New Smallville vid: "Sundrenched World"--Clark/Lana

Jun 01, 2008 18:56

Song: Sundrenched World
Artist: Joshua Radin
Pairing: Clark/Lana
Summary: Tell me I belong.
Spoiler warnings: Contains clips from seasons 5-7.

Sundrenched World, 70MB AVI (XVid) file. Click to download.

Imeem is no longer letting me upload vids. Therefore, you can view this vid on YouTube here: Sundrenched WorldPlease do not re-distribute any of ( Read more... )

smallville music vid

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Comments 60

aftertherain June 2 2008, 00:52:25 UTC
Oh. Oh.

This is gorgeous! And dammit, you're getting too good at wringing my heart.

I agree with you that this vid is melancholy and meandering, but both in the best senses of these words. I enjoyed it completely: being taken along on this somewhat nostalgic journey, to see what Lana means to Clark, and how he has always been the rock-steady part of her life. An indulgent look, despite how heartbreaking it is near the end.

I loved Joshua Radin's song, and I loved how appropriate it is here, how fully you have utilized it. There's a quietness to this story you're telling, but there's such power in it.


talitha78 June 2 2008, 15:50:36 UTC
I agree with you that this vid is melancholy and meandering, but both in the best senses of these words

Ha. Well, I'm glad of that. I'm used to having a really clear narrative structure with my slash vids, so this was a bit of a departure for me.

An indulgent look, despite how heartbreaking it is near the end.

I felt very self-indulgent making this vid. I wallowed in the pretty.

I loved Joshua Radin's song, and I loved how appropriate it is here, how fully you have utilized it. There's a quietness to this story you're telling, but there's such power in it.

Isn't it a lovely song? I couldn't imagine another song supporting the story I wanted to tell here.

Thank you so much for your comments!!


frelling_tralk June 2 2008, 01:40:02 UTC
Aww, that was really beautiful!


talitha78 June 2 2008, 15:51:01 UTC
Thank you, N!


tariel22 June 2 2008, 02:02:00 UTC
Well, just as you never dreamed of making a Clana vid, I never dreamed of responding to one, but I should have known better. This vid touched my heart, in a place I thought was long dead ( ... )


talitha78 June 2 2008, 15:59:32 UTC
It kind of blows me away that this vid makes me consider another possibility.

Wow. Well, that kind of blows me away. Cool.

And in order to embrace his destiny, he has to also let go of everything Lana represents. That normal life he craves can never be his.

Yes! That's exactly the way I see it. That's the tragedy.

I can't believe you broke my heart over Clana! God, you're good.

Ahhhhh, you make my heart sing! :)

To me your ending shows exactly where Clark will be if he can't say goodbye to Lana: frozen, powerless, and unable to help a world that needs him beyond measure.

I love this interpretation.

And Tom has never looked more gorgeous than he did in Labyrinth.

I was so happy to finally get to work with those clips. He looked unearthly in that muted blue lighting. So beautiful and so lost.

Obviously it spoke to me, because I just wrote a book about it!

And I love you for it. THANK YOU!!!


tasabian June 2 2008, 02:03:05 UTC
Clana works best for me when I don't have to hear the dialogue and can focus on the pretty people and your incredible edits! Perfect song choice, as always, and you really caught the constant pendulum swing of this relationship: they're in love - but they can't talk to each other; they're running towards each other, now hurtling away. I loved the way you used the contrast between the happy sunlit scenes and the darker shadowy settings - and the way you used their hands, reaching out & then pulling back.

So thanks for getting me to think about a pairing that I rarely consider: Another fabulous addition to your pantheon!

(And.....*cough* have you ever thought about a Lex & Lionel vid? You know, if the muse should ever lead you that way....)


talitha78 June 2 2008, 16:07:45 UTC
Clana works best for me when I don't have to hear the dialogue and can focus on the pretty people


Perfect song choice, as always, and you really caught the constant pendulum swing of this relationship: they're in love - but they can't talk to each other; they're running towards each other, now hurtling away.

Yes, there is a lot of back-and-forthing going on in this vid. I felt a bit embarrassed by it, so that's why I described it as meandering. But now I see that it worked for people, so that makes me happy.

the way you used their hands, reaching out & then pulling back

Yeah, hands were a big deal here. I think it's because I could not get over that horrifying image of Lana's burned hands in 7.15, and I wanted to point out what a violation that really was. Lana's hands are beautiful and are greatly loved by Clark (she's always tenderly touching his face, and you can see how much he adores that).

So thanks for getting me to think about a pairing that I rarely consider

Awesome. That is such a compliment. Thank you!!!

have ( ... )


mahaliem June 2 2008, 02:07:11 UTC
You did such a terrific job. This is incredibly lovely and heartbreaking.


talitha78 June 2 2008, 16:09:48 UTC
Thank you so much. The response has been surprisingly wonderful; I wasn't sure if people would be willing to follow me into Clark/Lana territory. :)


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