Coupla awesome things

May 30, 2013 00:11

Here is the newest member of our household. He wants you to KNEEL!

Happy Mother's Day to ME!

I love him. He is *beautiful* The detail is incredible. It's like having a tiny, stern Tom Hiddleston hanging out on your dresser (well where would YOU keep him?) He also comes with seven interchangeable hands, a couple of throwing knives, the long spear seen in the picture, the short spear, and the muzzle and manacles that he wore at the end of Avengers. Aw yiss - he comes with his own B&D gear!

Most of the rest of my Loki collection (he makes number 10. I think I'm only missing minis now) is waiting patiently in the back bedroom for me to finish re-finishing my desk so I can get my little closet office set up so that they will have a nice little shelf to live on (they will be joined by a couple of Tardis's (Tardi?), a slew of Doctor Who action figures and Jareth).

I will keep my eye out for any signs of an alliance between Jareth and Loki. Hopefully all of the Doctors will manage to keep them in line. I have several Thors that can help out too.

In other news...I AM PUBLISHED. Something I have written has been printed in an actual magazine that actual people can pick up in their actual hands and read. Item number two on my bucket list - CHECK! (my *dad* asked me if number one had anything to do with Tom Hiddleston. I told him that was ridiculous, kidnapping and making TH my love monkey was number four)*

It's just a little article in a local family magazine. It isn't going to win any awards or change anyone's life, or for that matter *interest* anyone, but I wrote it and it was approved and deemed acceptable for publication and I GOT PAID FOR IT! ($25 WOOT!)

In case you're just *dying* to read about multi-generational family living, my article is here on pages 13-14. That's right, bitches, TWO PAGES.

*Number one is to finish writing a novel, in case you're interested

writing, loki

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