Vancon 2011, part 1/?

Oct 25, 2011 01:28

WOW this post is overdue. And it may take me years to finish. So who knows. But I can't sleep so I might as well start now.

As most of you know, I finally made it to Vancouver this year. blacklid and I are August birthday bookends, so we split the difference and treated ourselves to 8 days in paradise without the hubbies, lol. Mostly this will all be pictures of our shenanigans around the city and will barely cover the convention, since the convention was so thoroughly covered by fandom, but there will be a few stories about it when we get there. :)

Day 1, Wednesday

First off, I have to chronicle for posterity that if it were not for a really really REALLY good friend calling me at 1 am to remind me that my flight was ON Wednesday, I would have missed my plane. I had it in my head that it was on Thursday for some reason, which ... was not right. So, here's to you, RL friend that saved my ass. *toast*

Blacklid and I met up in Phoenix, AZ, where we watched the Phoenix Sun rise over the tarmac. I think we landed in Van around 2 or so Van time. We rented a condo for the week, and our first stop was to get the keys and drop off our stuff.

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This is part of our condo. It was rather awesome, totally perfect for us, and had a shower in the kitchen, which - I mean come on, who doesn't want their shower to be IN their kitchen!? I know MY life will never be the same.

Hee. We took lots of ducks. I think we took this pic a few days later, but whatever. I have like 300 pics to post, sue me. Here are all our ducks in a row. Never let it be said we can't get all our ducks in a row.

We eventually conducted an experiment to make sure they were all sea-worthy.

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They were.

This is the pool 1 street over from our condo - I stared at it all week and I am still convinced SPN has filmed there. I think maybe for Faith, or for  exteriors for playthings, Idk. It just looked really, really familiar.

The view from our balcony was not shabby a'tall. We sat out there a lot, actually. We like balconies. We took our first backwards 'YAY WE ARE IN VANCOUVER' picture on the balcony.

As luck would have it, they were pressure washing our building all week so we got to watch a lot of Canadian window washers do some scary looking rope climbing over all of these buildings.

Balcony view at night.

Our FIRST stop was this amazing little bar right under our building, Red Card, for the world's best pizza and pleasant conversation with Duncan, the world's hottest Irish bartender dude.
Seriously, he looked like Jim Craig.

But then we went down to the observatory to get the lay of the land, so to speak. We watched the sun go down from waaaaay up high over all of the skyscrapers. It was gorgeous. I was probably already in love by then, but if I hadn't been I wouldn't have lasted much longer than that before falling pretty hard.  I may mention about a zillion times over the course of this report that I want to move there. Badly.

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My day 2 report will demonstrate how familiar we became with Stanley Park, shown here. It's not nearly as close of a walk as it looks, lol.

But totally worth it.

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Another familiar sighting - the church used in 409, I know what you did last summer.

After sunset, we walked down through Gastown and had a great dinner and drinks at the Black Frog. No matter where you pick to eat in Vancouver, everything has an atmosphere to it. It's addicting. It makes you never want to see another Taco Bell as long as you live. :P

We did a little shopping, too - I bought blacklid a jade moose charm for her necklace, lol. We both admired this eagle, supposedly all carved out of one single piece.

We passed the church once on the way home, but we never did make it back there to see the inside. We figure that just means we need to go up again. :)

Day 2 - coming soon(ish?)

is this real life?, cons: vancon, picspam

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