
Jun 04, 2013 16:32

My Tom Hiddleston affliction continues unabated. If anything, it's worse than ever. I now have exactly 594 photos of the man in a file on my computer. Whoever does that 'delete my browser history when I die' can you also please take care of this folder for me? And by 'take care of', I mean, of course, bury me with glossy 8x10 copies and then delete the file from my harddrive. Thank you.

I used to think that I would eventually outgrow my silly celebrity crushes, but since I am now thirty*cough*cough*cough*, and I'm still as bad as I was in my teens, I'm starting to accept the fact that this isn't something I'm ever going to grow out of.

But come on, I mean COME ON.

Look at this:

And listen to this, and then tell me you don't want to climb that man LIKE A TREE. OMFG.

ETA: I note for the record that this is far from being my favorite picture of him, it's just the only one I have that really fits the growly tenor of the book excerpt he's reading here (The Red Necklace is YA, if you can believe it, based on that particular snippet). Most of his other pix are all sweet and soulful or feature giant goofy smiles.


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