Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe Size! (AKA, Kid!Plot is Go!!)

Nov 27, 2009 03:17

Martini threw himself at the door once again, nails scratching along the metal as he scraped his fingers over them. No one would hear him. It was the middle of the night. Stryker had decided to punish him for destroying the camp in Africa, putting him in one beyond all other for him. Solitary confinement. His fingernails had been mostly ripped off ( Read more... )

✝ talia moretti, [plot] age shift, ✝ jamie 'multiple man' madrox, mark 'martini' martinez, jack hendley, ✝ brian simpkins, emma 'white queen' frost, ✝ heather 'lifeguard' cameron, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ jessica 'siren' davies, ✝ esme 'demon' meyers, ✝ molly white, ✝ yuriko 'deathstrike' oyama, victor creed, ✝ forge, st john 'pyro' allerdyce, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, ✝ olivia ranulf

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Comments 102

x_twenty3 November 27 2009, 18:08:34 UTC
There was a little girl moving through the halls of the compound. There was no expression on her face, her bright blue eyes taking in everything as she went. She could almost pass for a normal child had it not been for the long metal claws protruding from each hand.

That's right. Laura had just woken up a ten year old and didn't like it one bit.

As she walked, she made her way to Wade's room. She wanted to see if he'd been affected as well.

Retracting the claws from one hand, she knocked on his door and waited patiently for anyone to answer.


movetheearth November 27 2009, 18:26:21 UTC
Ric automatically moved to the door, having to pull his jeans up to at least cover his boxers and stop the oversized legs from tripping him. He opened his mouth to speak to someone his own height, honestly expecting someone at eye level of higher but there was no-one there. In his mind Ric had some big speech to rant off at Martini and point the finger of blame at him but it was only when Ric looked down that he saw the little girl with the sharp blue eyes.


Ric screamed and leapt back freaked out by the girl who was staring at him and had huge metal claws sticking out her hands. He was starting to wonder if this was all some awful nightmare created by Jean.

((And yes Ric now screams just like Shia La Beouf in Transformers 2. Youtube it!))


x_twenty3 November 27 2009, 18:39:07 UTC
Laura didn't react when Ric screamed. Instead, she merely tilted her head at him ever so slightly. Her eyes looked him over once, assessing the situation before retracting the claws.

He had been affected as well. She leaned forward slightly, trying to peer around him at Wade but considering the height differences of the two, this wasn't working out so well. She could hear him, though. He sounded fine.

After a minute of not speaking, she looked at Ric again, a fleeting look of curiosity on her face.

"What has happened?"


movetheearth November 27 2009, 18:56:52 UTC
"You're asking me?!"

Ric adjusted the shirt which refused to stay on both shoulders, it was starting to get slightly annoying now! He approached the girl once more, it took him a moment to realise who it was, the claws obviously being a dead giveaway.

"Laura?... you've" His voice broke and Ric flushed bright red. He composed himself and carried on. "You're a child."

It was a statement, not a question. Ric was surprised to see someone other than him changed. Well then if Laura had been regressed as well then it can't have been Martini. How odd.

"Who else is affected?"


forgebyfire November 27 2009, 19:58:50 UTC
Waking up in a younger body and not being able to fit into pants and boots was the very least of Forge's problems. He woke up in a fair amount of agony when a metal hand and leg tore from his body, the later falling out of the bed with a clatter as the flesh and blood limb that seemed to sprout in its place pushed it clear through his sweatpants and over the edge.

Forge pushed his face into his pillow and made a spectacular effort toward not screaming, too-small fingers clenching at his sheets with enough force to turn his knuckles white. When it was over he lay there face-down, panting, sweating, just thankful that whatever had just happened had been at least short.

What had happened ( ... )


slightproblem November 27 2009, 20:46:24 UTC
Olivia had woken up from a nightmare, curling up in on herself as she tried to breathe through her terror. Pushing herself up and out of bed, she threw on her robe and moved outside of her room with care, trying not to wake her roommate. She walked into the bathroom and turned on one of the faucets, half asleep as she pushed her hands beneath the water and then splashed her face.

Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, however, she almost had a heart attack. She hadn't looked like she did in the mirror since she was a teenager. Her jaw opened and she ran her hand over her cheek, examining herself. She opened her robe and looked down at her body, squeaking. "Oh my God." She was lean, the curves she'd picked up in college gone.

