Writing Update

Nov 02, 2010 11:17

Well it’s been a great time of posting and writing and getting sweet, sweet feedback. And now I am resisting the urge to post Chapter 5 early :) Self control!

Status on various writing projects and the order in which I will be tackling them are:

1.       Sheppard H/C exchange fic - 11k written on first version. 1500 words on second version. Indecision is maybe my middle name

2.       Supply and Demand: Stolen - progress made on plot and scenes. No idea how big it’s going to be

3.       Supply and Demand: The Fourth? Name to Be Advised?: Know what I want to do, how it will all end and all that - just have no vehicle or fandom for it. Am sad. May need to dust off good OC writing skills

4.       Here Tomorrow SPN/SGA AU: Chapter the second?. Chapter the third? Debating necessity and viability

5.       SPN/FBI AU - of which I have three versions of an opening chapter and more written of the second story than the first. This one, is truly a child of labour and love.


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