Genius is a Step Away from Madness - OTA

Jan 16, 2010 20:57

There were some things Hope did not understand. People were one of them. The camp was just… suffocating lately. There was so much tension, so much fear and upset feelings she felt as though she had been dumped back in High School. Yes, admittedly, it was a bit more serious than that. Victor had sexually assaulted two women and she suspected someone ( Read more... )

✝ ty 'sensory' folton, ✝ nathan 'sinister' milbury, ✝ neena 'domino' thurman, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes, ✝ jason 'j-143' stryker, dr hope chandler

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Comments 108

blinded_senses January 17 2010, 09:13:05 UTC
Ty was outside as well, taking advantage of the natural stillness of nature. His senses suffered in direct correlation to the setting. Being born and raised in the city, this was a nice reprieve. He didn't dare stray too far from the compound. He wasn't familiar enough with the area to chance it.

Feeling safe enough to really let loose with his powers, his hearing was increased as his nerves were stimulated. There wasn't much but the occasional flutter of a wing bird taking off or the soft pad of a rabbit through the snow. And, hello, what was this? He could hear the woman jabbering away, for all intents and purposes to herself. Hope was almost on top of him before Ty spoke, a chuckle in his throat. "Do you often talk to yourself, or merely have a chatty imaginary friend?"


a_soul_awake January 17 2010, 14:04:47 UTC
Hope jumped back a step in surprise, both hands flying to her heart, "Dear Lord!"

Then she started laughing, like she always did when she was surprised. With Atticus, it happened quite frequently. Once she settled down she smiled at the man with an unfamiliar face.

"I talk to myself quite often, actually. It lets me sort through problems." She offered him a hand. "Dr. Hope Chandler, I don't believe we've met."


blinded_senses January 18 2010, 02:01:03 UTC
Ty heard the sharp intake of breath as Hope was startled. Not a man for laughing much, he just shook his head, a small smile on the corners of his mouth. He listened, and guessed that she would be offering her hand as Hope introduced herself. Most people did.

Ty shook her hand, as he picked up what he could from her skin. They held the usual softness of a woman's, but not from lack of activity. He could feel the residue of something, perhaps ink, on her fingertips, and the nails were kept short, most likely out of practicality. "Ty Folton. Or Sensory, whichever you prefer. And I don't believe so, I only arrived this past week."


a_soul_awake January 18 2010, 02:24:58 UTC
"Well unless you've been in the Med Lab, we haven't." She gave his hand a firm shake, friendly smile in place. "I'll stick with Ty. I try not to use those nicknames."

She honestly thought they were silly, but saw the reasons for them. She never really used them though.


un_move_able January 17 2010, 23:29:02 UTC
Fred Dukes had been out enjoying the cold. He could only hope the next place the team moved to was half as nice as this. He had even joked with Mort that they should go polar bear diving, to which the response was a string of snippy Brit obscenities. Kid just didn't know how to have fun.

Suddenly Hope Chandler went running past him. She seemed to be in her own little world, looking ahead and driven to just run. Dukes could swear he heard her talking to herself.

"Doc, wait up!" he called out, following her.


a_soul_awake January 17 2010, 23:38:41 UTC
Hopes stopped in her tracks and spun around to face whoever had called out her name. She smiled when she saw Fred. She hadn't seen him around all that much lately.

"Hello, Fred. Didn't I tell you to call me Hope?" she asked brightly.


un_move_able January 17 2010, 23:51:31 UTC
Fred smiled bashfully, rubbing at the back of his neck.

"Yeah, you always do." Dukes had not spoken with the woman for a while now. The last doctor he had seen was Milbury, and he was a real piece of work.

"So where's the fire?"


a_soul_awake January 18 2010, 00:05:41 UTC
"Which should probably tell you something," she said goodnaturedly. She didn't mind being called "doc" all that much. She just prefered the people she called friends calling her Hope.

"Oh, just, trying to get my head away from camp for a bit," she explained. "It's getting a bit... tense there and I needed a break."


alwaysthelucky1 January 18 2010, 18:28:36 UTC
Domino was just finishing her shift in the weapons rig when she'd come out of the building and spotted Hope. Closing and locking the large door behind her, she had wanted to ask what the matter was on her first lap, but she was moving so briskly.

