the things that he'd really disliked about Russia ( ... )


watch_the_nails April 14 2010, 18:51:25 UTC
"Puppy, what the hell are y'doin'?"

Victor just stared at the Mexican as he stared on the bare earth and grinned, although there was a smile quickly forming on the large feral's face, too. He'd never admit it, but he'd been getting sick of the cold himself, even though he thought of himself as being too macho to say it. He could completely understand Ric's desire to just enjoy th feeling of having the sun on his face again.

"You're fuckin' crazy, you know that?"


movetheearth April 14 2010, 19:18:32 UTC
"I'm reconnecting with myself Victor, getting back to basics, being one with mother earth!" Ric had his arms outstretched, face tilted up towards the sun as he basked in the warmth and felt the ground moving beneath his feet. It wasn't a tremor the others would be able to feel, but instead the feeling of the plates creeping along all heightened for him by his mutation.

It took him a few minutes of soaking up the sun and the atmosphere for him to finally let out a loud laugh and scoop up his boots. The minute his bare feet touched the tarmac though he yelped hopping over to the jeep trying to slip his socks on. "Hot! Hot! Hot!"

He bounded over to where Victor was stood, grabbing at the ferals arm and righting himself before he crashed into the side of the jeep. Ric looked up at Victor, smile still firmly in place. "Hi, you come here often?"


watch_the_nails April 14 2010, 20:30:18 UTC
"Only if I know you ain't gonna be around," he grumbled, although Ric would have recognised that Victor's sullen attitude was mostly feigned. He'd been working alongside the feral for long enough now to know his moods, and Victor's current state of mind was rather pleasant although he was masking it with an aura of irritation. In truth, he found Ric's display of happiness pretty entertaining. "Y'always gotta make a complete ass of yourself every time y'go someplace new?"


movetheearth April 14 2010, 20:46:46 UTC
"Oh Victor. You always know what to say to make me feel loved," Ric grinned and leant back against the jeep besides Victor, sussing the place out with a critical eye. Ric certainly could read Victor's moods and knew that so far he hadn't toed the line as such so he was safe to continue to be a little childish in his antics. It was good to be able to relax once again.

"I like to establish my role in the compound from the start, that way people know what to expect. Or at least they think they know what to expect of me." He nudged Victor with his hip, glancing up at the taller feral. "So what you reckon? This place do alright?"


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