New Beginnings Comment-fic Meme!

Jan 01, 2012 15:30

First and foremost...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!Last year was an eventful year here at Team Free Love, and we wanted to give everyone a chance to ring in 2012 with something fun and light-hearted. Something to brighten the cold winter and give us something to smile about as we make our resolutions and honor the passing of 2011. So, we're very happy to ( Read more... )

!modpost, !new beginnings

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PROMPT: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel beatlemaniac9 January 2 2012, 03:58:14 UTC
Team Free Love plays strip poker (or any other strip when you loose type of game), which leads to a steamy foursome.


FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (1/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 07:32:15 UTC
(Oh, if you insist ( ... )


FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (2/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 07:34:21 UTC
“How do you keep losing?” Sam poked Gabriel’s shoulder with his toe. “You’ve, like, been everywhere.”

Gabriel tipped his head back to grin upside down at Sam, filthy and bright. “I like losing.”

Dean snorted, a bit too loudly, and leaned out to give an affectionate man-slap to whichever part of Gabriel was nearest, which just happened to be his thigh. “Nah, you just like sex.”

Gabriel purred. “And you guys are way behind the program. God.”

Dean pointed at him accusingly. “You have not killed God.”

“And if I haven’t I lose these -” Gabriel’s fingers waggled suggestively over the waistband of his stupid satin underpants - “and if I have, you lose yours, Sam loses his jeans, and Castiel… well, Castiel just gets in on the action. Win-win.”

Castiel’s voice dropped, soft and dark like a ninja, across the room. “Was that a common noun, or a proper one?”

Gabriel made a face at him. “Sly boy. Fine. Common. How many gods have you killed ( ... )


FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 07:35:49 UTC
Gabriel made a thoughtful noise from where his mouth was occupied with Sam’s inner thigh (when had that happened?), then waggled his eyebrows hopefully and released his grip on Sam’s knee. “I call penalty. Sam has to kiss Castiel ( ... )


Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 07:39:55 UTC
(I mean, obviously, where ELSE is that game going to go?)


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Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 11:36:35 UTC
I got distracted by the fact that Sherlock season 2 premiered?

(Besides, I'm sure a moment's thought will fill in the blanks.)


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Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 16:27:10 UTC
Help, help, abuse!

... well, it's not as if I'm going to sleep properly anyway, given I'm waiting for the phone to ring with Important Family News.


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Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 20:50:09 UTC
(below, btw.)


Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3/3) katydidmischief January 2 2012, 11:53:06 UTC
Dude, awesome. Absolutely wonderful way to start the day. :D


FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3a/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 16:30:27 UTC
(Because princess_aleera sat on me.)

… Well, that was a hardship ( ... )


Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3b/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 17:04:10 UTC
Dean kissed Castiel’s ear and slipped away, mouthing up Gabriel’s body to the taut strain of his neck and lingering there for a moment while Gabriel tried to reason calmly and logically with Castiel as to why the boxers needed to be gone five minutes ago, together with everything Castiel had ever worn ( ... )


Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3c/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 17:35:22 UTC
Dean snorted completely undignified laughter into Sam’s hip, and crooked his fingers lazily. “Seriously? You let this guy save you from Hell? Standards, Sammy.”

Sam shoved down, hard, head falling back against the back of the sofa. “You wanna - you wanna play that game, Mr Profound Bond, Soulful Deep Gaze and Taking Three Years To Notice? No offence, Cas.”

“Raincheck,” Castiel murmured, between slick, persuasive shoves into Gabriel’s gasping body, “on the offence.”

Dean just kept laughing, because they could these days, could just lie around and laugh and be completely ridiculous and completely easy together, him on his knees with half his hand buried inside his brother and his angel screwing Sam’s within arm’s reach, all of them kind of drunk and kind of awesome. “You are so in for it, Sammy.”

Sam’s rough-tipped fingers trailed down the back of Dean’s neck, pressed insistently in under his shoulderblade, scratched down his spine when Dean obediently rose up on his knees to meet the challenging curve of Sam’s mouth. “Bring it.”


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