[opposite event] This is a story all about how Taxon got flipped, turned upside down.

Oct 15, 2011 13:58

The idea, as it had been initially presented, was for citizens to experience what it was like to walk in someone else's shoes. In practice it became discovering what it was like to walk in their own shoes, if their taste in shoes were suddenly quite different from normal. The footwear still fit and was comfy, but the style was quite different ( Read more... )

kobra kid, /system glitch, gwen raiden, @ osten, @ shelley, @ central, glitch, dg, # party post, @ wilde, fitz kreiner, wyatt cain, drusilla (au), martha jones, paul smecker (au), @ speares, (anytime), party poison, kaylee frye

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Comments 128

[visual / location: a fountain in Osten] justaddmarbles October 15 2011, 18:16:44 UTC
It was a nice day. There were clouds but it was not raining. Glitch decided that he would go for a walk because he liked walking and because he might see his friends or find a nice, juicy apple.

He was walking in Osten and happened to find a fountain outside a big building. The fountain had statues of three fish in it and Glitch decided to name them, which was a very good idea until he forgot the names and had to start over again. Soon Glitch put his tablet down on the edge of the fountain and started walking around and around it, naming the same three fish over and over.

"Judy...and Trevor...and Shannon...and Wilbur Cosgrove...and Finn..."

The naughty aliens, of course, thought this was worth sharing. Hello, Mr. Little Red Record Light on the tablet.

ooc: badfic!Glitch, he'll be affected Ocotber 19 & 20.


[Visual] tothelightshown October 19 2011, 15:43:07 UTC
DG had been in Taxon long enough to recognise a network posted with the hamster's sticky little paw prints all over it. What she didn't understand was why Glitch was acting so strangely.

"Finn?" she repeated, regarding him with concern as well as customary affection. "What are you doing, Glitch?"


[Visual] justaddmarbles October 20 2011, 19:43:13 UTC
"..and Maggie, and-- oh!"

The vocie startled Glitch and he tripped, tumbling to the ground. He got up on his hands and knees and looked around, confused. "Who who who said that?"


Re: [Visual] tothelightshown October 21 2011, 18:38:05 UTC
"Hey, take it easy!" she soothed, "It's only me! DG, remember? I'm on the tablet."

This wasn't good. DG was on her feet before Glitch had a chance to reply, pulling up his location from the tablet map and setting off without hesitation.

She remembered the time that he'd glitched so badly that he'd forgotten almost everything. Including her. She prayed - to something, to whatever someone from the O.Z was supposed to pray to - that it hadn't happened again.


[visual / location: Speares] rereremembered October 15 2011, 18:49:05 UTC
Fitz had shaved. Fitz had also dressed himself in a much nicer outfit than his usual "last night's jeans" and "least wrinkled t-shirt" and put on a suit he hadn't known he'd owned.

Then he'd headed down to his pub, shuttered the place, put a "closed" sign on the door, and set about re-establishing his business in a tea shop several blocks away. By high tea he'd negotiated co-ownership with the Extra who'd run the place before and settled himself down for a nice cuppa, which was when he decided to tell the city about these exciting developments.

"I do beg your pardon if I'm interrupting anything," Fitz began, his accent gone all generic newsreader. "But I just had to tell you about my new venture with Ms. Edith Featherworth at the Larksong Tearoom. The cucumber sandwiches are simply marvelous and this Darjeeling is divine, I do hope you will join me ( ... )


[visual / location: Speares] goodluck_kobra October 15 2011, 19:32:47 UTC
Kobra was sitting in his room at Sanctuary, nibbling a carrot he had sneaked from his brother (it was great, really, Party did all the grocery shopping these days), contemplating Fitz on the tablet.

"That sounds very nice, actually. I've never had Darjeeling. What does it taste like?"


[visual] rereremembered October 20 2011, 01:27:53 UTC
Never had Darjeeling? Oh this would never do.

"It...well, it tastes like tea and all the exotic mysticism of India." Or something, he was not entirely sure. "I'd be pleased if you'd join me, Mister, erm, Kid."

That was entirely not appropriate, ever.


[visual] goodluck_kobra October 20 2011, 06:57:08 UTC
"I definitely want to try this tea, it sounds intriguing," Kobra nodded. "And it's Mikey," he adds with a shy smile.


[Visual/Location: A rooftop in Central] freaks_myword October 15 2011, 19:18:46 UTC
What's that, innocent, lone bystander? Take a few steps closer, perhaps, maybe squint or clean your glasses.

Is it a bird? A plane? A very colorful and excessively attractive statue?

Why, no! Silly, nameless bystander! This is why you belong on the ground, and heroes like Gwen Raiden belong at the top--to watch over you like lost little sheep and see things your poor normal eyes cannot.

She is: Electro Girl! Clad in an ensemble of red and yellow; Those with eyes like a bat will see the painted lightning bolt on her chest (the letters E.G broadly displayed); the yellow, jagged mask across her eyes; and the black, flowing cape billowing out behind her. This too has a lightning bolt sewn on its fine silken material. There are no gloves to shield her power ( ... )


[Visual/Location: A rooftop in Central] poisonousparty October 16 2011, 16:25:19 UTC
"Gwen!" Party's shouting up at Gwen, waving, pleased as punch to see this. "I'm so happy you've decided to embrace who you are!" Because with a stance like that? It's the only thing he can think of.

