New Beginnings Comment-fic Meme!

Jan 01, 2012 15:30

First and foremost...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!Last year was an eventful year here at Team Free Love, and we wanted to give everyone a chance to ring in 2012 with something fun and light-hearted. Something to brighten the cold winter and give us something to smile about as we make our resolutions and honor the passing of 2011. So, we're very happy to ( Read more... )

!modpost, !new beginnings

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Comments 87

PROMPT: Dean/Sam/Richard whit_merule January 1 2012, 21:59:30 UTC
Because I'm a sucker for who-is-this-person-who-looks-exactly-like-this-other-guy-I-know-back-in-normal-world fics, and am completely incapable of writing them myself:

French-Mistake-style Dean and/or Sam, with Richard (who may or may not secretly be Gabriel).


Prompt: Gabriel/Sam bm_shipper January 1 2012, 22:20:40 UTC
Alternative Universum for Season 6 - Sam comes back from the dead, WITH his soul - but he's very broken - and so does Gabriel, but nobody knows about Gabriel - not even Castiel - and Gabriel doesn't want anyone to know. But he watches Sam and Sam suffers because he lost Gabriel and at some point he can't bear it any longer and shows him that he's still alive.

Bonuspoints for Dean trying to cheer his brother up. Maybe Dean didn't know about the "relationship" Gabriel and Sam had but he suspected something and when he sees him suffer like that everything makes sense, so he tries to be there for Sam even harder, but there's only one person who can heal his pain!


PROMPT: New Year's Eve (D/C/S/G) tiptoe39 January 1 2012, 23:06:30 UTC
Who do you kiss at midnight when you're part of a functional OT4? Any and all hijinks leading up to the big moment or ensuing thereafter are welcome :)


Filled: Happy New Year, 1/1. katydidmischief January 2 2012, 00:56:58 UTC
(This is set in the universe I started writing in To Give You Hope (And a Future). I hope you like it.)

They're barely through reflooring the cabin and okay, so they've only finished getting the ugly brown paper off two of the bedroom's walls, but fuck, home improvement blows-particularly when there's eight inches of snow outside (and it's still coming down)-so it's unsurprising when, one by one, they drop onto the couch with exhausted groans.

"You know, I really don't think Dad had this in mind when he made me," Gabriel mutters, head thrown back and eyes closed.

"What? You mean manual labor wasn't part of your Angelic duties?"

"Yeah, no." He shifts around then, turning until he can throw a leg across Dean and Sam's laps and looks to Cas. "What time is it?"

"Eleven fifty-two."

That wakes Gabriel with a speed hereto unseen. "Seriously? I call Dean!" he proclaims, launches himself sideways, and wraps his arms around Dean's neck. "Mine ( ... )


Re: Filled: Happy New Year, 1/1. tiptoe39 January 2 2012, 01:13:06 UTC
not only do I love this but yayyyyyyyy omg more OT4 universes to read! *grabbyhands* so happy to meet someone else who believes in the OT4 :DDDD \o/ cheers! Thank you so much!


Re: Filled: Happy New Year, 1/1. katydidmischief January 2 2012, 01:17:20 UTC
Yay! You're welcome! And who wouldn't want to believe in the OT4? It's so pretty! *cuddles Gabriel* :D


PROMPT: Gabriel/Sam loveinstars January 1 2012, 23:16:21 UTC
Alternate Season Seven.

Sam's still broken and suffering when Gabriel is brought back to help with the Leviathan infestation. Slowly, he figures out the key to helping Sam mend his mind and soul. The key itself can be up to filler but bonus points for Gabriel's Grace combating the damage wrought by Castiel's, Michael's and Lucifer's.


PROMPT: New Year's resolutions, all four of them. amor_remanet January 1 2012, 23:41:48 UTC
Can be Team Free Love gen, Team Free Love OT4, Dean/Cas+Sam/Gabe, Sam/Dean+Cas/Gabe, Dean/Gabe+Sam/Cas, or any breakdown you want. Just tell me: what are their resolutions, who's going to keep them and who's going to fail, does Cas and/or Gabriel go overboard in making sure resolutions get kept, etc.?


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