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Comments 39

un_move_able March 19 2010, 21:55:17 UTC
Fred was about to nod off. After making angels in the snow with Edie, he had realized just how nice it felt to just lay there with cold all around him. Sure, he was left all wet afterward, but it was a small price to pay for taking off the heat.

Presently he was on his back with 2 feet of snow around him, still not tall enough to keep his bulk from peeking over the edge. An embarrassing thought, but at least he was alone...


watch_the_nails March 19 2010, 22:15:52 UTC
Making his way toward the outer reaches of the camp, Victor approached what appeared to be some kind of crater in the snow - a crater with a large, dark lump sticking out of the top. He didn't remember having seen this when he'd been out here a month or so back. Curious, he edged closer, a wide grin spreading across his face as he realised just what, or rather who, was lying there.

Oh, this was just priceless.

Smirking, chuckling wickedly to himself, Victor strode over until he was standing over Fred, sneering down at where the fleshy man lay on his back.

"What's this? Didn't know Stryker was keepin' balls of goose fat in the freezer now."


un_move_able March 19 2010, 22:49:42 UTC
((OOC: I must be some kind of masochist))

Perfect. Just freaking perfect.

Fred looked up at his visitor and glared. Normally he would have thrown a "fuck you" Victor's way, but... damn the snow felt good.

"That's what I need. A big walk-in freezer."

He looked up again.

"That's the best you could come up with? GOOSE fat?"


watch_the_nails March 19 2010, 23:13:20 UTC
The feral growled in response, not appreciating being belittled by a walking - okay, well, lying down - tub of lard. He scowled, the corner of his mouth twitching into an even nastier snarl.

"Fuck off, Pilsbury Dough-Boy. I ain't the one stuck on my ass out here like a goddamn bloated turtle."

((OOC: We both are, really...))


acold_burden March 19 2010, 23:04:25 UTC
She's been spending as much time outside now after recieving her letter from Ridley and being an emotional wreck for nearly twenty-four hours straight. Cassie was now perched in the lowest branch of a tree on the base. From afar, she saw someone walking. Since she was trying to get better at her mind reading capabilities, she did her best to get her mind reached out to them. Not a peep.

Cassie gave a sigh and called out the old fashioned way. "Hey!"


watch_the_nails March 19 2010, 23:15:14 UTC
Victor glanced over as he heard the shout, breaking into a smile as he realised just who had been calling to him. He recognised the young blonde from the few conversations he'd had with her, and he gladly strolled over to greet her, towering over her as he closed the gap between them.

"Long time no see, Blondie."


acold_burden March 19 2010, 23:21:29 UTC
Cassie hopped down from the tree in a quick movement and caught her footing. "Yeah. They finally let you out of the cage?" She wrinkled her nose as she remembered the place. Blecch.


watch_the_nails March 19 2010, 23:34:17 UTC
"Seems that way, huh." There was a slight pang of sadness as he spoke to the girl; she still reminded him of Emma, and she probably always would. "Looks like you're gonna need to start sleepin' with the lights on again."


123_kaboom March 19 2010, 23:57:44 UTC
Katie had sought out fresh air for the first time in several days, rousing herself from a living coma of work and sleep. The cold bite of winter air was refreshing, though she acknowledged that being outside wasn't the smartest decision ever. Her weight was lower than ever, and she felt more pale and gaunt with every day that went by. The not-suitable-for-Russian-winter parka wasn't helping, either.

Still, she drifted absent-mindedly through the snow drifts, not realizing who was heading her way until she practically felt the force of the sneer she knew was going to come her way.


watch_the_nails March 22 2010, 06:06:18 UTC
"Well, if it ain't my least favourite little flatscan here t'ruin my day. I wondered what the smell was."

Just as predicted, the large feral was there with a sneer and a scowl, glaring down at her with a look of complete and utter distaste. He didn't tend to like humans much anyway, but this one seemed to be particularly irritating, maybe because Stryker seemed to be treating her in the same way as most of the mutants.


