[audio / locked from Angelus and Dru] / [location: ALL OVER]

Mar 16, 2011 23:08

After having spent a long time just trying to keep people safe and work on the stupid ritual while insane vamp number two ran around town on the loose, Willow was feeling... not quite the happiest. Her glitch was bad enough. The zombies almost right after had made her feel like the aliens were punishing her for her stupid magic going crazy. Now ( Read more... )

{ tara maclay, { dawn summers, drusilla (au), @ osten, buffy summers, { liz parker, (day), dg, { loki, willow rosenberg, /character glitch, katherine pierce, { angel

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[ location: tomb under old fell's church ] open to all for trolling, taunting, etc. werealegend March 17 2011, 07:15:12 UTC
Angelus paces back and forth, deep within the tomb, farther back than anyone dares to go-- not that anyone's tried to step foot in here. He doesn't handle restlessness well and what patience he had has already worn thin. They took his tablet when they dumped him in here, left him without any means of entertaining himself and there's the lingering smell of decaying flesh in this place that makes him hungrier than he already is. If only one of those mindless natives would wander in here to clean or whatever the hell it was they did when they were following the whims of their simplistic, one track minds. He was so hungry, he'd even eat one of them and they tasted dull and unsavory; as boring inside as they were outside.

Hearing the rustling of leaves from the entrance, he stops pacing and moves back down the long, tunnel-like hallway that leads to the doorway. Casually-- perhaps a little too casually for someone who allowed themselves to be tricked by Damon Salvatore and trapped in this tomb-- he leans against the barrier, the invisible palisade that denied him exit holding him up. He listens to the footsteps as they descended the stairs.

"Decided to pay me a visit?"


these walls got me caged in; whoneedsrules March 17 2011, 10:48:52 UTC
Katherine had suspected in the back of her mind that Angelus' brashness and dislike for subtlety might not dip the scales to his favor, but had kept silent about it. Angelus didn't seem like the type to accept advice that wasn't his own. The goody two-shoes of Taxon, especially the crowd from his home world, had been in red alert mode since his public post last week. While she'd taken care not to be seen or heard to associate with the other vampire in public, Katherine had greatly enjoyed the hysteria he had managed to stir up in the masses. She was all for that kind of entertainment, but also knew it would likely not be put up with for long. The problem with Angelus was the very same thing that made him so interesting; he was too wild, he simply didn't care.

She lingers a moment in front of the church ruins before making her way down, making sure nobody else is around and to sneer at the loathsome thing. She can already hear the distinctly restless movements from within as she descends, hitching up the strap of her bag on her shoulder and letting her own steps stir the leaves and twigs underfoot to signal her presence. She halts a respectable distance away from the unseen barrier at the mouth of the tomb - once bitten, twice shy - and plants her hands on her hips in demonstration of the universal female pose of displeasure.

"Really?" she sighs in exasperation, both at the fact that Angelus had gotten himself trapped in the tomb, and that the damned tomb was in Taxon in the first place.


these walls got me caged in; werealegend March 19 2011, 20:15:45 UTC
When he gets out of here, he's going to rip Damon Salvatore limb from limb. Maybe make good use of that chainsaw he's been meaning to try a few things with. Angelus has admittedly missed the torture, the blood and the gore and the screams, and seeing how much a vampire of Damon's caliber could take could prove to be interesting. Those thoughts are shoved to the back of his mind, however, when he catches wind of Katherine's scent a moment before she speaks up. He would've caught on to it sooner if the stench of dessicating bodies that weren't even present in the tomb weren't driving his hypersensitive nose batty.

"Talk to your childe," he chides, growling low in the back of his throat to further emphasis his displeasure with this whole situation.


these walls got me caged in; whoneedsrules March 19 2011, 20:53:44 UTC
"Oh, trust me," Katherine replies lowly, an almost cruel smile twisting her lips briefly, "I'll have a talk with him, alright."

She is absolutely seething. Trust Damon to screw everything up just like he always did. He was in for a dose of good ol' mindfuckery à la Katherine Pierce. Possibly even with a side dish of some physical violence. Katherine takes a step closer and crosses her arms over her chest, shaking her head slightly.

"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye out when dealing with him?"


these walls got me caged in; werealegend March 21 2011, 00:19:53 UTC
"I was," he snaps, and for a moment it feels like he's conversing with Darla. It would unsettle him, if he were capable of a wider ranger of emotions without heavy emphasis on anger. "How was I supposed to know this tomb was even here, let alone what it did? I want out of here, Katherine."


these walls got me caged in; whoneedsrules March 21 2011, 09:15:58 UTC
After one more huff of frustration, Katherine takes a deep breath. What's done is done, arguing about it won't change anything. Had she known the tomb was in Taxon, she could have cautioned Angelus not to go anywhere near it - but she didn't. She'd been as blindsided by this as Angelus was, and that fact only made her more angry at Damon.

"I know you do," Katherine manages more calmly despite the lingering pique, "Believe me, I know the feeling exactly."

Thanks for the memories, Damon Salvatore.

"But that seal that keeps us from getting out of that thing requires a witch or two to break, since they were the ones who spelled it in the first place. I don't exactly have one of those at hand anymore."


these walls got me caged in; werealegend March 23 2011, 10:48:15 UTC
Angelus had been tailing the elder Salvatore Brother, following him as he moved about Taxon, trying to figure out what his angle was, his motive. Either Damon had known Angelus was shadowing him or he'd simply hoped that he was, for when Damon had seemingly disappeared into the pit at the bottom of the church ruins, Angelus had stepped inside the tomb to see if he'd gone in, only to find out there was no way out. If he wasn't so keen on letting Damon do whatever the hell it was he was aiming for with Buffy in hopes that she'd be sideswiped by the knowledge of him being a vampire, he would hand the knowledge over to the first non-vampire blabbermouth who descended those stairs.