Not having anything to do, she stuffed her hands in her pockets and watched Hope walk all the way around, and then come back. Maybe with a little amusement. Slowly stepping in front of her, Domino gave her a small look of concern.

"Hope? Are you alright?"


a_soul_awake January 18 2010, 18:38:58 UTC
Hope stopped when Domino got in her way. She never really knew what to expect from the woman, but smiled pleasantly.

"Just getting away into my head for a moment," she explained, aware her behavior usually baffled people. "I think better when I'm moving."


alwaysthelucky1 January 18 2010, 18:56:34 UTC
Well, all of that made perfect sense to Domino. Maybe she should try it too..She bit her lower lip, shifting on her feet. "Mind if I join you?"

She had a few things she wanted to get away from herself.


a_soul_awake January 18 2010, 19:08:34 UTC
"Oh, no, of course not." Hope gestured to the area around them. "There's plenty of camp for everyone. And if you don't mind me muttering occasionally, you're welcome to stick with me."

She did tend to talk to herself when she was really thinking. And gesture. Really, she probably looked very similar to Martini in one of his episodes.


toywithyourmind January 19 2010, 01:14:54 UTC
Jason had decided that outside was a good escape from Nicky's nagging. He truly cared for his friend but he refused to go see the doctors. He didn't feel well and was coughing but Jason was sure that it would go away on it's own. He saw Hope gesturing to herself and smiled a little. He headed toward her,"Hope."


a_soul_awake January 19 2010, 01:30:15 UTC
Broken out of her thoughts, Hope paused and smiled at Jason. She hadn't seen him in quite some time.

"Hello, Jason."


toywithyourmind January 19 2010, 01:33:27 UTC
"Hello Hope,"he gave her a small smile covering his mouth to cough. "It is too crazy inside yes?"


a_soul_awake January 19 2010, 01:35:13 UTC
Hope instantly forgot about the chaos of the camp and tilted her head, looking closer at Jason. "How long have you had that cough?"


(( sorry for tagging in so late! )) verysinister January 20 2010, 13:39:58 UTC
Sinister didn't make it a point to go outside to enjoy the Russian scenery--not due to the cold or because he'd spent a good few long years traveling Russian ground in his past already, but because everything that interested him was inside the compound's walls. Few things took him into the snow and away from his samples and charts but today there were other things that needed doing. So boots and a jacket had been donned and Sinister let himself out into the cold without wasting breath on complaints ( ... )


((oh don't worry about it. i don't mind. )) a_soul_awake January 20 2010, 13:43:34 UTC
Hope was a scientist and skeptical by nature. When she spotted Dr. Milbury coming towards her, looking a bit contrite she didn't quite believe it. He hadn't seemed contrite when they were working on Victor nor immediately after.

"Dr. Milbury," she said politely if clipped. "Do you need something?"


verysinister January 20 2010, 13:53:48 UTC
If there was one thing that Sinister made the effort to hate, it was apologizing. A man who was right as often as he was gained little by lowering himself only in order to make someone else feel better.

His mask was perfect, however, when he nodded to Chandler. "I want to apologize for my behavior the other day." Sinister wouldn't have bothered except that he would have had to have been deaf, dumb and blind not to notice that Chandler's attitude toward him had considerably shifted since the Victor incident--even if she had taken pains to remain professional at all times.

"It was wrong to take advantage of," the feral's, "Victor's healing factor the way that I did." Victor had deserved everything and more. "I let my personal opinion of the patient impair my judgment."


a_soul_awake January 20 2010, 14:01:37 UTC
She hadn't quite been expecting that. The apology seemed genuine and manners demanded that she accept his apology but... it all seemed so convenient to her.

Their working relationship had become tense and strictly professional. She worked with him because she had to, not because she wanted to no matter how brilliant he was. She believed heat of the moment situations like the one with Victor revealed more of a person's true nature than anything else.

Still, it would be rude to not accept his apology. "Yes, it was. No matter what we think of a person or feel towards them we have a job to do. Apology accepted."


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