"That's a little too colourful though," He's continuing to shout, cupping his hands around his mouth to be better heard, looking at the other. "You may want to not be so loud with your colours, blending in is important!"


[Visual/Location: A rooftop in Central] freaks_myword October 17 2011, 00:50:20 UTC
Gwen frowns, looking waaaaaay down at Party Poison. At first she starts, thinking his yells signify some sort of danger. He may not be able to see it, but she squints suspiciously. Party: also known as The Bomber. She appreciated that he was one of her many admirers, but he was to be watched, and watched carefully.

"If I blend in, no one will recognize me." Why would she want that? No one would know her from the bad guy.


[Location: Taxon Forest] tothelightshown October 19 2011, 15:52:34 UTC
She had only intended to go for a walk. A great many of Princess DG's animal friends lived in the forest and she liked to visit them as often as she could. The afternoon had passed pleasantly - a picnic in a forest glade, with deer and hedgehogs and rabbits for company - and she'd been disappointed when the sun started to set and she had to head back to the palace.

The forest looked very different in the dark. The tree branches snagged at her clothes and pulled at her hair. She picked up speed, but the path that seemed so clear during the day was increasing narrow and difficult. DG stumbled, tearing her dress, and that was when she heard the growl.

Her friends had often told her about the wolves in the forest, but she'd never seen one.

With a piercing scream, she started to run.

After a moment, the wolves gave chase.


[visual/ Location: Streets of Taxon] goodluck_kobra October 15 2011, 19:29:54 UTC
His sunglasses were perched on his nose because the sun still made Kobra's eyes burn, but he'd traded the bright and dirty outfit for a pair of converse, black jeans and a black Anthrax t-shirt. His hair was mostly hidden underneath a black beanie hat, only a few wayward strands falling into his face.

Kobra's stance was completely different as well as he walked down the street, humming softly to himself. He was smiling at passing Extras and children running past.

When he found a coffee shop Kobra stopped and grinned, turning his tablet on.

"I just found a wonderful coffee place, if anyone would care to join me?"

[ooc: Kobra is turning into a socialite and is nice and polite. He's going to be affected from October 12-20]


[Visual] imperial_long October 19 2011, 21:34:07 UTC
"Do they serve tea? I'm not much of one for coffee, but tea would persuade me forth. Or a decent chai, even."


Re: [Visual] goodluck_kobra October 20 2011, 06:54:50 UTC
"They do serve tea!" Kobra said enthusiastically. "Although I don't know how good it is," he added with slight concern. "I'm very sorry, I don't know a lot about tea."


[Visual] imperial_long October 20 2011, 07:07:06 UTC
Long smiled back amiably at the young man. He recalled enough of their other meeting that he was fairly sure this sudden pleasantness was a glitch, but he was not about to let that ruin the possibility of civilised tea.

"Tea is a good deal harder to get wrong than coffee, really. What's your name?" he asked, since he couldn't tell if the nature of the youth's glitch meant he remembered him or not.


[Location: Central] I really suck at this whole livejournal thing. poisonousparty October 16 2011, 16:17:52 UTC
Party is all smiles and black hair and suits and tie, constantly eating, constantly wandering around. He's awful nice to the Extras, of course--here he is in the streets of central giving a large lump of cotton candy to a little girl extra, waving serenely at him.

Yes, Party is sleepwalking through the streets, lost in his own, happy, splendid thoughts. He stops and waves at certain people but he's almost certainly got a bag of pretzels in his hand, munching away like no tomorrow. Not eating was such a stupid idea. He was almost a respectable adult, after all.

[OOC: Party's going to be a pleasant, nice and trusting Killjoy from the beginning of the glitch to the 22nd! Have fun reasoning with him afterwards...]


[Location: Central] freaks_myword October 19 2011, 21:36:47 UTC
Gwen, high atop a much lower rooftop, spots Party. Well, not quite. She's been stalking Party, you see. It's good to keep an eye on the dangerous ones. The rebels. This getup he's working is just a suit on a rat. Gwen knows a lot about disguises and rats and rebels, but she has since embarked on a road to redemption.

She follows him for a bit before stepping out of the shadows. She feels electricity prick at her fingertips. She's ready, always ready, and her voice is harsh, distrustful. "I hope you paid for those pretzels, Party Poison."


[Location: Central] poisonousparty October 20 2011, 04:21:15 UTC
Party stops in his tracks, blinking owlishly, confusion flickering on his face.

"Of course I did, Gwen. And--please, Party Poison is childish. You can call me by my real name, I'm not a kid anymore." And with surprising grace, he reaches out to extend a hand. "I'm Gee--oops." Right, electricity.

He lowers his hand. "It's Gerard," He tries again. "You're still wearing that awful loud outfit."


[Location: Central] freaks_myword October 20 2011, 13:11:08 UTC
She stares at him like they're two cowboys in a desert, and in Gwen's mind, a bit of tumbleweed rolls on past them, signifying a great divide and probably something else just as important.

Gerard. There's a part of Gwen, a submerged, deep part of her, that finds this hilarious. She never lifted her hand to shake his, and it wasn't because she would electrify him.

"It's my uniform," she answers, humorlessly. "You seemed to like loud outfits when you were blowing up the city and innocent human beings."


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