"You don't, but I do," he says with a grin. "Willow could take this down all by her lonesome if she weren't such a magic addict. She's not the only witch around, though."


these walls got me caged in; whoneedsrules March 23 2011, 11:22:49 UTC

Katherine's tone is equal parts surprise, curiosity and incredulity. Sauntering close enough to lean her shoulder against the stones by the mouth of the tomb, Katherine tilts her head inquisitively. She had been meaning to hand over the two bottles of blood lying on the bottom of her bag, but now she's curious. He can have his snack after some answers.

"That's all well and good, Angelus, but are these witches keen on doing any such favors for you? Something tells me they might be perfectly happy to leave you in there. In my experience, witches are all encumbered by a serious case of holier-than-thou."

Even Emily Bennet, for all her outward loyalty and deference to Katherine, hadn't always been able to conceal the glint of contempt that crept into her gaze at times. Witches and vampires simply didn't mix successfully, and Katherine doubted they ever would.


these walls got me caged in; werealegend March 23 2011, 15:04:34 UTC
Angelus chuckles darkly, bitterly. What he's about to say is no laughing matter and something he does not in the least bit find amusing, but one cannot help but laugh at themselves in the face of that much irony. "Oh, they're no doubt putting all of their efforts into re-ensouling me. Then it's goodbye cruel world and hello an existence fueled by a desperate quest for atonement. Honestly, I'd rather be staked."

And this, dear boy, is why the gypsies picked that as your curse.


these walls got me caged in; whoneedsrules March 23 2011, 16:50:25 UTC
The concept of having a soul versus not having one is foreign to Katherine, but semantics weren't really all that important to her now. It was enough for her to know that re-ensouling Angelus would result to a decidedly less interesting version of him and an end to the fun times they'd been having lately.

"So, that would be a big fat yes to keeping your fine self trapped in that tomb until your muzzle is back on," Katherine summarizes unhappily, sighing fatalistically. "Back to our regularly scheduled, boring as hell program."

It stings, but there's little she can do. First and foremost, Katherine will look out for herself; finding a witch to undo the seal to get Angelus out would expose her, and she wasn't looking for a return ticket to the tomb herself. Katherine knows she's sorely outnumbered in this scenario.


come here -- i'm gonna smear another colour over you; slaying March 17 2011, 12:58:02 UTC
When she arrives, it is with folded arms. Controlled. Careful. Seeing him face to face is a thing she has to do -- that frustrated, angry part of her is left dissatisfied by playing audience to Damon's work. Buffy will never admit it to most people but she had wanted to sink her fists so badly into this situation.

Maybe seeing him caged up would make the difference. Provide her with something.

"You know me, always playing the polite one. Visiting's part of that."


come here -- i'm gonna smear another colour over you; werealegend March 19 2011, 20:40:26 UTC
"Is it because you miss this face or just enjoy torturing yourself that much with your whole lack of doing anything to get me in here," Angelus taunts, smirking at her as if he's unphased by being trapped in a tomb. (Protip: He's not. He hates it.) "Bravo, by the way. I'm impressed, Buff. Hasn't even gotten in your pants and he's already whipped and doing your dirty work for you."


come here -- i'm gonna smear another colour over you; slaying March 19 2011, 22:57:02 UTC
"I don't know what you're talking about."

But she does -- and she resents the implication almost as much as she wants to seize upon it and wonder about the truth involved. "You're a problem and he had a solution. It's just good business."


come here -- i'm gonna smear another colour over you; werealegend March 20 2011, 07:00:51 UTC
"Don't play stupid with me, Buffy. You might like to disassociate me from soulboy-- which, hey, no complains here-- but you forget that I remember what he remembers. We both know better about what's going on with Damon. Or, maybe I know a little better and you're still slow on the uptake. Must be the blonde."

He knows a little better alright. He knows that Damon's a vampire, but he's not going to tell her. Why? Because he thinks it'll be hilarious when that cat comes out of the bag.


come here -- i'm gonna smear another colour over you; slaying March 20 2011, 23:52:22 UTC
"What do you mean -- what's going on with him?"

She squinted at him from the safer side of the situation. Or was it safer? It was true. Angelus would know all the things that Angel knew. The texting and the talking and probably also all about her who had been here before. The one that everyone else knew, too.

Damnit, she was so tired of everyone knowing but her.


come here -- i'm gonna smear another colour over you; werealegend March 21 2011, 00:33:23 UTC
"To put it in layman's terms: he likes you."

Angelus knows it's not like-like, but he keeps that to himself. Whenever the young Italian decides to reveal what he is, it'll blindside Buffy in ways that will make holding his tongue worth it. That is, if Damon Salvatore lives to see another day once Angelus gets out of here. He has the patience to wait while stuck behind this invisible wall, but not so much when he gets out. He's spent more than enough time being oppressed and toyed with, whether by that damned gypsy curse, Jasmine masquerading as the disembodied voice of The Beast's master, or these hamsters. No way in hell was some arrogant little upstart going to get away with pulling a fast one on him.

"I wonder if anyone's going to warn him," he muses, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Last time you were here, your dating one of the other worlders didn't really go so smoothly."


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