[audio / locked from Angelus and Dru] / [location: ALL OVER]

Mar 16, 2011 23:08

After having spent a long time just trying to keep people safe and work on the stupid ritual while insane vamp number two ran around town on the loose, Willow was feeling... not quite the happiest. Her glitch was bad enough. The zombies almost right after had made her feel like the aliens were punishing her for her stupid magic going crazy. Now ( Read more... )

{ tara maclay, { dawn summers, drusilla (au), @ osten, buffy summers, { liz parker, (day), dg, { loki, willow rosenberg, /character glitch, katherine pierce, { angel

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Comments 88

[ location: tomb under old fell's church ] open to all for trolling, taunting, etc. werealegend March 17 2011, 07:15:12 UTC
Angelus paces back and forth, deep within the tomb, farther back than anyone dares to go-- not that anyone's tried to step foot in here. He doesn't handle restlessness well and what patience he had has already worn thin. They took his tablet when they dumped him in here, left him without any means of entertaining himself and there's the lingering smell of decaying flesh in this place that makes him hungrier than he already is. If only one of those mindless natives would wander in here to clean or whatever the hell it was they did when they were following the whims of their simplistic, one track minds. He was so hungry, he'd even eat one of them and they tasted dull and unsavory; as boring inside as they were outside.

Hearing the rustling of leaves from the entrance, he stops pacing and moves back down the long, tunnel-like hallway that leads to the doorway. Casually-- perhaps a little too casually for someone who allowed themselves to be tricked by Damon Salvatore and trapped in this tomb-- he leans against the barrier, the ( ... )


these walls got me caged in; whoneedsrules March 17 2011, 10:48:52 UTC
Katherine had suspected in the back of her mind that Angelus' brashness and dislike for subtlety might not dip the scales to his favor, but had kept silent about it. Angelus didn't seem like the type to accept advice that wasn't his own. The goody two-shoes of Taxon, especially the crowd from his home world, had been in red alert mode since his public post last week. While she'd taken care not to be seen or heard to associate with the other vampire in public, Katherine had greatly enjoyed the hysteria he had managed to stir up in the masses. She was all for that kind of entertainment, but also knew it would likely not be put up with for long. The problem with Angelus was the very same thing that made him so interesting; he was too wild, he simply didn't care ( ... )


these walls got me caged in; werealegend March 19 2011, 20:15:45 UTC
When he gets out of here, he's going to rip Damon Salvatore limb from limb. Maybe make good use of that chainsaw he's been meaning to try a few things with. Angelus has admittedly missed the torture, the blood and the gore and the screams, and seeing how much a vampire of Damon's caliber could take could prove to be interesting. Those thoughts are shoved to the back of his mind, however, when he catches wind of Katherine's scent a moment before she speaks up. He would've caught on to it sooner if the stench of dessicating bodies that weren't even present in the tomb weren't driving his hypersensitive nose batty.

"Talk to your childe," he chides, growling low in the back of his throat to further emphasis his displeasure with this whole situation.


these walls got me caged in; whoneedsrules March 19 2011, 20:53:44 UTC
"Oh, trust me," Katherine replies lowly, an almost cruel smile twisting her lips briefly, "I'll have a talk with him, alright."

She is absolutely seething. Trust Damon to screw everything up just like he always did. He was in for a dose of good ol' mindfuckery à la Katherine Pierce. Possibly even with a side dish of some physical violence. Katherine takes a step closer and crosses her arms over her chest, shaking her head slightly.

"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye out when dealing with him?"


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[ voice ] slayersidekick March 17 2011, 18:31:51 UTC
Not usually, no. But with a crazy vampire on the loose, it was hard to be sure.


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[ voice ] slayersidekick March 19 2011, 21:00:22 UTC
[ oh gdit why does she have to put up with-

she takes a deep breath, trying not let this girl hear her. ]

Look, whatever your normal world rules are, this city isn't like that. Vampires are real here and we had a crazy one running around. But he's all holed up somewhere, so hopefully it'll go back to being safe soon.

[ normally, she'd try to mince words and make with the nice, but she's so strained right now she can't do it. ]


[ voice ] slaying March 17 2011, 12:54:24 UTC
Still live and kicking, here.

[ quieter: ] Will...


[ voice ] slayersidekick March 17 2011, 18:31:07 UTC
[ sadkjhalsf the guilt. it will kill her one of these days. ]

Glad to hear it. I'd be worried for the safety of Taxon otherwise.

[ there's a bit of a pause here. ] Yeah?


[ voice ] slaying March 18 2011, 02:02:37 UTC
It's a glitch thing, right? Don't take the spell not working to heart.


[ voice ] slayersidekick March 18 2011, 02:04:56 UTC
Yeah. I know. [ if she sounds short and snappy, it's because she's frustrated with the stupid hamsters. very frustrated.

a moment later she sighs and replies in a muc-

no, it's pretty much still as annoyed as the first. ]

At least it's something I can do. I don't want to hide out somewhere.


[visual] gunsnotvoodoo March 17 2011, 13:41:00 UTC
Mojo-y people?


[perma-voice] slayersidekick March 17 2011, 18:33:04 UTC
Yeah, y'know, people who like the whole magic thing. Not the ones who like to burn them.


[voice] gunsnotvoodoo March 18 2011, 05:22:24 UTC
Does it, uh...have to be magic energy?


[voice] slayersidekick March 18 2011, 23:05:21 UTC
...Is there another kind of energy? [ curious. ]


[Voice] tothelightshown March 17 2011, 21:43:55 UTC
You can count me in, Willow.


[Voice] slayersidekick March 18 2011, 02:05:45 UTC
[ there's a bit of a pause here. ]

Thanks, DG. I-I think Tara and I could use all the mojo we can get.


[Voice] tothelightshown March 22 2011, 22:00:01 UTC
We're always stronger together. Just tell me what you need.


[Voice---->locked] slayersidekick March 24 2011, 16:00:21 UTC
I've been trying the Ritual of Restoration to get Angelus' soul back, but it's been really tough. I think the aliens have it blocked or something.


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