Back from Vividcon

Aug 19, 2008 13:07

This year's VVC was the best EVER, for a variety of reasons that I will get into when I make my actual con report. I just wanted to pop in and say "hi" to everyone, and to let you know it might take me a while to respond to friendslist posts because I feel utterly wrung out. In a good way. Of course, since I am an unrepentant attention whore, my first order of business was to post my one and only VVC premiere, my Seth/Ryan Club Vivid bon bon, but now that that's out of the way, I will turn my attention to other things. I will be commenting like a fiend, reccing like crazy, and starting on my next vid project. I'm inspired! You guys, there were soooo many good vids at the con this weekend. Keep your eyes on the vidding community: new vids are flooding in from all sides.

Oh, and fair warning: I went on a friending spree this morning; looking at the members of the vividcon community and just going click, click, click. So if you see my name pop up on your friendslist, that's why.

Ciao for now!


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