POLL! \o/

May 11, 2011 22:13

I have a srs bsns question for my flist. Just because I'm curious. Please take le poll. dark chuckle

Poll Viewing vs Fandom Involvement No really, answer the poll. I want to know how old I am around here. Lately I feel Of The Ancient Times.

PS - If you had to stop and think 'what show', you don't have to take the poll. ;)

flistofawesome, epic show pwns everything, poll

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Comments 74

dharkapparition May 12 2011, 03:02:05 UTC
I had briefly entertained the idea of watching when it first started, but something was going on in RL (can't remember what) and I gave it a pass. Until towards the end of S1 and I got pulled in through a fanfic (duh). It was a crossover (again - duh) and so well written that I had to see if the show was as good as the fic. I actually watched S1 & 2 on Youtube. Fanfic pulled me into the HP fandom too.

Fanfic, gotta love the doors it opens up.


tahirire May 12 2011, 03:04:43 UTC
Lol, some fanfic makes me want to SHUT THE DOOR, SHUT THE DOOR!!! ;)


dharkapparition May 12 2011, 03:12:43 UTC
Totally with you there! Have definitely needed brain bleach more times than I care to remember.

But then you find some that make you think and then decide to give something new a try.


tahirire May 12 2011, 03:24:40 UTC
Very true. I watched the show first (for 3 years), and then my first online involvement was with DO NOT CANCEL MY SHOW, BITCHES! type polls and petitions. Then I accidentally ended up at a con. Then it was all over. But before I started talking to other people on lj, I DID start reading fic first. I think fic is always the first thing you see.


feliciakw May 12 2011, 03:34:45 UTC
I can't take this poll. The first question must be ticky boxes in order for me to take the poll.

I started watching the show with the pilot ep . . . on DVD (October 2007). I started watching live with AVSC. (Yes, I did devour S1, S2, and what was on iTunes of S3 at that time, in about 1 month.)

So my answer needs to be multiple choice, or the question needs to be more refined.

Yes, it is my job to make things difficult.


tahirire May 12 2011, 03:38:00 UTC
For the sake of this poll, you started watching the show during whichever season was airing live at the time you started watching the show - unless it took you more than a month to watch all the dvds and catch up to live, in which case you have more willpower than a thousand cape buffalo have horns. Lol.

As for fandom involvement, if you were a lurker reading fanfic, you were involved.

My only other poll question was going to be 'is the new lj header thing annoying the living crap out of you?' with an utterly ironic single ticky answer option which simply said, 'yes'.


malevolent73 May 12 2011, 03:58:41 UTC
I posted my first fanvid on May 25th, 2006. But I was reading boatlods of fic for months before that. And was super active on TWoP before the fic! LOL That was where I learned of the mythical land of LJ in the first place.


tahirire May 12 2011, 04:02:06 UTC
I got my lj just so I could comment on PWT episodes. How I FOUND the PWT episodes without knowing lj existed, I have no idea. But there you are.


mimblexwimble May 12 2011, 03:59:00 UTC
I joined fandom during the season two hiatus. So I guess I'm ... the middle child?

I started watching from season one when it first aired where I was living at the time, which was around the beginning of season two in the US. And the first time I watched live - as in, US-time live - was season three.


tahirire May 12 2011, 04:00:58 UTC
Ah, international watching schedules make it tricky. I'd say you started in s2 then, for the sake of keeping the guideline the same for everyone, lol.


i_speak_tongue May 12 2011, 04:40:16 UTC
Well, I'm pretty sure I started posting fic as soon as I finished mainlining season 1 (I'd written some Buffy fanfic previously, and read lj's buffy newsletter once in a blue moon, which led me to spn newsletter, which had me signing up for an account faster than you can say Jack Robinson). Yeah. That was in the fall of '06. The first episode I watched live was Crossroad Blues. With my old roommate. Guh. That hooked her too! Is it any wonder I'm a Deangirl?

So, yeah. I kinda feel old too!


tahirire May 12 2011, 04:41:41 UTC
This poll has been interesting. Turns out I'm not as old as I thought, lol.


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