[visual / location: don's apartment] (way backdated)

May 12, 2011 14:46

It's been a couple days since the attack and her phone call to Don, and Mattie's feeling better physically, but still a little wrung out emotionally. Mostly that manifests in being very quiet and trying convince Don to let her cook meals for him, and a noticeable absence of tiny sternfaces. There's a lot on her mind, however, and one or two ( Read more... )

{ don draper, { puck, { mattie ross (au), { sookie stackhouse, drusilla (au), @ shelley, buffy summers, { stefen, paul smecker (au), { damon salvatore, { stefan salvatore, willow rosenberg, @ wilde, { amy pond

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Comments 174

[visual] iminmynightie May 12 2011, 19:35:50 UTC
"Think that depends on what sort of vampire it was." Amy peers at the girl a bit curiously, but is in no way surprised by the question. "For instance, I was bitten by vampires once, but they weren't the traditional kind, and I didn't change into one."


[visual] verylittlesugar May 12 2011, 19:51:16 UTC
"I do not know, until lately I did believe vampires could be real." Even now, she's not completely convinced that there isn't some other explanation. "What are the traditional kind like?"


[visual] iminmynightie May 12 2011, 20:22:22 UTC
"Oh, well the traditional kind suck out most of your blood, I think." She tries to think back to movies she's seen. "I can't remember if you just turn into one, or the vampire makes you drink their blood to turn you into one." Amy's eyes focus on the bandage.

"Did one attack you?" Amy is on the periphery of the vampire culture in Taxon, but she's seen enough broadcast on the tablets to know they're real.


[visual] verylittlesugar May 12 2011, 20:31:14 UTC
Mattie's hand goes up immediately to cover the bandage. "How much is most of your blood? What happens afterward? How long does it take?"

Congratulations on apparently becoming a vampire expert, Amy.


[ voice ] allthefunever May 12 2011, 20:22:11 UTC
[ holy pinged, batman. ]

Now, why would you ask that, Tiny?


[ voice ] verylittlesugar May 12 2011, 20:29:07 UTC
[Mattie still hasn't received the packages Damon left -- he can thank Don's sudden burst of protectiveness for that -- so at least he doesn't have to deal with her certainty that he's trying to woo her. Yet.]

Because it is very important that I find out.


[ voice ] allthefunever May 12 2011, 20:45:00 UTC
[ when he does find out, he's going to die laughing and then step up his game. ]

Anything to do with that bandage on your neck? [ ...careful, damon. that tone of voice was dangerously close to sincerity. ]


[ voice ] verylittlesugar May 12 2011, 22:32:33 UTC
[Mattie tugs the coat up further around her neck.]

Yes. Do you know anything that may be of help? I...I have heard that such a bite can be infectious.


[location: Don's apartment] selfmadman May 12 2011, 22:25:09 UTC
Don knocks softly at the bedroom door before letting himself in. His shirt is crisp and bright, his hair combed with customary severity and face freshly shaved. And yet it doesn't fit together as it should--there's no ironing out or washing away the restlessness of his movements, the way his expression will drift into remoteness.

"You sure this is a good idea?" he asks, waving a cigarette at her tablet.


[location: Don's apartment] verylittlesugar May 12 2011, 22:36:47 UTC
Don has temporarily won the battle of wills that ended with Mattie taking over his room, but she's considering broaching the subject again, as soon as she's gathered some information on what she might expect to happen with this vampire bite situation.

"You do not know anything about vampires, and I do not know who would be best to ask. And I feel that this is a much better use of my than fretting."


[location: Don's apartment] selfmadman May 13 2011, 00:37:06 UTC
"I won't argue with that," he concedes, although his eyebrows climb a notch. He drags on his cigarette, taking little pleasure in it, and wanders to the window. "Jason Stackhouse and...Agent"--he lays sardonic emphasis on the title--"Smecker can be trusted. They know about vampires."

Don peels his eyes from the window--he couldn't tell you a thing about the view--and directs his attention to the bed. "How is it? Any change?"


[location: Don's apartment] verylittlesugar May 14 2011, 20:30:06 UTC
Mattie nods, making sure to remember those names, and trust the information they offer.

At Don's question, she raises her hand to the bandage. "I believe it is healing, and may not cause any ill effects." Whether there's already something in her system causing ill effects itself is another question, but that was the point of her tablet entry.


[Visual] [locked] smecker May 13 2011, 01:10:22 UTC
Have a visual of Smecker lying on his own bed, a not-dissimilar bandage on his own neck. His expression is wry as he takes in Mattie's appearance.

"Looks like no gardening for either of us for a while."


[Visual] [locked] verylittlesugar May 13 2011, 03:33:05 UTC
Mattie's eyes widen at the bandage, and she leans a little closer to her tablet.

"You were bitten as well. Do you know anything helpful about them?"


[Visual] [locked] smecker May 13 2011, 06:01:37 UTC
"Some," Paul says with a sigh. "Not as much as I'd like. Do you have any of the stories about vampires, where you're from? Like... the book Dracula, that sort of thing?"

Paul's not really sure when she's from, for that matter, but hell, vampire myths are sort of universal, aren't they? Then he remembers Cain's ignorance of them, so... maybe not. Gah.

"The things in the stories, like crosses, and holy water? Those apparently work. Well, it depends on the type of vampire, from what I hear, but..."

Deep breath. "Was it a girl who attacked you, dark haired, about your own age?"


[Visual] [locked] verylittlesugar May 14 2011, 20:32:55 UTC
"Yes I know what they are supposed to be, but we do not have such books in our home, and I do not- that is I have never before believed vampires to be anything but fairy tales."

Her tone suggests how Mattie feels about fairy tales.

"I will get a cross and a Bible." It'll make her feel safer, and probably make Don feel better too. "Do you know her?"


[Video] painsinger May 13 2011, 01:43:55 UTC
Those weren't exactly questions that he was entirely qualified to answer, but that bandage was new and in an unfortunate place. He might not have been here all that long, but he was still more than a little concerned. It was far too easy to bleed out from a wound in that particular area. She seemed to have avoided that, but. He could still worry, even if he didn't know her that well.

After a few moments, he finally managed to wrestle the tablet into doing what he wanted.

"Are you alright?"


[Video] verylittlesugar May 13 2011, 03:39:19 UTC
Mattie remembers the young man from the arrival room, and wonders if anyone has warned him that there are demons about the city.

"I...do not know just yet. But I shall hope so, because I intend to go home soon and I do think being turned into a monster will be any use to me at all."

Her reply is perhaps a bit aggressively defensive, but maybe she can be forgiven, considering.


[Visual] Ahahahahaha wrong game >>;;; Taxon = Visual, self painsinger May 13 2011, 03:46:06 UTC
Stefen is more than a little used to gruffness, and he simply ignores the tone, instead addressing the words. Diplomatic, as he had been trained to be. Bards simply couldn't afford to let anyone know just what their opinions of people were.

"Probably not, no. I'm just a little..." Worried sounded a little too unbelievable. "Never mind. Does it hurt at all?"


[Visual] no worries! <3 verylittlesugar May 14 2011, 20:40:51 UTC
Mattie settles down a bit at Stefen's response, even feeling a little sorry for snapping at him.

"Less than it did, I believe it is healing. It is...a painful location to be bitten, I think."


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