Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe Size! (AKA, Kid!Plot is Go!!)

Nov 27, 2009 03:17

Martini threw himself at the door once again, nails scratching along the metal as he scraped his fingers over them. No one would hear him. It was the middle of the night. Stryker had decided to punish him for destroying the camp in Africa, putting him in one beyond all other for him. Solitary confinement. His fingernails had been mostly ripped off ( Read more... )

✝ talia moretti, [plot] age shift, ✝ jamie 'multiple man' madrox, mark 'martini' martinez, jack hendley, ✝ brian simpkins, emma 'white queen' frost, ✝ heather 'lifeguard' cameron, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ jessica 'siren' davies, ✝ esme 'demon' meyers, ✝ molly white, ✝ yuriko 'deathstrike' oyama, victor creed, ✝ forge, st john 'pyro' allerdyce, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, ✝ olivia ranulf

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Comments 102

sixinchnails November 27 2009, 14:51:07 UTC
Yuriko awoke startled. Something felt wrong. Very wrong. Just as she was about to swing her legs from the bed and stand she realised something.

Her bones were no longer heavy.

She blinked twice, frowning just slightly. It took a short while for her eyes to see through the darkness, and that shouldn't have happened either. Standing carefully, Yuriko moved from her room and walked towards the bathroom. The mirror. Something must be wrong with her optical enhancement.

Staring at herself, perplexed and beyond comprehension, Yuriko was surprised to see herself. She was seventeen again.


watch_the_nails November 27 2009, 16:03:16 UTC
Victor was sitting in the Mess Hall when it happened. It started out as a vague ache in his limbs, a tingling itch that felt horribly familiar; it was similar to what had happened when Olivia had dulled his powers a few days before, and his body became tense, an immediate reaction to whatever was happening to him. Panicky, he held out one hand in front of himself, expecting his nails to fully retract, to become human again - but they didn't. What he did notice, however, was his skin becoming smoother, a little less calloused, almost as if... as if he were becoming younger.He reached up to his mouth, relief washing over him as he realised his fangs were still there. But his facial hair - that was receding, the same process that had affected his hands reaching other parts of him, too. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but he felt more lively, more invigorated, almost as if he were ten years younger. Which, perhaps, he was. Younger, more virile, his body more toned that it had been before; he immediately wondered where Emma ( ... )


hellion_king November 28 2009, 06:00:54 UTC
"You have fallen victim as well."

A small voice of a young child chirped from beneath the table, at the height he was at Scion could barely see over it. Blue eyes were blinking up to much MUCH larger man that was Victor. The boy had used his towel in to a make shift toga to cover himself, blue eyes looking a bit more with life as he stared up at Sabretooth. It was odd, to have a child at such a young age to look so stoic and like a toy soldier. His voice was higher than normal, the voice of a child as he pulled himself up on the seat across from Victor, sitting up straight as his legs dangled off the side and he winced slightly at the headache building in his mind, his arms still folded over the top of the table. The table top came to his chin.

"Do you think the entire camp was infected? This could be an attack on the base."


uptonogod November 27 2009, 17:03:11 UTC
Jamie was asleep when it happened so he didn't notice any of it. And when he woke up, he barely noticed anything was off. A morning person, Jamie was not. With a groan he moved to get out of bed and immediately stuck his feet in his boots.

Boots that were now several sizes too big.

This was when it finally clicked that things were, in fact, not stellar. He stared at his boots a moment, wiggling his tiny toes before standing and making his way to check on John.

He didn't get very far. At the most, he got three steps and fell over with a thud. There were now five Jamies in the room, all a hell of a lot younger than they should be. As for John? He didn't know what condition he was in.


codenamepyro November 27 2009, 17:08:09 UTC
The noise startled St John awake, his hand under his pillow to grab his lighter when he stopped and stared at the five kids in his room. "What the fuck do you want?"

And then he heard himself. That was not his voice. "What's..."

This didn't make sense, and John moved to sit up, suddenly seeing that his legs were a significant length shorter. "What's going on?"


uptonogod November 27 2009, 17:12:38 UTC
The kids vanished one by one, a faint fffft sound and a slight contact glow as they were reabsorbed. Jamie sat up, ribbing his mouth and checking his hand for blood.

When he noticed John was different as well, he startled and backed up slightly. Again, he tripped over his overlarge boots and was sitting beside himself.

"Oh, for the love of God," Jamie said angrily, ears turning slightly red with annoyance. The duplicate vanished.

If it hadn't been for the way the kid in Johns bed was holding the lighter, or the look on his face, Jamie would have no clue who he was.

"Dude? Does shit like this happen often around here?"


codenamepyro November 27 2009, 17:57:41 UTC
St John frowned, fingers trailing over the lighter in his hand. "One time, we swapped powers. But," they'd never been made young again, "never this."

He was frowning again, trying to figure it out.

He couldn't feel the heat, he felt cold. He never felt cold. What the hell was wrong with him? "I feel wrong."


demon_screaming November 27 2009, 17:42:51 UTC
Esme's panic started the moment she opened her eyes. She couldn't see the sounds in the room. At all. Not a single trace of them. She sat up, panicking just slightly until she felt her wings move behind her. She sighed, visibly relaxing. At least those were still attached.

She stood and stretched them, noticing they didn't have their usual bit of tightness to them. Frowning a moment, she mentally felt around for the familiar feel of Emma in her mind.

Emma, she thought, running her fingers through her hair and trying to not let her panic show in her thoughts.. My sonokinesis is gone.


icecoldwit November 27 2009, 18:20:10 UTC
Emma woke slowly, but feeling out Esme quickly. Calm down darling, she directed. Are you in your room?

She sat up, noting that Victor wasn't beside her, which made things a little easier. I'll come find you.

She pulled her clothes on, stepping into her shoes and then towards the door.


demon_screaming November 27 2009, 18:41:49 UTC
Yes. Yuriko's gone. She just left. She looks different. Esme thought back as she stood. She was finally awake enough to notice what was going on, looking at her slightly chubby and significantly smaller hands.

Emma, something's very wrong. I'm... she paused, frowning as she hurried to the window to catch what little reflection she had. Holy hell, Emma. I'm a kid.

She didn't like this one bit.


icecoldwit November 29 2009, 01:16:53 UTC
That made Emma stop where she was, a frown marring her face. What do you mean, 'a kid'? Esme was twenty, but sometimes, she was still a 'kid' to Emma. The little girl she couldn't help but feel maternal towards.

And then there were people who still called her kid. Emma wasn't that much older than her, but sometime, Esme could be utterly childish, or shockingly mature.

Don't panic. Stay calm, we'll figure this out. It didn't even occur to Emma that something might have happened to her. She still felt herself, her height hadn't altered, her clothes fit fine. Perhaps it was isolated.

But it would explain the low buzz of activity at the back of her head. She moved along the halls quickly, knocking on Esme's door softly. "Es, it's just me." And she turned the handle, expecting to just see her protege sitting there.


movetheearth November 27 2009, 18:03:07 UTC
Had it not been normal for Martini to randomly go missing for hours and sometimes days, Ric would have probably been wondering where the hell his lover was when he woke up ( ... )


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