Supply and Demand: Repeat Business Part 5/5 (SPN/Criminal Minds AU Crossover)

Nov 03, 2010 18:06

Supply and Demand: Repeat Business Part 5/5 (SPN/Criminal Minds AU Crossover)

Author: Tari_Roo

Rating: PG13 (Gen)

Fandom: SPN/Criminal Minds

Disclaimer: I own nothing, I profit from nothing. Although if I had my way Dean would grow his hair longer and Sam would cut his. Creative licence on historical accuracy and hand waving over actual facts. It’s an AU after all. That is all.

Summary: Criminal Minds/SPN Crossover AU. Mitch Koravi was dead, to begin with. But when a man is killed using his exact MO, the BAU have to eat humble pie and bring back the Empath told them their case was not closed, Dean Winchester

Spoilers: set somewhere during Season 5 of Criminal Minds, post ep 100 and AU for SPN (all seasons).

Chapter 5

The ride to the hospital was pretty quiet. Electing to take two cars, there had been a moment of almost comic indecision as to who would actually ride in which car, and in the end, Rossi and Prentiss took one, with Winchester in the back, leaving Reid and JJ to take the town car.

After the hubbub of the crime scene and trying to wrap up the curious police officers and federal agents questions, they were finally on their way to the hospital to check on Hotch and Morgan. JJ had already heard from the hospital that Derek’s wounds were not serious, and that a plastic surgeon would be consulting on the repair to the slice on his back.

Everyone’s relief was tempered however by the big question mark hanging over Hotch. In these instances, no news was definitely not good news. And judging by the fidgeting going on next to her, Prentiss figured that Rossi was dying to question Winchester further, probe past any lies he was expecting, get to the bottom of the earlier events.

Dean however remained silent, content to wait on Hotch.

“Is this actually a T&E matter?”

Looked like Rossi couldn’t restrain himself any longer, and Emily joined him in looking at Dean in the rear view mirror, the Empath slouched in the back seat. He was still visibly shaken or high on adrenalin, as there was a faint tremor in his hands, his eyes flat and dull but cheeks pinked.

Winchester was slow to answer, more interested in the passing scenery than their conversation and Rossi was just about the ask again, when he said, “Only if you want your boss committed.”

Frowning herself now, Emily nodded along with Rossi when he snapped, “How about you quit acting all vague and try telling the truth, and let us decide what’s the best of course of action?”

The spike of anger was brief but telling and Dean continued to stare out of the window as he bit out, “You ever see that movie with Denzel Washington, Fallen?”

While Rossi looked confused, Emily quickly exclaimed, “The one with the demon... Azazael... ? Are you saying this was some sort of demon?” She knew Rossi would be sharing her look of incredulous disbelief as she turned around in her seat to look at Winchester.

He was shaking his head though, glancing over at her, perhaps judging her reaction. “No, but the principal applies.”

“Huh?” Emily stammered, looking at Rossi who shrugged, “You mean something evil being passed along? From person to person - like an infection?”

Winchester nodded briefly, now carefully watching her. Rossi, trying to keep his eyes on the road barked, “What, now you want us to believe in ghosts and demons?”

With his cool gaze boring into her, Emily thought he was about to nod, but he slumped back into the seat and said, “No. I want you to consider the possibility of an infection, only with emotions or purpose.”

Slightly derailed and very unsure as to how to broach that, Prentiss shifted in her seat, still with her back to Rossi and said, “So, it is something... T&E related. Emotional infection? And if T&E get involved, Hotch will ... what?”

“Disappear into the system.”

At that Rossi laughed, “Nice try, Winchester. But don’t think we’re going to buy into your paranoid delusions. You are playing on our emotions, pushing us towards a course of action you want because you hope we’re afraid you might be right. How about you stop lying and be straight with us?”

“I’m not lying.” And Dean didn’t sound defensive, more resigned, weary. Like he’d had this conversation many times before.

