Coupla awesome things

May 30, 2013 00:11

Here is the newest member of our household. He wants you to KNEEL!

Happy Mother's Day to ME!

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writing, loki

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Comments 22

enigmaticblues May 30 2013, 13:22:04 UTC
GO YOU! Congratulations!


tallulah99 May 31 2013, 18:47:35 UTC
Thank you! I'm probably a little OVERLY excited about it, truth be told:)

Local parenting magazine today - NYT bestseller day!


startraveller May 30 2013, 16:22:04 UTC
NICE! On both the action figure (which is gorgeous, btw) and getting published!

*happy dances all over the place for you*


tallulah99 May 31 2013, 18:49:38 UTC
Thanks! Isn't he BEAUTIFUL? I still cannot get over how detailed he is. I guess he had better be for how much he cost! Now if I could only save up for my very own *actual* Tom Hiddleston. COME ON, CLONING TECHNOLOGY!


dmacabre May 30 2013, 21:04:12 UTC
W00t for getting published! Although... TH comes fourth on your bucket list? Sometimes I doubt your commitment to celebrity stalking. *tsktsk*


tallulah99 May 31 2013, 18:51:55 UTC
In my defense, all the rest of them are writing related.

1. Finish writing a novel.
2. Get published.
3. Get paid for writing (technically, I've done this one too)
4. Kidnap Tom Hiddleston and make him my love monkey.

So really, he's still the number one priority that doesn't involve writing.


dmacabre May 31 2013, 23:11:26 UTC
Well, okay. I suppose we won't have to confiscate your night vision binoculars and the Rapture Van keys then. *snerk*


themsmine May 31 2013, 00:30:37 UTC
Congrats on being published! Definitely something to be proud of. :)


tallulah99 May 31 2013, 18:52:43 UTC
Thank you! I am proud. It's just a tiny article in a very local publication, but it's a start! Now to get that novel written...


slobber_neck June 1 2013, 15:26:47 UTC
Congrats on being published!!!!! :D:D:D


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