(no subject)

Feb 20, 2006 08:06

Because it's finished.....

Rating ummm R? (not sure as I never really rate anything, but Know it's not G)

The Sunday morning had crept slowly through the heavy curtains insinuating fingers of light through the edges of the dark material. Tracey’s eyes flickered open with a start the woman beside her mumbled indistinctly as she flung an arm over her head and twisted in the bedclothes to evade the creeping light. Tracey slipped out of bed and adjusted the curtains, slowing the invasion of the sun. Quietly she slipped into her robe relishing the cool drag of the fabric while she watched the slow rise and fall of Kelly’s back. Tracey extracted the small book and pen from the bedside table and settled herself at the foot of the bed.

I watch her as she sleeps, the gilded planes of her body tangled in the sheets, fires banked in slumber. I want to keep the perfection of the moment, if only the amber light creeping trough the window thick and heavy would solidify holding us in the sweetness of the day.

Tracey laid her pen aside and rolled her neck, the stretch spread outward, arching back flexing calf, pointing toes. Kelly watched through heavy eyes. “mmm” the hum barely rumbling in her throat, Kelly murmured, “I could watch you do that for hours.”

“Just stretch, eh?” Tracey’s eyebrow rose. “If I’d known that earlier,” a wicked grin twisted the corner of her lips as she undulated forward, “I wouldn’t have bothered with the flowers, and the lace.” She stopped inches from Kelly’s nose dark curls brushing the blond beneath her radiating a coiled power not unlike the moment she turned away from the jury closing argument made.

“Oh but I like the lace too.” Kelly’s fingers twined through dark hair pulling the predatory smile above her into a kiss dark and rich as molasses, as she hooked an ankle around Tracey’s leg rapidly reversing their positions. “And the flowers.” Her fingers skimmed Tracey’s forehead running lightly over eyelids and lips. Tracey stilled in the enforced darkness as lips replaced fingers softly dancing over her eyes. Cold fingers slipped between silk and skin, Tracey shuddered as Kelly’s hand trailed over her breast chill fire burning in her wake. “Kelly” Tracey’s breath caught in her throat as she exhaled the blonde’s name. Kelly smiled dropping kisses down the bared throat while she freed the body beneath her from the robe. The fabric slid over sensitized flesh followed by the humid press of Kelly’s mouth. Lightening danced over Tracey’s skin as cool hands trapped her arms in fabric. Kelly nipped at the juncture of neck and torso tracing the clavicle delicate as a whisper; Tracey arched toward the contact desperately seeking just a little bit more pressure against her skin.

“Please…” The word broke on Kelly’s ears like a wave called in to the shoreline as she bent her head to the straining breast beneath her, caressing the swell of hip and turn of thigh as she moved slowly inward to the liquid heat of Tracey’s center. Tracey’s leg rose nudging between Kelly’s thighs as she worked to free the arm pinned only in fabric desperate to touch the woman whose hands pined and impaled her as blue eyes caught brown and the world crashed and ebbed around them.

“Coffee…” Kelly was first to break the silence surrounding them her plaintive request vibrating through Tracey’s rib cage although the blond made no attempt to move from the boneless sprawl she had adopted.

“Passing…” Tracey cleared her throat, coherent speech came back slowly, “fancy or actual request?”


“You will have to move.” Tracey scratched lightly down the nape of Kelly’s neck skimming over vertebrae, pressing on tendons.

“Not sure that’s possible.” Tracey could feel the smile spreading against her skin.

“Is that a challenge?” Kelly’s head rose at the subliminal laughter in Tracey’s voice.

“I bet I can get five clues filled in on the Times crossword while you’re still cursing at the coffee pot.” Hair tangled, blue eyes glowing, Kelly punctuated the statement with a kiss. “That’s a challenge.”

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