New Vid: "Summer Love"--The O.C. (Seth/Ryan)

Aug 18, 2008 20:09

YAY. I can finally post this now that Vividcon's Club Vivid is over. Note to self: delayed gratification is not your favorite thing. ;)

Song: Summer Love
Artist: Justin Timberlake
Fandom: The O.C.
Pairing: Seth/Ryan
Summary: Gayest. Sailboat. Ever.
Spoiler warnings: Contains clips from seasons 1 and 4.

Summer Love, 131MB WMV file.
Summer Love, 79MB AVI (XVid) file. Click to download.

Streaming: Summer Love on YouTube.

Please do not re-distribute any of the direct links. Also, DO NOT repost my vids anywhere (YouTube, MySpace, etc.). The AVI file should play fine on Windows Media Player, but if not, you can always download the handy-dandy VLC Player. Additional note: Since I am making these vids purely for fun, I am not looking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. Thanks for understanding.

Vidder's notes: Many, many thanks to bop_radar for beta, and to wistful_fever for audiencing.

Thanks to _paxton_ for the Seth and Ryan icons.

Previous vids:
Hummingbird Pneumonia: Eureka ensemble vid
Money Maker: Psych Gus/Shawn
Sundrenched World: Clark/Lana
Objection (Tango): Clark/Lex
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home): Clark/Lex
James Bonde: Kara Zor-El character vid
Cobrastyle: Lex Luthor character vid
Baby, It's a Fact: Kyle/Declan (Kyle XY)
Short Skirt/Long Jacket: Lois Lane character vid
Faster Kill Pussycat: Chloe/Lana
This House: Clark/Lex
Chicago: Clark/Oliver, Ensemble
Life on Earth: AU Clark(Liam)/Lex, for SV Big Bang
Sexy Back: Clark/Lex, Lana-as-Third-Wheel
Don't Cha: Clark/Lex, Lex/Lana
Also, all Smallville vids can be found under this tag.

music vid

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