“But you aren’t telling us the truth either,” Rossi stated simply, no longer looking back into the mirror, eyes on the road, face angry. Emily however watched the flicker of emotion across his face, felt the spike of frustration from Dean.

“You can’t handle the truth.” Winchester’s tone was mocking and Rossi laughed in derision, but Prentiss was too busy watching them both, feeling the minute changes in the empathic field and Winchester knew she was doing it as well, judging by his increasing anger.

“You’re afraid,” she said, suddenly. And he was, he really really was. She just didn’t know why. “What’s the worst that can happen if you tell us the truth?”

But Dean didn’t answer, he was too busy trying to reign in his empathic field, stop all the emotional leakage, and in that concentration, he shut her out, no longer interested or willing to talk. Rossi however growled, “We’re here. Don’t think this is over, Winchester.”

And the nurse at Reception had good news for them. Hotchner was awake and asking for them... Dean particularly. It was an awkward procession up to the ward where Hotch was being moved to, and they all stopped in to see Derek. A very happy, doped up Derek, who waved at them happily, mouthing something indistinct from his bed, looking pretty out of it.

The nurse on the ward gave them the go ahead and Emily and JJ were through the door first, Rossi and Reid close on their heels. The last time they had all seen Hotch in a hospital, Foyet had stabbed him, and as much the situation was different, and Hotch had no visible wounds, it was still disconcerting seeing him back in a hospital bed.

And surprisingly enough, Hotchner had a small smile for them, which they all returned warmly. “Derek ok?” Rossi nodded, “Getting patched up now. High as a kite.”

And then, the awkward silence returned, until JJ said brightly, “And you, the nurse said your vitals were stabilising, nothing...”

“Nothing damaged, they just want to keep me for observation,” Hotch said quietly, inserting as much reassurance into his voice as possible. And Reid was the first to voice what they were all wondering, “Do you remember what happened?”

And rather than shut down or ignore them, Hotch nodded and said, “I do, Reid. But I really need to speak to Dean first.”

Not pleased, Rossi hmmed and tried to sound as reasonable as possible, “Well... we’d actually prefer hearing your version of events without his input, Hotch.”

Aaron stared at him, and Rossi stared coolly back, with the others caught a little off balance with the sudden jolt of tension between them. Behind them, still in the doorway, Winchester slouched against the doorframe, a bur in the usual smooth workings of their team. Hotch squinted a little and said, “How about you give me the benefit of the doubt, David. I let you persuade me into ignoring my instincts last time and you owe me a little trust on this one.”

Nodding reluctantly, Rossi said, “Yeah, ok.”

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As Reid closed the door behind him, a sheepish grin on his face, Hotch lent back into the upright pillow and motioned for Dean to come closer. This he did with a single step, keeping his distance from the bed, arms folded over his chest, leg tapping a little with nerves.

“Please sit.”

Apparently exhausted enough to comply, Dean did so, but pushed the chair backwards as he did so, maintaining his distance. Gathering himself, trying to find just the right words, Aaron studied his hands as he said, “Thank you for stopping me.”

Dean nodded fractionally, slumping into the chair, like the ability to sit up straight was slowly being leeched out of him. “It felt... I felt ... not myself. I was... someone else.” Hotch looked up from his hands and continued, “I was someone very old, and very ... unusual.”


“You’re not going to make this easy, are you?” Hotch quirked an eyebrow at Winchester, who shrugged nonchalantly. “Fine. So, what, I was possessed?”

Another nod, slow and reluctant. “Koravi was a student of the Middle East and if I recall correctly, he stole a dagger reputed to have been one of the daggers used to kill Sennacherib, King of Assyria.” Dean didn’t nod this time, but the soft puff of exhalation was affirmative in tone. “And you decided to keep this to yourself?” A shrug of confirmation.

Huffing himself, Hotch said, “You get why Rossi and Reid, why I don’t trust you, then? You were keeping something back. The knife was ... the key to all of this.”

