POLL! \o/

May 11, 2011 22:13

I have a srs bsns question for my flist. Just because I'm curious. Please take le poll. dark chuckle

Poll Viewing vs Fandom Involvement No really, answer the poll. I want to know how old I am around here. Lately I feel Of The Ancient Times.

PS - If you had to stop and think 'what show', you don't have to take the poll. ;)

flistofawesome, epic show pwns everything, poll

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Comments 74

ratherastory May 12 2011, 02:19:23 UTC
Yeah, still pretty new to fandom. Didn't know Show existed until late 2009, mainlined seasons 1-4 in about three weeks, joined fandom just in time for the Season 5 Christmas hiatus. This is my first fandom, too, for that matter. I didn't used to write fanfic or do any fandom-related stuff before this.

Damn you, fandom, I used to be normal!


tahirire May 12 2011, 02:24:07 UTC
Lol, that's a tag of yours if I'm not mistaken. :)

My first fandom also. We sure know how to pick 'em. *facepalm*


ratherastory May 12 2011, 02:25:27 UTC
Yes, yes it is. I stole it from someone else, I forget who, whose original tag was: "Damn you, Misha, I used to be normal!" I liked it, so I kept it.

Oh, fandom, what you do to me!


tahirire May 12 2011, 02:26:25 UTC
LOL! Maychorian, perhaps.


de_nugis May 12 2011, 02:21:16 UTC
I'm assuming that by "start watching show" you mean start watching live. I watched the earlier seasons in order over a year or so, but the first episode I saw live was 5.11. I was lurking in fandom through the latter half of season five, but I didn't write my first fic till early May, when we were almost up to the finale already.


tahirire May 12 2011, 02:25:15 UTC
Yes, watching live. I have introduced tons of people to show by letting them mainline my DVDs - I have s1 out on loan as we speak. :)


ratherastory May 12 2011, 02:26:20 UTC
Hah, me too. In fact, last year I made it my personal mission to convert my office, and now fully half of them AND their spouses watch Show because of me. \o/


tahirire May 12 2011, 02:35:10 UTC
ME TOO! *highfive*

We practically close early on Fridays now. :)


brigid_tanner May 12 2011, 02:26:18 UTC
My history is sorta confused. I didn't get the channel it was on, and picked up the 1st season DVD's cause Callum Keith Rennie was guesting in an episode. Then I was hooked. Found a place to watch the second season, and started hunting for fandom then. I was hesitant to get involved with fandom due to some things that had happened in another on-line fandom. But I'm glad I did seek out SPN on-line, cause I've made some great friends ;)


tahirire May 12 2011, 02:28:30 UTC
I had never even HEARD the word fandom. I went to my first con and THEN joined. Backwards? Yes. Lol.


thenetwork May 12 2011, 02:27:42 UTC
What show? :P


tahirire May 12 2011, 02:28:48 UTC


katiestitch May 12 2011, 02:50:14 UTC
Define "actively enter." Do you mean 1) browsing internet forums, reading fic (and mentally writing it, without writing it down) and leaving anonymous comments, or 2) actually getting an LJ account and establishing an online identity?


tahirire May 12 2011, 02:56:00 UTC
Well, I wasn't thinking that technical, but I'd say if you are reading and commenting on fic, that means active to me. :)


katiestitch May 12 2011, 03:22:21 UTC
Then season 2. I watched the first half of 2 and got hooked, then watched the first season during the winter hiatus and have been watching live ever since.


gaelicspirit May 13 2011, 02:04:03 UTC
(totally unrelated to subject of post)

OMG, I love your icon. I adore Hyperbole and a Half.


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