New Beginnings Comment-fic Meme!

Jan 01, 2012 15:30

First and foremost...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!Last year was an eventful year here at Team Free Love, and we wanted to give everyone a chance to ring in 2012 with something fun and light-hearted. Something to brighten the cold winter and give us something to smile about as we make our resolutions and honor the passing of 2011. So, we're very happy to ( Read more... )

!modpost, !new beginnings

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Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3b/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 17:04:10 UTC
Dean kissed Castiel’s ear and slipped away, mouthing up Gabriel’s body to the taut strain of his neck and lingering there for a moment while Gabriel tried to reason calmly and logically with Castiel as to why the boxers needed to be gone five minutes ago, together with everything Castiel had ever worn.

Gabriel grabbed the hair at the back of Dean’s head and tugged it up to where he could devour Dean’s mouth like it was a hell of a lot more than two hours since it had last had interesting occupation. Dean indulged him for a hot, delicious minute, until Sam’s breath began to come in pleading little huffs, then he wriggled free as Gabriel shivered.

He tried to tease, he did, but he was maybe just a little bit drunk and feeling kind of sloppy and greedy, and Sam’s thighs were hot and smelt really really good, and hey, he was only human, and who could have resisted chasing the heat and the smell to their source? Anyway, by the sounds coming from behind them, and the way Sam’s breath was coming in little pants in time with Gabriel’s hitched-out moans, Castiel kind of had the whole teasing gig covered.

Because Dean’s was the sneaky sort-of-evil angel, oh yes.

Dean let the edge of his lip catch nice and loose against a ridge of silky slick skin that just happened to be in front of his mouth, then explored it self-indulgently with his tongue. Sam’s hips jerked, his thighs clenching around Dean’s shoulders, which provided several interesting suggestions that Dean was obliging enough to go with, so he paused just long enough to reach blindly behind him and tug demandingly at Gabriel’s hair before he swallowed Sam down in a series of hungry slides. This time he rode out the little involuntary jump, opening up lazy and easy for him as he reached for the bottle that had magically and mysteriously appeared next to Sam on the chair.

It was surprisingly easy to make Gabriel forget how to use words properly, but he had never yet failed to produce lube on demand. Angel perks all the way.

Sam was gasp-laughing now at something Castiel or Gabriel had done, his stomach jumping in little twitches in front of Dean’s nose. So Dean nuzzled at it helpfully, which only made it twitch more, and distracted him with two slick fingers trailing up the back of one leg.

When Sam’s breath broke into a series of pleading shudders, Dean smirked against the inside of Sam’s thigh. “Angel.”

Sam wriggled and pushed into him, a hot blur of confusion and demand. “What?”

Hah, Dean was the sober one. Dean could follow a conversation over whole minutes, even with blowjobs involved. “I killed Zachariah. What’ve you got, Sammy?” He nipped the tender skin right where the curve of the thigh ducked in again to give other dangly sorts of things room, then licked the spot. “Cards on the table, man!”

Sam made a helpless noise, and grabbed at Dean’s hair, which was useless, because unlike others in this room, Dean kept his hair at a sensible length.


The archangel’s voice was a mess already, snatching syllables between those little helpless noises he made that told Dean exactly where Castiel’s fingers were.

“Every day. Slays me. And I am totally on the table. A table.” Dean caught a sudden short, sharp movement out of the corner of his eye, followed by a deep groan echoed between two angels. Gabriel flung a hand out and latched on bruisingly to Dean’s thigh, like he wasn’t sure he could stay on the physical plane without it. “Any table. Pick a table.”


Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3c/3) whit_merule January 2 2012, 17:35:22 UTC
Dean snorted completely undignified laughter into Sam’s hip, and crooked his fingers lazily. “Seriously? You let this guy save you from Hell? Standards, Sammy.”

Sam shoved down, hard, head falling back against the back of the sofa. “You wanna - you wanna play that game, Mr Profound Bond, Soulful Deep Gaze and Taking Three Years To Notice? No offence, Cas.”

“Raincheck,” Castiel murmured, between slick, persuasive shoves into Gabriel’s gasping body, “on the offence.”

Dean just kept laughing, because they could these days, could just lie around and laugh and be completely ridiculous and completely easy together, him on his knees with half his hand buried inside his brother and his angel screwing Sam’s within arm’s reach, all of them kind of drunk and kind of awesome. “You are so in for it, Sammy.”

Sam’s rough-tipped fingers trailed down the back of Dean’s neck, pressed insistently in under his shoulderblade, scratched down his spine when Dean obediently rose up on his knees to meet the challenging curve of Sam’s mouth. “Bring it.”


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Re: FILL: Sam/Dean/Cas/Gabriel (3c/3) whit_merule January 3 2012, 00:01:27 UTC
And the thing is, you don't actually have to go very far from canon for it... ;)

Didn't mean to end up doing actual one-on-one wincest there, but hey, Castiel wanted to jump Gabriel, so.

I suppose Cas took his clothes off at some point.


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