“Would you have believed me?”

Shaking his head, Aaron answered, “Probably not. But ...” He trailed off, Dean’s sceptical expression derailing him a little. Changing tact, Hotch said instead, “Before I fetched you from T&E last month, I had an interesting conversation with Agent Gibbs.”

Now Dean’s eye quirked in query, a soft smile on his lips. “I also read your FBI file, and ... I was ... waiting for you try pull the wool over my eyes, like you did Agent Gibbs.”

“Must have been some conversation.”

“I figured he was a Kinetic you had twisted around your finger, and well... your reluctance to tell me everything, the truth, only added to that suspicion.” Hotch said firmly, refusing to take all the blame for the situation and Dean smirked a little.

Rolling his eyes, Dean added, “If you read my file, you get my ... reluctance to hand you and T&E more ammunition.”

“Yes, I do. And until I felt ... and feel free to step in here correct me, I felt something crawl into me and take over, and try to kill my friend, I would have thought you were as delusional as Hendricksen maintains you are.”

Before Dean could say anything else, Hotch let a large portion of his real emotions through his tight grasp on them and he snapped, “But because you were so busy trying to cover your own back, too afraid to step up, I nearly killed my friend!”

“If you’d just trusted...”

“Trusted? Trusted! Dean, you are a convicted felon, and I could feel that you were lying to me - hell, we all are experts at picking up deception and you were lying to us! You ... I hate to say this, Dean and I don’t care how unfair it is, but you had... you needed to earn our trust first. Instead a man died because you were too afraid to speak up...”

Dean stood up, his chair clattering backwards and jabbed an angry finger at Hotchner and growled, “With damn good reason! Do you have any idea how many Empaths there are that don’t work for T&E?”


“None, Hotchner, none! Once they get their claws into you, they never let go. They are killing me and all you can do is lay there and whine that I frigging didn’t tell you about a ghost and in the same breath hand you enough ammunition to let those bastards lock me away for life. So, yeah, I’m freaking selfish - because no one else is looking out for me!”


“You want to truth, Agent Hotchner? The truth is ... you start talking about ghosts, even if you aren’t a damn Empath and people think you’re crazy. Start talking about ghosts when you’re a convicted felon, and an Empath to boot and they won’t just think you’re crazy, they help the bastards stick you a padded cell!”


Somewhat belatedly, Hotch reigned in his own emotions and in response, Winchester did too, the swirling fury of anger and hate and guilt churning around them slowly dropping into a less volatile levels and Dean dropped back into the chair, glaring at Aaron.

Pulling himself together, trying to reconcile his own emotions with those of Dean’s, aware that despite his words, Winchester did in fact feel guilty, sick in fact, that the case had almost cost another person their life. Nearly cost Hotchner his. So Aaron said as calmly as he could, “I owe you an apology for that, Dean. I ... hate needing an Empath, something you can doubt feel and I hardly made it easy for you to trust me either, I suppose.”

The ever artful shrug was the only response, and Hotch continued, “I think we could have both handled this ... case... a little better. Been less... defensive.”

“Dude, convicted felon, surrounded by federal agents. You’d be defensive too.” Dean pointed at himself and then Hotch, who nodded in agreement. “None the less... given your apparent expertise in this field... is the case now closed - the, ah, ghost dispelled?”

Dean nodded, face blank, but he said, “Positive. Dusted for real now.”

Nodding still, Aaron mused more to himself, “And how exactly do we... close our case?”

“Easy, man. Tell the Feds T&E is handling it and tell T&E you closed it. Feds will back off a T&E case, and T&E don’t give a shit about law enforcement that’s not their own.”

“Kinda risky ...”

“You want that Strauss lady finding out you were possessed by a ghost?”

“No. Fine. But what do we tell my team? Telling them this is a T&E case isn’t going to fly.”

“Tell them whatever the hell you want, man. Just make sure I’m not around when you do.”


