Vancon 2011, part 1/?

Oct 25, 2011 01:28

WOW this post is overdue. And it may take me years to finish. So who knows. But I can't sleep so I might as well start now.

Day 1 )

is this real life?, cons: vancon, picspam

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Comments 24

galwithglasses October 25 2011, 05:58:13 UTC
The picture of the city at night is pretty cool. I know next to nothing about the actual city. It's in a lovely setting and is much bigger with way taller buildings than I imagined. The condo kitchen...we all should get to have one of those.


tahirire October 25 2011, 16:18:58 UTC
It is a vast, VAST sprawling skyscraper maze. However, all around is so much nature. It's the perfect combo, IMO. I loved it.

Everyone needs a shower in their kitchen!!


elsewhere91 October 25 2011, 12:43:24 UTC
Oh wow, Vancouver looks amazing and gorgeous, i would love to go there one day. And lol at the shower in the kitchen. I would so geek out if i saw one of the actual places where they filmed an episode of Supernatural like that church - wow. It looks like you had a really great time. Thanks for sharing.


tahirire October 25 2011, 16:17:48 UTC
Lol yes, the kitchen shower was interesting. We'll be posting a lot more cathedral pictures - they are just so beautiful, we don't have many buildings like that down here in Florida.

Icon twins!!


alwaysenduphere October 25 2011, 12:58:34 UTC
Holy views, batman. Living up that high would probably terrify me on a daily basis.


tahirire October 25 2011, 16:16:14 UTC
Lol, well they all have first floors, too!


metallidean_grl October 25 2011, 13:52:19 UTC
These are great pictures. This is a beautiful city. Nice views from your condo. Thanks for sharing.


tahirire October 25 2011, 16:15:57 UTC
Sooo beautiful. <3


ficwriter1966 October 25 2011, 16:09:59 UTC
Great pictures! That condo looks veeeeery nice. And it's great to see a picture of YOU - now I know who I'm corresponding with!

Looking forward to the rest of your report. :)


tahirire October 25 2011, 16:15:37 UTC
Lol, thanks! You can always just hit my photoshoot tag, there are HUNDREDS of pictures of me on here. :P


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