Shutting off the water, she pulled her robe closed and went to the only sane person she knew. Knocking on Forge's door, she bounced as she waited, biting her lower lip. What the hell had happened?


forgebyfire November 27 2009, 21:04:42 UTC
Forge had had his eyes closed. Tightly. For how long he couldn't have said because he had been counting breaths, his mind going too fast to empty out without the slow rhythm. It was like he'd lost his focus, lost the ability of that quick, learned shut down.

It was like he was fifteen again.

The knock opened his eyes and Forge sat up straight, knocking the covers off his face and taking a deep breath of the cooler air. He glanced at Manuel's bed--the man had obviously spent the night with Allison. Better, maybe. He stood up and yanked the drawstring of his sweatpants tighter, tying it anew before padding to the door. This couldn't be just him. And if it was, well. Then any one might be someone who could help. He opened the door, ignoring the way he smacked his hand on the handle that was just a little too high.

At least his right hand and leg had stopped aching.


slightproblem November 27 2009, 21:05:18 UTC
Olivia blinked, looking over the young man who opened the door. She raised an eyebrow, feeling a little anxious as she looked down the hallway. It would probably look a little strange to have a teenage girl standing in front of a door in the guy's dorms.

"Forge?" she asked. He looked like Forge, just a much younger version. "Can I come in?"


proper_twinkie November 27 2009, 23:39:30 UTC
It was the sudden quiet that woke her. If the world were her radio, someone just hit the power. Betsy bolted upright glancing around, first to the person shaped lump under her new roommate's blanket (she really needed to learn that girl's name) then to the door.

Why couldn't she hear anyone? Some of the people here projected like a psychic bull horn. Climbing out of bed, Betsy stopped and glanced down. Her clothes... fit. They were even a little baggy and where in the hell where her breasts?

Her hands groped through the cropped tee frantically seeking out her misplaced curves. Her hair fell in her face and the purple was gone. "What...?" She whispered bordering on hyperventilating as she ran to the nearest mirror. She stared in horror at the asian child staring back at her. She couldn't have been more than 14 or 15 years old. Every physical trace of Betsy was gone. Only her mind remained and she was not happy.


seesitall November 28 2009, 00:07:35 UTC
She had discovered her predicament at 6 in the morning. Molly had awoken, set to head to the kitchen to get breakfast but one stop to the bathroom and a quick glance in the mirror later and Molly had screamed.

What else was she going to do in a situation like this?

Running her smaller hands over her much younger face, Molly let out a slight groan. There was usually the faintest 'whisper' in her mind, as though her ability was always on but she didn't feel it.

On a whim, and remembering what had occurred before, she put her hand on the mirror in front of her. She remembered how to use the cryokinesis she'd been 'blessed' with a few months prior and tried to use it but nothing occurred.

She stepped out of the bathroom, one hand holding her pants up as she made her way down the hall. She really hoped Chris hadn't been affected by this.


OOC: DAMN YOU PEOPLE. not_a_bruiser November 28 2009, 00:23:00 UTC
Brian woke up like he always did - late. He was stretched out on his stomach, on arm and one leg flopped over the side of his bed. He lifted his head and looked around, then pushed to roll over.

And he was stuck to the bed.

He glanced down and laughed, shaking his head. "That hasn't happened in awhile," he said to himself, noting the baritone of his voice was not quite right. Normally, it sounded like he was talking from the bottom of his chest. This was higher.

Brian detached himself from his linens, changed into a clean set of pj's, then headed for the shower, his toiletry bag and towel tucked under one arm. When he passed the mirror, he stopped, backing up a couple paces. His hair was back to that retarded floppy thing he didn't like. His 'chops were gone. He pulled his lips back and looked at his teeth. Those were still just slightly too long. He tensed his fingers in that specific way he needed to, and his claws darted out then retracted back in. All the same.

He was just 8 years younger.

"That is fucking weird."


verysinister November 29 2009, 16:17:58 UTC
It wasn't that Sinister objected to sharing a room with someone else--even if that someone else was a feral who seemed to have more good will than common sense. (If he had to side-step one more hug from the young man Sinister was going to politely snap his thick neck.) It was really that Simpkins was young and consquently ( ... )


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