123_kaboom March 22 2010, 19:24:25 UTC
"You think you're in a position to whine about other people's hygiene?" Katie snarked straight back. She was smart enough to realize that he couldn't actually hurt her without major repercussions from Stryker, and she had heard of how... unhappy he was with his time in a cell. She knew he wouldn't care to repeat the experience, and let her irritation at being insulted show.

That didn't mean he didn't scare the crap out of her, though. With a frown, she kept several cautious yards between them, and noted "You aren't your usual moody self today- happy at ditching your entourage?"


watch_the_nails March 22 2010, 21:31:18 UTC
"It ain't about the hygiene." And it wasn't. Victor didn't give a shit that he smelled like an unwashed animal half the time because, well, he was. "It's about the fact that Stryker seems t'think we'll all be fine with him havin' a pet hume around the place. Tell me, d'you beg for treats?"

The contempt in his voice was palpable, as was the look of distaste on his face. Still, he answered her as she asked her question.

"Been doin' a lot better without my fan club followin' me around everywhere, yeah."


angelica_jinx March 22 2010, 00:33:21 UTC
This was so embarrassing.

How could she be lost? She thought she went in a straight line. The sun was above her offering absolutely no help.

Then to make matters worse she found the only patch earth not frozen solid and sunk into mud down to her knee. "Ack! Nooo!" She cried trying to get the leverage to pull her leg out but the suction had hold of her boot. She couldn't pull it out without losing her shoe.

She stripped her coat and rolled up her sleeve but there was still no way to avoid getting mud all over herself and in her hair as she slid her arm into the muck to rescue her ruined footwear. "Cold cold cold cold..."


watch_the_nails March 22 2010, 06:09:35 UTC
Victor noticed the young woman from a short distance away. He could tell she was in some kind of trouble, and he paused to watch, snickering to himself as she tried to free herself from the mud she'd become stuck in. After a minute or so he strolled over, grinning, snickering down at her with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"You got a problem there, darlin'?"


angelica_jinx March 22 2010, 06:13:28 UTC
Angel blushed but looked relieved when help appeared. "Oh thank goodness. I'm stuck. My boot is trying to come off in there and I can reach it to hold on but I can't get the leverage to pull my leg out like this. Do you think you could just... I don't know. I'll hold on and you pull me out?"


watch_the_nails March 22 2010, 06:28:28 UTC
What was this? A woman who actually wanted him to touch her? It was far too good to be true. Smirking, he moved closer, reaching out a clawed hands towards her in a gesture of assistance.

"Sure thing, sweetheart. You wanna take my hand?"


vainwithabang March 22 2010, 06:10:48 UTC
*Cassidy was leaning against a tree, leather coat pulled tight around him. He had a cigarette dangling between his fingers, the grey-blue smoke swirling in the wind towards his face.

He caught sight of the man wandering the camp. Not bad looking, that was for sure, but alarm bells were going off, warning him that this guy was dangerous.

He pulled the cig to his lips and smiled.*


watch_the_nails March 22 2010, 21:21:32 UTC
Victor caught sight of the other man and raised an eyebrow. This must be another new arrival whom he hadn't seen before; even the man's scent was unfamiliar, although he had caught traces of it here and there in the mens' dormitories. Wanting to make sure he kept up with who was who within the compound, Victor wandered towards the man, curious.

"You're one of the new ones, right?"


vainwithabang March 22 2010, 22:22:12 UTC
*Cassidy stared up at the man and proceeded to finish his cigarette before he spoke. He stomped the butt out under his boot and reached into his pocket. Stones. The little fuckers made good ammunition. Just in case. He didn't want his pretty ruined.*

Yeah, honey. That sounds about right.

*He brought his thumb up to his mouth and rested the nail between his teeth.*


watch_the_nails March 22 2010, 22:38:51 UTC
Great, another sarcastic faggot. Just what Victor needed right now. He scowled at the man, not at all appreciating the pet name, and he wondered - not for the first time - just what in hell possessed Stryker to hire half of the mutants that he did for his projects.

"Don't go gettin' up close an' personal with me, y'little queer."


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