“Why do you think?”

There was a tentative knock on the door and without waiting for an acknowledgment, Reid stuck his head in and said, “Everything ok?”

“Fine, Reid.”

“Kay ... just that there are a couple of T&E Agents here... to pick up Winchester.”

At Hotch’s glare, Reid gulped and shut the door. Feeling a little angry, perhaps unfairly, Hotch bit out, “Did you call them?”

Dean looked as shocked as his empathic field was leaking and he shook his head, “Hell no, man. I try to stay away as long as possible. Must be an emergency or ... something.”

And then, Aaron suddenly felt the impending sensation of loss at the thought of not being near Winchester. One day, not even, a morning and he was already pining for that dimly sensed connection. Picking up on his feelings, Dean smirked half heartedly and said, “Sorry. Grade A crack, that’s me.”


“Look, we ok, man? I didn’t...”

And Hotch was still angry, still had a hundred questions and wanted Dean to explain ghosts and his FBI file and well... just frigging stay put but maybe it would be best if he left now, before ...

“We’re ok. If I need...”

“Whatever, man. You need an overpriced filing clerk, I’m probably not available but definitely willing.”

“Thanks... for saving my life.”

The urge to hold out his hand, shake Dean’s hand was intense, but Hotch carefully curled his hand into a fist and nodded, as Dean muttered a ‘welcome’ before opening the door and walking away. Reid immediately stepped inside, and gasped, “Rossi’s giving them, the T&E Agents, the third degree, but their IDs look legit. You ok, letting Winchester go?”

Hotch nodded, “Yeah, we can wrap up everything without him.”

Stunned, surprised and hiding it well, Reid nodded in unison and said, “I’ll tell Rossi.”

And a few moments later, Hotch felt Dean slowly walk down the hospital corridor and then ... fade away.

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It was perhaps unfair, because Emily knew Winchester couldn’t really help it, but the tension levels in the team really dropped after he left with the blank faced T&E Agents. Rossi and Reid relaxed, no longer on their guard, JJ was getting positive feedback from the media and well, Hotch was looking - better.

But as much as his absence helped, Emily kinda wished Dean had stuck around for this conversation, which at least would mean Hotch wouldn’t be on his own, dealing with their curiosity and all the Kinetic crap.

They had all waited for Hotch to get re-settled after a nurse’s visit and then for the doctor to finish his rounds, and then Derek to wake up long enough to give them the go ahead to speak to Hotch without him. And then, it was time to ‘have that talk.’

Trying to make this less like an interrogation and more a general conversation, Rossi let Emily take the lead, nodding at her in encouragement. Reid was slouched in the chair previously occupied by Winchester, while JJ took the seat opposite. Smiling reassuringly, Emily said, “So, to get it out of the way, we are all in agreement, if you agree, Hotch. This will stay between us, whatever it is, if you want it to.”

Reid was scanning everyone’s faces, visibly nervous and Hotch nodded minutely, “The recommendation that we report that T&E is investigating the case is ... the best option. I can confirm that this is indeed over,” and he looked at Rossi as he continued, “and that is based on my information and not Dean’s.”

Rossi nodded, remaining quiet for now, letting Hotch continue. But Aaron didn’t, instead he paused, looked around at his team and actually looked embarrassed. Before anyone could say anything though, he coughed and said, “I’ve been trying to think of way to explain this to you without ... sounding crazy. Because as much as this may sound ... extraordinary, I’d like you to keep an open mind.”

Everyone nodded, JJ smiling reassuringly and taking Hotch’s hand and saying, “Sure thing, Hotch.”

There was a full beat of anticipation and then Hotch said, “I was possessed.”

And then there were several beats of stunned silence.

Feeling like she had to push her open mouth closed, Prentiss was the first to speak, or more likely squeak, “Say what?”

