New Smallville vid: "Sundrenched World"--Clark/Lana

Jun 01, 2008 18:56

Song: Sundrenched World
Artist: Joshua Radin
Pairing: Clark/Lana
Summary: Tell me I belong.
Spoiler warnings: Contains clips from seasons 5-7.

Sundrenched World, 70MB AVI (XVid) file. Click to download.

Imeem is no longer letting me upload vids. Therefore, you can view this vid on YouTube here: Sundrenched WorldPlease do not re-distribute any of ( Read more... )

smallville music vid

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tariel22 June 2 2008, 02:02:00 UTC
Well, just as you never dreamed of making a Clana vid, I never dreamed of responding to one, but I should have known better. This vid touched my heart, in a place I thought was long dead.

Way back in S1/S2, I totally shipped Clana. Lana annoyed me sometimes, but Clark loved her, and I wanted Clark to be happy. And I thought a lot of their scenes were hot. Over the years I grew to detest the Clana, for what it seemed to do to the hero inside Clark, the hero who could never quite emerge. And invariably I saw Lana as the villain, because after all, Clark's my boy. It kind of blows me away that this vid makes me consider another possibility.

You make me see Clark and Lana as a couple who are tragic, rather than just monumentally effed up. Clark has had so few moments of true happiness on Smallville, and many of them have been with Lana. She's the only woman he's ever loved, the only woman who has known him intimately, and her love and acceptance have always been at the heart of Clark's struggle to have a normal existence as an alien on Earth. He hopes to be a hero in her eyes first, and the world's second, but in reality he can never truly be a hero until he lets her go. And in order to embrace his destiny, he has to also let go of everything Lana represents. That normal life he craves can never be his. *sniffles*

You show us so much in this brief vid. The blissful moments Clark and Lana have shared in each other's arms. The carefree fun they had when Clark had no superpowers. The depth of their love for one another. The heat of their passion. And then you show us the pain. The way Clark's choices for Lana's sake always seem to end in tragedy. The way being in Clark's life seems to put Lana in harm's way. The way they can never seem to be honest with one another. The way they can never seem to forge a lasting, happy relationship. And nothing brings that home better than the scenes from S7, when Clark and Lana played house, but everything between them was brittle, and uneasy, and wrong. I can't believe you broke my heart over Clana! God, you're good.

Clark and Lana certainly aren't the first couple to get stuck in a dysfunctional relationship, failing to see why it will never work, and clinging to a lost dream of what they never really were, but their inability to let go of one another holds a dire consequence for the world, because it holds Clark back, just as Lana said. To me your ending shows exactly where Clark will be if he can't say goodbye to Lana: frozen, powerless, and unable to help a world that needs him beyond measure.

Finally, let me just say that TW and KK are two of the most beautiful people in the world. Unbelievable pretty in this one! And Tom has never looked more gorgeous than he did in Labyrinth. Guh. Awesome vid, truly. Obviously it spoke to me, because I just wrote a book about it! *facepalm* Thank you for another masterpiece!


talitha78 June 2 2008, 15:59:32 UTC
It kind of blows me away that this vid makes me consider another possibility.

Wow. Well, that kind of blows me away. Cool.

And in order to embrace his destiny, he has to also let go of everything Lana represents. That normal life he craves can never be his.

Yes! That's exactly the way I see it. That's the tragedy.

I can't believe you broke my heart over Clana! God, you're good.

Ahhhhh, you make my heart sing! :)

To me your ending shows exactly where Clark will be if he can't say goodbye to Lana: frozen, powerless, and unable to help a world that needs him beyond measure.

I love this interpretation.

And Tom has never looked more gorgeous than he did in Labyrinth.

I was so happy to finally get to work with those clips. He looked unearthly in that muted blue lighting. So beautiful and so lost.

Obviously it spoke to me, because I just wrote a book about it!

And I love you for it. THANK YOU!!!


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