Help me choose a Shousetsu Bang*Bang story! (First Poll ^_^)

Mar 15, 2012 20:31

Starting with " Hooray for Hollywood," bb_shousetsu's most recent issue, the comm has begun releasing its issues in ebook format as well as online! ^__^

As they cannot release previous issues without consent of all authors and illustrators involved (a giant headache, let me tell you), the SSBB mods have opted to make a compilation anthology ebook, for which authors with stories in past issues (2005-2011) can volunteer one of said stories for inclusion.

I really want to take part, but am waffling between [two of] the five stories I've written for Shousetsu Bang*Bang. Since I've never made a poll before, and I wanted to ask for back-up opinions to soothe my indecisive mind, I decided to do both at once.

Help me?

Poll SSBB Compilation Issue Story (ie. help this indecisive author choose)

You can find all of the above stories archived on my web site and on s2b2 under the newtypeshadow tag.

Thanks for reading and voting! ♥

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