New Smallville Vid: "Faster Kill Pussycat" (Chloe/Lana)

Apr 28, 2007 08:54

To mix things up around here, I thought I'd devote a little time to the ladies...

Massive thanks to my beta, bop_radar, for inspirational squee. Also, a big shout-out to dawnybee, who introduced me to this song.

Song: Faster Kill Pussycat
Artist: Paul Oakenfold featuring Brittany Murphy
Pairing: Chloe/Lana
Summary: You turn me on. Chloe and Lana, Seasons 1 through 5.

WMV version:Faster Kill Pussycat, 46MB WMV file
AVI version: Faster Kill Pussycat, 20MB AVI file Click the links to download.

Or view on YouTube: Faster Kill Pussycat

Please do not re-distribute direct links. Also, I would think it would go without saying, but just in case--DO NOT repost my vids anywhere (YouTube, MySpace, etc.). Additional note: Since I am making these vids purely for fun, I am not looking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. Thanks for understanding.

Previous vids:
This House: Clark/Lex
Chicago: Clark/Oliver, Ensemble
Life on Earth: AU Clark(Liam)/Lex, for SV Big Bang
Last, Best Hope: Clark/Lex, for SV Big Bang
Sexy Back: Clark/Lex, Lana-as-Third-Wheel
Don't Cha: Clark/Lex, Lex/Lana
Clear the Area: Clark/Lex
Hey Mickey!: Chloe/Clark
Because the Night: Clark/Lex
Eyes: Clark/Lex
All for Believing: Clark/Lex
The Company of Men: Clark/Lex

smallville music vid

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