Supply and Demand: Repeat Business Part 5/5 (SPN/Criminal Minds AU Crossover)

Nov 03, 2010 18:06

Supply and Demand: Repeat Business Part 5/5 (SPN/Criminal Minds AU Crossover)

Author: Tari_Roo

Rating: PG13 (Gen)

Fandom: SPN/Criminal Minds

Disclaimer: I own nothing, I profit from nothing. Although if I had my way Dean would grow his hair longer and Sam would cut his. Creative licence on historical accuracy and hand waving over actual facts. It’s an ( Read more... )

cm, fanfic, fic_spn, spn, fic_criminal_minds, crossover_fic

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Comments 33

tygerc November 3 2010, 17:16:11 UTC
Just excellent. And I originally skipped the first story thinking "empath? sounds lame"...


tari_roo November 3 2010, 20:00:01 UTC
(Arms of yay) redeemed from 'lame' potentiality. thanks for trying anyway and commenting. Appreciate it


saphirablue November 3 2010, 17:19:34 UTC
Interesting ending! :) I like that Hotch is able to see through Dean and now knows what's real and who Dean really is. :)

Thank you for this fic! :)

Oh boy, that teaser! =) ♥


tari_roo November 3 2010, 20:00:48 UTC
:) Thanks for the consistent comments and enthusiasm! :)


redrikki November 3 2010, 17:28:31 UTC
I both loved and hated that ending for the exact same reason. I mean, you are entirely right about how any sane person, especially one in law enforcement, would react to Dean and, in turn, how he would react to them, especially in this situation. In fact, I wrote a story about it myself. No one without some fairly compelling evidence is going to buy ghosts and Dean as hero, so I I liked that they remained skeptical. On the other hand, Dean is a hero and it's sad to see these people who could have made an awesome team being at odds with each other. The teaser for the next story looks all sorts of awesome and chalk full of angsty goodness. Can't wait.


tari_roo November 3 2010, 20:04:23 UTC
I am totally with you on the failed potential here and will admit that the missed opportunities and need to 'fix' the BAU team's opinion of Dean kinda inspires me... to write more ;) I have this inherent need to 'eventually' sort out all the drama and misconceptions. If I can do so realistically and practically, oh, its going to be done! :)

thanks again for the support and feedback


whiteted November 3 2010, 18:26:01 UTC
That was fantastic, and that teaser had me shouting *more, now* at the computer. Fab writing, thanks for this


tari_roo November 3 2010, 20:05:01 UTC
And thank you for the comment (and smile from my side :))


sofia1973 November 3 2010, 19:26:06 UTC
That was great, I love the last talk between Dean and Hotch and also Hotchs: And strangely enough, Aaron found himself saying “For his sake, I hope he did.”
The interaction between Hotch and Rossi was great described. I can`t wait for next instalment but I am afraid the will be nothing nice for Dean in it. I really hope you give Dean an escape and I want Sam (sometimes in the future)


tari_roo November 3 2010, 20:06:25 UTC
More drama is in store, oh yes. But hope too! thanks for the comment


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