Both Rossi and Reid were staring at Hotch, gaze careful and considering and JJ just looked worried. Judging their reactions, Aaron smiled wanly, a brief twitch of the lips and said calmly, “I picked up the knife and felt something, someone come over me and ... push me aside.”

Emily couldn’t help herself, “Who?”

“Sennacherib, King of Assyria.”

And at that the stunned silence was back. Completely flummoxed and floored, Emily and JJ looked at Rossi and Reid, both men very silent and very serious. Hotch just stared at them calmly, whatever emotions he was feeling as deeply buried as usual.

Reid inclined his brief slightly and Rossi opened his mouth, closed it and then said, “I know you’ve read Winchester’s file, Aaron. And I know you are aware of the ... defense, rationalization he offered for some of his crimes. And while I could try and understand some weird telekinetic, empathic ... thing, ghosts and possession... don’t just cross a line, it raises serious concerns.”

Nodding slowly, Reid picked it up, “The idea that .... Telekinesis and empathy have factual and scientific basis, Hotch. Ghosts... and poss.... Ghosts remain the realm of the delusional and gullible.”

Emily quickly looked at Hotch to see if he took offense at Reid’s slight, but Aaron was nodding in agreement, and had raised a hand to forestall any more comments. “Agreed. Completely and utterly. And if anyone else, a witness or let alone a suspect had offered that as an explanation, I would be sceptical as you.”

“But?” Rossi quipped, relaxing slightly at Hotch’s admission.

“But nothing. And perhaps let me clarify, I never said it was a ghost.”

Reid, quick to interject, said, “You said it was Sennarcherib. Who... is dead.”

“I did.”

Rossi sighed, and rubbed his eyes, his weariness obvious, “Hotch, forgive me but I’m pretty tired of this vague mysterious crap. What in the hell happened? And more importantly, did Winchester tell you it was a ghost, or a possession by a long dead Biblical figure?”

“Hear me out then, David.”

Rossi shrugged, settled back against the wall, and everyone else nodded. Soothing the bed sheets, Hotch spoke directly at Rossi. “First. Consider the three murderers. Sorenson, Koravi and ...”

“Joe Buffold,” JJ supplied.

“Sorenson, Koravi, Buffold. And me.”

Emily nodded more to herself than anything and JJ looked intent. “The only thing, and on this I will stake my career, that links all of us, is an ancient dagger from the Middle East.”

Suddenly animated, Reid nodded, “Staff Sergeant Matthews was selling stolen antiquities. Koravi stole the dagger from the Jeffersonian.”

A brief nod, and Hotch continued, “Four men, different backgrounds, no signs of a psychotic break, stressors or motive. Only one link, one similarity. They came into contact or were in possession of an Assyrian dagger.”

“Ok,” Rossi nodded.

“Second. In the thirty odd years since the Dr Bishop experiments were identified, never has an Empath been able to ‘track’ a suspect from a crime scene.”

And the sceptical eyebrows from Rossi, Hotch quickly continued, “I had Garcia check. Empaths have been used to confirm testimonies, pick out overly guilty suspects, but never, ever track someone from a crime scene. Now, leaving aside your understandable concern and scepticism, Rossi, that fact remains.”

Nodding again, Rossi said, “Ok. I may view it in a different light from you, but ok.”

“Third, we are all aware that individuals suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder can believe themselves to be ... just about anyone, any personality. Fourth, it is scientifically verified that objects maintain a trace emotion that Empaths can feel, and violent, sadistic emotion would be extremely powerful and lingering.”

“Hotch...” Emily laughed, “You mean you think Winchester was projecting the personality of a ghost through a dagger in order to possess someone, continue killing people and what, frame you?”

Both Rossi and Reid stared at Emily in ... astonishment. “That’s ... not quite what I was thinking, Emily .. but plausible if we believe those assertions,” Reid stammered.

Rossi shot a worried glance at Hotch before saying, “I was thinking more along the lines of Winchester covering his ass and ingratiating himself with you.“

Prentiss and Reid shook their heads, “That’s a stretch, Rossi.”

