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Apr 11, 2014 12:10

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[text] (backdated to May 7) verylittlesugar May 10 2011, 02:03:57 UTC
Vampires are real.


[text] selfmadman May 10 2011, 02:39:55 UTC


[text] selfmadman May 10 2011, 02:41:51 UTC
Where are you?


[text] verylittlesugar May 10 2011, 02:45:39 UTC
Mr. Dreiberg's house.


[text] selfmadman May 10 2011, 03:50:03 UTC
Let me see your face.


[visual] verylittlesugar May 10 2011, 03:56:44 UTC
It's an annoying request because it makes no difference what her face looks like, but she knows Don better than to argue (if she does, he'll either stop talking to her or do something drastic and embarrassing, neither of which she wants. So she flips the tablet to visual and holds it so he can see her pale face, surrounded by slightly messy hair and with a blanket tucked to her chin.



[visual] selfmadman May 10 2011, 17:38:38 UTC
Don's seated, a glass of whisky cradled in his hands. "I don't have time for that question," he says, not attending to the words--they flow out as if swept up in a swift current. His eyes rove the screen restlessly, scour her face for a sign something's wrong.

"I know. I know"--he gulps down air and whisky in quick succession--"about vampires."


[visual] verylittlesugar May 10 2011, 17:43:33 UTC
"One bit me. It hurt, like a snake. Do you believe they have venom? I do not feel ill really, only tired."

And Dan didn't seem to think she needed a doctor, only rest, so maybe that's okay. Don is worrying her a little though, and she sits up a bit, revealing the bandage on her neck. "You are drinking."

Not that she doesn't know that's normal for Don, but what she really means is 'you've been drinking too much'.


[visual] selfmadman May 10 2011, 19:08:05 UTC
"Lie down," he says automatically. At the sight of the bandage he's struck with the urge to lean in for a closer look and the impulse to avert his eyes; he sits there trembling between the two.

"You'll be fine." He doesn't have an answer to her question. "I'm on my way." His voice hardens. "If something happens, call."

He turns off the tablet, pockets it. Drains his glass. One thing at a time.


[visual] verylittlesugar May 11 2011, 13:36:12 UTC
Mattie immediately lies back down, which might be a good indicator of her state of mind.

"I am not in danger now, Mr. Dreiberg is very kind."

She can't get in anything further, though. The screen is blank. She sighs and turns off her tablet, and waits.

[ooc: Okay so it's been decided that Mattie's been at Dan's for just a few hours, so it's probably evening of her attack. We can play out or handwave Don taking her back to his place, whichever you prefer.]


[location: Dan's house] selfmadman May 11 2011, 17:54:23 UTC
The instant Dreiberg opens the door Don's shouldering past-he gains a fleeting impression of glasses, posture like a piece of Kleenex. “What in the hell happened?” he snaps at no one in particular-because he's kept the question pent-up through a placid tram ride that felt like eternity itself. Because he badly wants to hit something.

He finds her on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. She looks-she's alive. He says her name, drops to a knee beside her.


[location: Dan's house] verylittlesugar May 11 2011, 18:07:47 UTC
Mattie sits up immediately when Don comes barreling through the door, eyes wide at the contained violence in him. She gives Dan a reassuring glance.

"It is all right, Mr. Dreiberg, I know him. Mr. Draper, I-" She frowns, and for once it isn't an annoyed scowl. "I would like to go home."


[location: Dan's house] selfmadman May 12 2011, 17:12:53 UTC
He presses a hand to her cheek, along the line of her jaw, and with surprising and deliberate delicacy turns her head to the side for a look at the bandage. It's small-smaller than he expects-and white and utterly ordinary. The hand slides to her shoulder and his eyes drop from her face.

“Scoot over,” he says, trying to keep the words light, but it's like skipping a stone. No matter how successful you are it sinks in the end.


[location: Dan's house] verylittlesugar May 12 2011, 17:19:04 UTC
Mattie isn't expecting that kind of tenderness, and she fights to keep tears from welling up in her eyes. She lets Don examine the bandage, and then obediently moves over to make room on the couch.

"I did not know," she says softly. "She did not look like a demon."


[location: Dan's house] selfmadman May 14 2011, 00:56:15 UTC
Don hauls himself onto the couch, settles into the cushions with a long, shuddering sigh. “Let that be a lesson,” he says-quiet, urgent.

He wraps an arm around her, the gesture more protective than affectionate. “What were you doing?”


[location: Dan's house] verylittlesugar May 15 2011, 21:23:43 UTC
Mattie doesn't so much care whether it's protective or affectionate, it makes her feel better so she doesn't protest at all.

"We had spoken about the garden, and I said I meant to put in some flowering herbs. She wanted to help me pick some out."

It was a friendly gesture, on that Mattie interpreted as an olive branch in light of their inauspicious beginning.


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