[opposite event] This is a story all about how Taxon got flipped, turned upside down.

Oct 15, 2011 13:58

The idea, as it had been initially presented, was for citizens to experience what it was like to walk in someone else's shoes. In practice it became discovering what it was like to walk in their own shoes, if their taste in shoes were suddenly quite different from normal. The footwear still fit and was comfy, but the style was quite different ( Read more... )

kobra kid, /system glitch, gwen raiden, @ osten, @ shelley, @ central, glitch, dg, # party post, @ wilde, fitz kreiner, wyatt cain, drusilla (au), martha jones, paul smecker (au), @ speares, (anytime), party poison, kaylee frye

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[visual / location: Speares] rereremembered October 15 2011, 18:49:05 UTC
Fitz had shaved. Fitz had also dressed himself in a much nicer outfit than his usual "last night's jeans" and "least wrinkled t-shirt" and put on a suit he hadn't known he'd owned.

Then he'd headed down to his pub, shuttered the place, put a "closed" sign on the door, and set about re-establishing his business in a tea shop several blocks away. By high tea he'd negotiated co-ownership with the Extra who'd run the place before and settled himself down for a nice cuppa, which was when he decided to tell the city about these exciting developments.

"I do beg your pardon if I'm interrupting anything," Fitz began, his accent gone all generic newsreader. "But I just had to tell you about my new venture with Ms. Edith Featherworth at the Larksong Tearoom. The cucumber sandwiches are simply marvelous and this Darjeeling is divine, I do hope you will join me."

And, as an after thought: "Miss Sommers, Miss Gilbert, you are of course welcome to transfer your employment here. I do not believe I shall be re-opening that...public house. This is a much more suitable environment, especially for young ladies such as yourselves."

ooc: the degree to which Fitz will be drinking himself BLIND after this cannot be overstated. He'll be affected from October 15 - 21 because I hate him :D


[visual / location: Speares] goodluck_kobra October 15 2011, 19:32:47 UTC
Kobra was sitting in his room at Sanctuary, nibbling a carrot he had sneaked from his brother (it was great, really, Party did all the grocery shopping these days), contemplating Fitz on the tablet.

"That sounds very nice, actually. I've never had Darjeeling. What does it taste like?"


[visual] rereremembered October 20 2011, 01:27:53 UTC
Never had Darjeeling? Oh this would never do.

"It...well, it tastes like tea and all the exotic mysticism of India." Or something, he was not entirely sure. "I'd be pleased if you'd join me, Mister, erm, Kid."

That was entirely not appropriate, ever.


[visual] goodluck_kobra October 20 2011, 06:57:08 UTC
"I definitely want to try this tea, it sounds intriguing," Kobra nodded. "And it's Mikey," he adds with a shy smile.


[visual] imperial_long October 19 2011, 21:32:46 UTC
"Darjeeling?" Oh, you're speaking his language, glitched!Fitz. "A tearoom?"

The face on the tablet is quite interested. He probably doesn't recognize Fitz, not having run into him before, but just assumes there's another newcomer.

"I confess myself intrigued. Where might this tearoom be?"


[visual] rereremembered October 20 2011, 02:00:32 UTC
"The district known as Speares," Fitz replied graciously. "In the vicinity of a structure which resembles an Incan temple."

No really this is totally a thing.

"We can arrange to have other edibles prepared for you, of course."


[visual--> Location] imperial_long October 20 2011, 07:02:45 UTC
"I think I know of the area." Wasn't there a pub around there or something...? No matter. "I shall see you shortly..."

True to his word, some fifteen minutes later Long is sticking his head inside, dressed in his usual conservative suit. He's entertaining the possibility that this is all a glitch, certainly, but.... it's a rather delightful one.

"Mister-- ah, I never caught your name..."


[Visual] allthatlife October 20 2011, 15:38:08 UTC
If Martha hadn't been used to the way that Taxon worked by now - and if she hadn't seen a few similar posts on the network over the last few days - then she would have been alarmed by Fitz's sudden change in demeanor. She took it in her stride and, as she switched on her tablet to reply, tried to imagine how her friend would react when he realised what he'd done.

"What about scones? Tell me you'll be serving scones."

Probably not the most helpful comment that she could have made. She was trying not to grin too broadly when she said it.


[Location: Speares] a_pretty_fire October 20 2011, 16:18:03 UTC
Drusilla could often be found lurking around the city, particularly at night and particularly in the areas were the shadows seemed to linger even at midday.

Today, however, she was not herself. She was everything that she could have been and should have been.

Dressed in the a new dress and a suitably demure bonnet, she stepped nervously through the doorway of the new Larksong Tearoom, looking around with shy interest.


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