A soft cough, a clearing of the throat and the three of them looked at Aaron who was ... angry, as only Hotch could be - tightly restrained. “Fifth, if Dean wanted to frame me, he wouldn’t have stopped me from killing Derek. That dagger was ... possessed or influenced or infected by an intense emotion.”

JJ pursed her lips and said firmly, “But what are you saying Hotch? Were you possessed or not?”

“What I am saying, asking is - that you consider that there is more to this than meets the eye. That maybe... it is not beyond the realms of reasonable belief for this to be a type of possession - considering the dagger, the high empathy levels and lingering emotional resonance.”

Rossi shook his head, “Sorry, Aaron. I can’t. All I can see is Winchester playing games, getting you to doubt yourself, manipulating you, pushing you over the edge - he may have stopped you from hurting Morgan but that doesn’t mean he didn’t create the situation in the first place. He has been connected to this case from the beginning and all it has resulted in ... is him out in the field and working with you.”

“If your profile of Dean is correct, David, that he is something of a Borderline Personality, then that hardly fits with his confidence and cocksure attitude. He has hardly been seeking our - my approval. ”

Reid coughed, “Uh,but if you buy into his delusion and sense of victimization, believe his lies, maybe you’d... help him escape.”

“And we had this conversation a month ago,” Hotch barked. But Rossi bit back, “And one more person died. Right now, I am not seeing this case as closed, Aaron, as all I have is Winchester’s word that it is and yours... and you believe you were possessed! Perhaps you should consider the possibility that Winchester has orchestrated this from the beginning, all in an effort to escape custody and confuse any situation where he might be involved in a crime.”

Emily shifted uncomfortable, the tension the room rocketing again. JJ was chewing her lip, while Reid was looking nauseous. Rossi and Hotch though, were glaring at each other.

Finally, Hotch bit out, anger lacing his voice, “Fine, Rossi then you explain why I was talking a dead language while I ripped Derek apart! And you ask Derek just how in the hell I managed to undress him, fold his damn clothes, magic a ring out of thin air and start to flail him in three seconds!”

And while Rossi glowered at Hotch, the nurse stuck her head into the room, frowned at them all and said, “That’s enough excitement. Everyone out.”

And a silent and subdued team trooped out, no easier or relieved than before.

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24 hours and several more uncomfortable and heated conversations with his team later, Aaron received an unexpected visitor. Without so much as a knock or pause, Agent Andrews stormed into Hotch’s room the next morning and came to an abrupt stop.

Prentiss was hot on his heels and she exclaimed, “Wait... I told you he was in there... what is going on, who are you?”

“T&E business, Agent Prentiss. I have urgent business with Agent Hotchner.”

At Hotch’s nod, Prentiss backed off but she did not leave. Despite himself, Aaron was curious and said coolly, “Agent Andrews?”

“I’m ... I thought... where the hell is Winchester, Hotchner?” Andrews stammered, glaring at Hotch as if he was hiding Winchester under the bed.

“What? He left... with your guys,” Emily exclaimed, looking at Hotch in amazement. That dull, unpleasant sensation of unease stirred within Hotch, and he added, “Why would you think he’d be here, Andrews?”

But Andrews was paying more attention to Emily, and he demanded, “What guys?”

“T&E Agents. They collected Winchester yesterday, said there was some sort of emergency.” Andrews visibly paled and half shouted, “Did you morons even check their IDs? Do you have any idea how valuable Empaths are?”

Affronted, Prentiss snapped back, “Of course we checked their IDs, tripled checked them even. Why would someone ... are you saying ... someone stole Winchester?”

Andrews however was already on his phone, yelling at someone on the other end, “Pull all the cctv footage from this hospital and surrounding blocks for the past 24 hours ... now, idiot!”

He whirled around and jabbed an indignant finger at Hotch, snarling, “This on you, Hotchner. You lost him!” But Andrews didn’t stick around to vent any further and stormed out of the room, yelling into his phone.

Stunned Hotch and Prentiss stared at each other until Aaron said, “Call Garcia, see what she can find. Did you ...”

“They seemed ok, Hotch. Winchester went along willingly ... you think he planned it?”

And strangely enough, Aaron found himself saying “For his sake, I hope he did.”

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To be continued in: Supply and Demand: Stolen

Authors Note:

I’m not entirely sure I succeeded with this fic.
I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve, i.e. pit the dual view of Dean against the collective intellect of the BAU team. We, as fans, know that Dean is a hero, and not a sociopath, or narcissist or Borderline Personality or whatever else a profiler might diagnose.

But... unless you have all of the facts, Dean in the cold hard light of reality is a scary individual. So I wanted to bounce off the idea that Hotch could ‘sense’ Dean’s true nature but would be suspicious because of the supposed facts.

As a result, Rossi took on the role of embodying the ‘cold hard reality’ view leaving Hotch to navigate the way to the truth. And I didn’t want there to be easy answers, a nice sit down chat with Dean spilling the beans and everyone realising how wrong they were. I wanted to leave big questions and doubts for the BAU team. That is what I wanted, but I don’t know how well I brought it across due to the short nature of the plot.

BUT I liked the idea of the brief encounter with Dean, of first impressions being challenged but not solidified or verified. Also, I decided to leave out a lot of BAU team thought processes and aftermath and save it for another time. Criminal Minds is a show with a lot of talking heads and I can write talking heads, but the required depth of actually profiling and explaining the technicalities, not so much and  I wanted to focus more on Hotch and Dean and the action.

I debated a lot with myself on this one and in the end... decided to go with my gut and hope you guys ‘got’ it as well.

And Sam. My feeling is there are only two reasons why Sam would not have already broken Dean out of T&E, namely 1) he felt it was for Dean’s own good and that he was better off and 2) he had a lying demon telling him that it was for Dean’s own good and that he was safe, fine, a-okay. The conversation with Gibbs would have raised red flags, but luckily Ruby is on hand to put out the fire. J

So once again thanks to those who read but didn’t comment/review. And even bigger thanks to those who did and for letting me know I wasn’t/was completely off base J


And then... there was the Teaser:

Extract from “Stolen:”

Wiping his nose, noting the stream of blood was slowing, Taylor looked down at Winchester. The guy was dry heaving, bent over his knees, a pile of vomit evidence of just how long he’d been heaving. He was shaking, drenched in sweat and visibly shaken. Pulling out a handkerchief, Taylor dropped to his own knees, and ran a comforting hand over the quaking shoulders and back. Unresisting, Dean let Taylor grab his head and turn his face towards him. Gently, Taylor wiped away the blood and tears, and finally the small traces of vomit left.

Looking into Dean’s eyes, Taylor felt the pull of the kinetic chain, the steady stream of empathic energy and the now much more diminished emotional leakage. Dean’s anger was gone, lost in the pain of the breach, fear and grief tainting the air. Taylor pulled him closer, pressing his forehead against Dean’s and sighed, “It didn’t have to be so hard, you know. Stop fighting it so much and let it be.”

There was no give however, no let up in the nagging sensation of Dean worrying at the connecting chain, already working at getting it out. But even with Hughes unconscious, Durrant and Taylor were strong enough to keep it in place, easily. “Just leave it alone,” Taylor whispered, urging Dean through the connection to stop, just stop.


Looking up, at the now standing Durrant, Taylor squinted a little at the increase of pain in his head. Durrant was smiling, his own teeth bloody. “My head is frigging killing me, but that... was awesome!”

Smiling himself, Taylor nodded, absently stroking Dean’s hair, and said, “Yeah, yeah it was.”

cm, fanfic, fic_spn, spn, fic_criminal_minds, crossover_fic

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